Saturday five, #2.

Five books, five links to my own stuff, and five links to others’ articles.

I’ve read eight books since my last post on any of them, so I’m going to take a shortcut and catch up by highlighting the five most interesting. Now that spring training is ending, I hope to get back to regular dishblogging soon.

* Charles Seife’s Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea is the one non-fiction book in this bunch, a history-of-math tome that incorporates a fair amount of philosophy, physics, and religion all in a book that’s under 200 pages and incredibly readable for anyone who’s at least taken high school math. The subject is the number zero, long scorned by philosophers, theologians, and even some mathematicians who resisted the idea of nothing or the void, yet which turned out to be critical in a long list of major scientific advances, including calculus and quantum mechanics. I generally prefer narrative non-fiction, but Zero moves as easily as a math-oriented book can get without that central thread.

* Dashiell Hammett’s Nightmare Town is one of three major Hammett short-story collections in print (along with The Continental Op and the uneven The Big Knockover), and my favorite for its range of subjects and characters without feeling as pulpy as some of his most commercial stories. The twenty stories are all detective stories of one sort or another starring several different Hammett detectives, including early iterations of Sam Spade and the character who eventually became the Thin Man, as well as a western crime story that might be my favorite short piece by Hammett, “The Man Who Killed Dan Odams.”

* Readers have recommended Tim O’Brien’s short story cycle The Things They Carried for several years, usually any time I mention reading another book that deals with the Vietnam War and/or its aftermath. The book, a set of interconnected stories that feels like an novel despite the lack of a central plot, is based heavily on O’Brien’s own experiences in that conflict, especially around death – of platoon mates, of Viet Cong soldiers, of Vietnamese civilians, and of a childhood crush of O’Brien’s who died at age 9 of a brain tumor. The writing is remarkable, more than the stories themselves, which seemed to cover familiar ground in the genre, as well as O’Brien’s ability to weave all of these disconnected stories into one tapestry around that central theme of death and the pointlessness of war. The final story, where he ties much of it together by revisiting one of the first deaths he discussed in the book, is incredibly affecting on two levels as a result of everything that’s come before.

* I’m a big Haruki Murakami fan – and no, I haven’t read 1Q84 yet and won’t until it’s in paperback – but Dance, Dance, Dance was mostly a disappointment despite some superficial entertainment value, enough to at least make it a quick read if not an especially deep one. A sequel of sorts to A Wild Sheep Chase, it attempts to be more expansive than that earlier novel but still feels like unformed Murakami, another look at him as he built up to The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, a top-ten novel for me that hit on every level. Dance is just too introspective, without enough of Murakami’s sort of magical realism (and little foundation for what magical realism it does contain) and no connection between the reader and the main character.

* I loved Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence, a funny, biting satire on upper-class life in the United States just after World War I, so I looked forward to House of Mirth, present on the Modern Library and Bloomsbury 100 lists, expecting more of that sharp wit but receiving, instead, a dry, depressing look at the limitations of life for women in those same social circles prior to the war. It’s a tragedy with an ironic title that follows Lily Bart through her fall from social grace, thanks mostly to the spiteful actions of other women in their closed New York society; it’s a protest novel, and one of the earliest feminist novels I’ve read (preceded, and perhaps inspired, by Kate Chopin’s The Awakening), but I found myself feeling more pity than empathy for Lily as a victim of circumstances, not of her own missteps.

Next up: I’m reading Martin Booth’s A Very Private Gentleman (filmed as The American) and listening to Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine: How Creativity Works. The Booth book is on sale through that link for $5.60.

Five things I wrote or said this week:

On Jeff Samardzija’s revival.

This week’s chat.

One batch of spring training minor league notes, including the Angels, A’s, Rangers, and Royals.

Tuesday’s “top 10 players for 2017” column, which I emphasized was just for fun and still got people far too riled up. There’s no rational way to predict who the top ten players will be in five years and I won’t pretend I got them right. But it was fun to do.

I interviewed Top Chef winner and sports nut Richard Blais on the Tuesday Baseball Today podcast, in which he talked about what it was like to “choke” (his word) in the finals on his first season and then face the same situation in his second go-round. We also talked about why I should break my ten-year boycott of hot dogs.

