Birmingham eats, 2009.

Before I get to the eats:

* ESPNEWS hit coming up in a few minutes here at 3:40 pm EDT. It’s via phone.
* I filed a revised top 100 last week but it was never posted. A revised revised top 100 will go up on the draft blog tomorrow.
* Erik over at FutureRedbirds has a long and well-researched post on drafting prep pitchers in the first round. I don’t agree with his conclusions – among other reasons, I think his dataset is too old – but it is well worth your time.
* Liza Minnelli might be the next lead singer of Queen.

I only hit two new spots this trip, in part because I wanted to go back to two places where I ate last year (Jim n Nick’s and Bogues), and in part because I only ate one meal after breakfast on each of the two days of the tournament. There’s a Publix right up the road from Regions Park where I could grab yogurt and fruit to tide me over, and really, a pulled pork sandwich at Jim n Nick’s with a side of collard greens was enough to keep me full for hours.

I tried two new restaurants for breakfast. The better of the two is Edgar’s, a bakery that I guess only recently added a full breakfast menu, with everything made to order. I went with the usual EMPT, and oddly enough, the T wasn’t so hot but the EMP parts were excellent; the breakfast potatoes were small red potatoes, parboiled, then sauteed with onions and herbs (rosemary and thyme, I think), and, for once, they actually had enough salt on them. The biscuit was inedible; it was more of a biscuit-cake than a soft, Southern-style biscuit, so I bought a blueberry scone for the road. The scone was solid-average, which is weird given how bad the biscuit was, since the difference between a biscuit and a scone is minimal. They had a wide selection of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and muffins, with two or three varieties of scones and a few other baked goods, while the breakfast menu includes breadier fare like French toast. They get bonus points for some seriously high-end bagged tea.

Klingler’s is a German bakery with a breakfast menu that is heavier on the, um, heavier fare. I went with the pecan waffle, because I find waffles very hard to resist; it tasted of pecans and a little bit of butter, but it was still on the heavy side for a Belgian-style waffle. (Belgian waffles should be light and airy with a crisp exterior and usually contain whipped egg whites to provide that lift.) The side sausage was a smoked bratwurst, split in half and grilled, kind of spicy and savory for a breakfast sausage. It was adequate but unremarkable, and I’d rather drive the extra five minutes or so each way to eat at Edgar’s.

Chat with altitude.

There will be a Klawchat today at 1 pm EDT … as far as I know, it’s the first in-flight ESPN chat, as I am currently somewhere over South Carolina.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, but I’ve been slammed with draft content and travel. I do have some fun stuff coming up next week, but I’ll hold off on announcing any of it till later.

Chat today.

Klawchat at noon EDT today. EDIT: Link.

You can hear my hit from last night on Baseball Tonight Radio, but the AllNight hit isn’t up yet.

I’ll be on our Atlanta affiliate today at 4:30 pm.

Sorry the posting here has been light, but I’ve been sick and busy with the draft content, which should start to show up on the Four-Letter today, including a top 100 draft prospects ranking with reports on 35+ guys already.

The TIME 100 Q&A.

Quick admin notes: NYC 1050 AM hit moved back to 9:25 pm tonight. Podcast of my chat with Jeff Erickson is available here. Tentatively scheduled to appear on 101 ESPN in St. Louis Wednesday at 1:20 pm CDT.

I’m working my way through a half-dozen greatest books lists, from the Novel 100 to the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel/Fiction winners, but I think the most successful one for introducing me to books I liked or loved has been the TIME magazine list of the 100 greatest English-language novels published from 1923 to 2005. (Details on all the lists I use are on the FAQ.) On a whim, I contacted Lev Grossman, one of the two critics behind the TIME 100, and he and co-conspirator Richard Lacayo agreed to answer some questions I had about their list. Lacayo wrote about the process behind the list’s construction when it first appeared, and that essay may be useful background for those of you unfamiliar with the list itself.

Lev, you mentioned in your first response to me that you didn’t care for Tropic of Cancer, yet it’s on the list. How much did literary influence or academic value weigh against readability or trivial things like plot?

LG: I wasn’t that interested in academic value. I’ve spent some time in academia, and I feel like I have a good sense of what that’s good for it, and what it isn’t. As for readability, I’m a major backer of it. It was the fashion in the earlier part of the 20th to write very challengingly and elliptically and occasionally boringly. Which was a mode that was appropriate to its time. But not all those works are still worth the tremendous trouble they put the reader through.

I am however very interested in literary influence — works that changed the literary landscape through their sheer force and power and visionary newness. I’ll forgive a book a lot I would say I weighed those heavily.