And the links…

* The best patent rejection ever, featuring Borat’s, er, swimsuit.

* A spotlight on Massachusetts’ outdated liquor laws. For a state that likes to pretend it’s all progressive, Massachusetts is about thirty years behind the times when it comes to alcohol, to say nothing of how the state’s wholesalers control the trade as tightly as the state liquor board does in Pennsylvania. The bill this editorial discusses would be a small start in breaking apart their oligopoly, but perhaps enough to start to crumble that wall.

* I admit it, I’m linking to Bleacher Report, but Dan Levy’s commentary on how Twitter has affected what a “scoop” means, especially to those of us in the business, is a must read. And there’s no slidshow involved.

* The Glendale mayor who drove the city into a nine-figure debt hole by spending government money to build facilities for private businesses – including the soon-to-be-ex-Phoenix Coyotes – won’t run for a sixth term, yet she’s receiving more accolades than criticism on the way out. Put it this way: Given its schools, safety, and public finances, we never considered Glendale for a second when looking to move out here.

* The “pink slime” controversy has led the manufacturer to suspend production at three of its four plants. That makes for a good headline, but are job losses really relevant to what should be a discussion of whether this is something people, especially schoolchildren, should be consuming? And now the controversy is moving on to carmine dye, derived from an acid extracted from cochineal beetles and used in Starbucks frappuccinos. If nothing else, I applaud the new emphasis on knowing exactly what we’re eating.

Saturday five.

Sorry I’ve been somewhat absent from here – spring training is among my worst times of the year for getting time for non-work writing.

I don’t know if this will become a regular blog feature, but I’ve been saving up a bunch of random links and recommendations and finally had an hour (thanks to an early wakeup call from the child today) to sit and work them up: five mostly-new alternative songs I’ve got in heavy rotation on the iPod and five links to articles/posts I enjoyed.

Civil Twilight – “Fire Escape.” (amazon/iTunesicon) After Of Monsters and Men’s “Little Talks,” this is my favorite new song of the year – I hear a little early U2 in the song, especially the vocals, but the slightly offbeat guitar riff is the part that drew me back after the first listen.

Bombay Bicycle Club – “Shuffle.” (amazon/iTunesicon) Second choice for second-favorite new song. That off-kilter piano sample and the spacey production of the vocals both reminded me of Beta Band, but this song is much bouncier than any Beta Band track I’ve heard.

School of Seven Bells – “The Night.” (amazon/iTunes) Sleigh Bells gets all the love right now – I thought the industrial thing was kind of played out twenty years ago – but I prefer these Bells, or at least this song, an ethereal electronic track that sounded like an updated Flock of Seagulls with a female vocalist lamenting a broken heart.

Lonely Forest – “Turn Off This Song and Go Outside.” (amazon/iTunesicon) Immediate reaction was negative – it’s just too emo for me – but then I found myself singing it the next day and caved in and bought it. Think of a slowed-down Jimmy Eat World that still just wants you to know they’re singing their hearts out. The chorus is still gimmicky, though. Originally released in 2010 on an EP.

Grouplove – “Tongue Tied.” (amazon/iTunesicon) Prediction: I’m going to hate this song in about six weeks. I’d call this LCD Soundsystem meets Erasure as sung by your obnoxious friends who sound like they’re never going to grow up.

And a few links:
Penny Arcade interview with Days of Wonder’s CEO, talking about how the iPad Ticket to Ride app boosted sales of the physical game. Recommended by reader Patrick T.

Jonah Lehrer on how anyone can be creative, from his just-released book Imagine: How Creativity Works.

NY Times article on hyperpolyglots, including how they use the Internet to find and help each other learn more and learn faster. The main subject is extremely impressive, but I’m not sure from the article whether he’s getting to fluency or just learning basic conversation.

Otters who look like Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as Hedgehogs who look like Martin Freeman.

Will Leitch’s piece on Bryce Harper, in which he points out that baseball needs some stars with personality, which Harper has in spades – and I agree. The “bad makeup” tag on him was always nonsense, and besides, it ain’t braggin’ if you can back it up.

Saturday linkcopia.

My wife has been designing jewelry for a few years, just making gifts for friends and family, but she’s decided to branch out and sell some of her work online. You can see her earrings and necklaces on Etsy under Candyluminous Designs. They make great Christmas gifts for the ladies in your life.

It was a busy week in Dallas – I have a food post coming, because I really ate well – so here’s all the content I generated, linked in one place. First, reaction pieces:

This week’s chat, including my thoughts on the Ian Stewart/Tyler Colvin trade.


Other stuff:

Media & links.

I’ll be on XM Radio channel 144 with Bill Pidto and Bruce Murray on Tuesday at 9:25 am EDT, and will appear via phone on First Take at either 10:50 am or 11:25 am EDT, time TBD. I’ll also be on with longtime friend Jeff Erickson’s Fantasy Focus Internet radio show, although we won’t do straight fantasy content. If you remember Jeff’s radio show on XM, this is the same show, but he moved it online after the Sirius-XM merger.

My most recent post on my main blog now has BP video of Buster Posey. There’s also video up of Tim Wheeler and Drew Storen in my most recent draft blog entry. I should have more draft notes and videos later this week.

Jason Whitlock had some strong (and dead-on) words about Selena Roberts and accuracy. Shysterball had similar words last week. I’ve pointed this out previously, but Roberts has gone after A-Rod at odd times before, like writing her 2007 World Series post mortem about him, even though he hadn’t played in that or the previous series. Squawking Baseball takes aim at Roberts’ implication that A-Rod couldn’t have tripled his bench-press ability without the use of PEDs.

Is Twitter the CB radio of Web 2.0? (HT to Shysterball.) I kind of hope not, now that I crossed the 1000-followers mark.

JoePo is obsessed with cycles. I couldn’t agree less; I think cycles are boring – statistical oddities that hold no interest for me. One reason is that a player who goes 1b-2b-3b-hr has hit for the cycle and goes on that list that some guy keeps that gets trotted out the next time some Joey Bagodonuts goes 1b-2b-3b-hr, but some other player who goes 2b-2b-hr-hr had a better day and doesn’t make any list, unless there’s some other guy keeping some other list that he really doesn’t get to trot out that often because no one gives a crap about guys who went 2b-2b-hr-hr.

This clip cracks me up: auto-tuning the news. (HT to mental_floss from their post earlier this week auto-tuning.) I’m not sure which I like best – the facial expressions on the guy “talking” to Katie Couric, the angry gorilla, or the ever-present tambourine.

I’d rather watch PFPs than go to the ER.

UPDATE #2: I’ll be on the Herd today at 1:40 pm EDT.

I’m mostly recovered from what was probably just a nasty stomach virus – the PA I saw in the ER yesterday couldn’t explain why my lower back would hurt like this, but I’ll give her a pass because she was cute – but I can, in fact, confirm that I’d rather watch pitchers take fielding practice than spend three hours in an ER. And I hate watching PFPs.

This list of Blackberry shortcuts was gold for me. For some reason, my blackberry jumps to the bottom of the list of messages from time to time and I didn’t know how to get it to the top (newest messages) of the list.

Klaw links: Audio clips of me with Ryen Russillo debating the top ten starters in the game, on AllNight, and on Chicago baseball tonight on ESPN 1000. My blog entry on Zack Wheeler is up, with video up later today. UPDATE: One more, from Tuesday, on the radio version of Baseball Tonight.

March Maidens.

I don’t follow college basketball at all, and even March Madness holds only a faint interest for me, since I’m usually wrapped up in spring training at that point. I do pay attention to one aspect of the tournament though: I pull for the maidens – that is, the teams that have never won the championship before. (In horse racing, a maiden is a horse that has never won a race.) We came close to having a maiden team win last year with Memphis, but they let me down.

Unfortunately, this is looking like a really lousy year for maidens. Memphis has just been knocked off by Missouri, and while Missouri is an even bigger maiden than Memphis (the Mizzou Tigers have never reached the Final Four, and this is just their third Elite Eight appearance), Memphis was Ken Pomeroy’s top-ranked team, so in theory, they had a better shot to topple one or more #1 seeds.

Pitt is the only maiden among the #1 seeds, but of course, they barely got by Xavier, which doesn’t inspire any confidence in me that they’re going to beat this relentless ‘Nova team.

Today was actually the better day of the two Sweet 16 days for maiden teams, as Friday’s four games feature just two maidens: Oklahoma (two title game appearances: a 1988 loss to Kansas and a 1947 loss to WHO THE HELL LOSES TO HOLY CROSS IN ANYTHING? back when the court was 12 feet long and they used peach baskets instead of nets) and Gonzaga (never reached the Final Four). Gonzaga faces UNC, who seem to be the consensus “expert” pick to win the whole shebang.

College basketball might be the most likely endeavor among major team sports where you could very easily see a maiden winner every two or three years. In MLB, we get long droughts, but there are only eight franchises that have never won, two of which are less than twenty years old. (It’s nine if you don’t count the New York Giants’ titles for San Francisco). The NFL and NBA have more maidens, but more than half the franchises in each league have won, and it’s hard to get all worked up about Oklahoma City’s title drought of one year even if we don’t give them Seattle’s win in 1978-79. In college basketball, not only do we have a huge number of schools that have never won – only 34 of 347 schools who play D1 basketball have won it – but it takes neither a long time nor a large number of great players to make a team competitive. Unfortunately, we’re on track for our third straight year without a maiden winner after a great run of five in ten years (Arizona, Connecticut, Maryland, Syracuse, and Florida).

* Speaking of the NCAA, Dayn Perry has a great post on Spolitical about the exploitation of college athletes, specifically those in “revenue sports,” which for most schools means football and basketball. That said, issues like revocable scholarships crop up in baseball as well. You’re a freshman pitcher. Coach works you so hard that by year-end you can’t comb your hair and have to visit Dr. Andrews. You’re out for a year or more and odds are your velocity isn’t coming back. You lose your scholarship. Coach loses … nothing. Yeah, that seems fair. If scholarships were guaranteed for three years, wouldn’t coaches have an incentive to handle players (particularly pitchers) better in at least their first two years at the school?

* So my alma mater has a couple of researchers trotting out the new vegetarian mantra that eating beef boosts global warming. Here’s the part that confuses me: If raising cows means more greenhouse gas emissions, can’t we slow global warming by killing all cows? That seems to be the obvious conclusion here.

* Handshake deals are illegal under MLB rules, folks. The Nats should tell Young’s agent to shove it. An oral agreement is only worth as much as the paper it’s written on.


The Strasburg report is up, with video. So is a report on prep LHP Tyler Matzek, who is one of the top two high school arms in the draft.

One question I’ve heard and seen is what a six-year deal would mean for Strasburg’s free agency. The answer is … nothing. If he signs on Draft Day, passes a physical the next day, and starts for Washington on the following Monday, the six-year deal will run out after the 2014 season, at which point he will have roughly 5 years and 120 days of service and thus be ineligible for free agency. He would, however, be eligible for arbitration, with the salary from the sixth year of the contract serving as his “base” in the hearing.

I also did a Q&A with MLB Trade Rumors.

Dayn Perry’s new sports+politics blog, Spolitical, earned a quick entry into my RSS reader, and one of today’s posts, The Case Against the Case Against Barry Bonds, was an excellent overview of the giant boatload of fail that the government is sailing into McCovey Cove right now – with your money, I might add.

Quick links.

Draft video of Arizona prep catcher Tommy Joseph is up, as is a scouting report on RHP Jake Barrett. Off to see Team Japan today at Scottsdale.

Also, infinite sportswriter theorem has a great takedown of a Florida sportswriter who jumps through all manner of verbal hoops to defend Bobby Bowden.

Draft videos!

Looks like several of the videos I shot of prospects for this year’s Rule 4 Draft are up:

RHP Mike Leake
LHP Matt Purke
LHP Cameron Coffey
CF Everett Williams
RHP Shelby Miller

I’ll throw up a new post whenever I see more of these videos go up. Also, I wrote about Brett Anderson, Tyson Ross, Brett Hunter, and Hector Rondon yesterday and will be writing about Dayan Viciedo and Aaron Poreda tonight.

Two new draft blog entries.

Mike Leake report. Waiting on video.

A quick discussion of Derek Tatsuno, one of the best college pitchers ever.

And, in a complete non sequitur, one of my favorite old Sesame Street sketches:

Looks like Sesame Workshop is throwing vintage sketches up on Hulu, which means much higher video quality than the (legally questionable) clips posted on Youtube by viewers and fans.