RL: That was my pick, and one that I re-read for the list to make sure I still liked it. As I mentioned in that essay I wrote to introduce the list and explain how we made it, we didn’t agree on every title, and we decided not to, because we thought it would be more interesting for the list to include non-consensus choices. As for Tropic, I love the shaggy dog quality of that book. I don’t care whether it goes anyplace in particular. That willingness to blow off the “responsibility” to provide much of a plot is part of Miller’s personal ethic. The book is a demonstration of its own philosophy.

I was aware of the book’s history as the object of a landmark obscenity trial in the U.S., but it didn’t play any part in my judgment. And as for academic value – is Miller much read in “the academy”?

Unlike most lists of this ilk, yours was unranked. Why? If you had to choose a top 5 from your 100, what would it include?

LG: Oh, you know how it is. Lists are arbitrary enough as it is, without bringing ranking into it. You start splitting hairs, comparing apples and oranges … it started to seem absurd.

Top 5, off the top of my head?

Brideshead Revisited
Mrs. Dalloway
The Sound and the Fury
The Sun Also Rises
The Great Gatsby

RL: I just don’t think that’s possible. There’s no rational unit of measurement. You can do that with a poll of numerous critics by counting up which titles got the most votes, the way Sight and Sound magazine does every ten years with the greatest films. But I couldn’t claim with a straight face that Pale Fire is 22.5% better than Appointment in Samarra.

But if I had to pick a top five, it would probably be To the Lighthouse, Pale Fire, The Crying of Lot 49, 1984, Midnight’s Children but ask me a year from now and I might choose five others.

Your list was limited to novels first published in English. Why exclude works from other languages as long as they were eventually published in English? Did you consider, at the time or afterwards, creating a parallel list so that Franz Kafka and Gabriel Garcia Marquez could be similarly recognized?

LG: We did consider creating a parallel list. But the body of work was just too vast — how could we pretend to have read all of world literature, even in translation? We needed ways to narrow the field. That was one.

RL: We weren’t belittling “foreign” literature by not including it. We were paying it our respects. We felt we could not plausibly tell readers we had sifted the fiction of every nation. There’s simply too much of it – French, Japanese, German, Italian, Scandinavian, Latin American. Halldor Laxness may have won the Nobel Prize, but never made it on to my bookshelf. Lev and I both have English lit. degrees and have been reading for decades and were comfortable claiming to know enough of the range of English language work to make what we hoped were useful evaluations of it.

Also, I can never find the umlaut on my keyboard.

The Modern Library’s list, which covered the entire 20th century, was criticized for its lack of female and minority authors. Did you consider the authors’ genders or ethnicities at all in assembling the list? Should those be factors?

LG: I think it’s worth considering those things, along with everything else. There is a subjective dimension to the idea of ‘literary value,’ a big one, and Richard and I were conscious that the people making this list were two white men. We did our best to ensure that a broad range of points of view was represented.

RL: Lev speaks for both of us when he says we were aware that we were both white men drawing up this list, but I didn’t find it necessary to worry about that too much. For starters there were always going to be plenty of women on the list. Virginia Woolf is one of my favorite writers. Likewise Muriel Spark. Beloved? Death Comes for the Archbishop? These are no-brainers. In the end I think there are 19 titles by women.

Similarly with black authors, You don’t put Invisible Man on the list to be “correct”. You put it there because it’s so obviously brilliant. James Baldwin? Zadie Smith? We didn’t have to go searching for them. The only book by an African-American writer that I picked up because I hadn’t been introduced to it before and felt I needed to know it was Their Eyes Were Watching God, which I loved. Along with Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates that book was the fun discovery of this whole process for me. (Re-reading Portnoy’s Complaint was also a nice surprise. I had forgotten how good it was. Not just funny. Good in many ways.)

As I mention in that introductory text, there were writers who almost made the cut but didn’t quite — Dawn Powell is in that category for me. And as I also there, there are a number of women writers whose greatest work is in stories, not novels. Flannery O’Connor is a genius, but her novel, Wise Blood, doesn’t do it for me. Likewise Annie Proulx, The Shipping News notwithstanding, who once said to me herself that she considered stories her real forte. Close Range is my idea of a masterpiece, but it’s a story collection. Karen Blixen, Katherine Anne Porter, Shirley Jackson, Eudora Welty – same thing.

What I didn’t do was include a book simply because it represented any kind of social or political breakthrough. I love Christopher Isherwood’s novel A Single Man, about a gay man living in California after the death of his lover. It was published in 1964 and really is a breakthrough book in terms of introducing a gay character who’s not troubled by his own sexuality, just carrying on with his life. But good as it is, as a book it doesn’t measure up for me to The Berlin Stories.

If I had an agenda of any kind it may have been British novels of the 20s, 30s and 40s. I like Elizabeth Bowen, Henry Green, the novels of Aldous Huxley beyond just Brave New World. Waugh. Graham Greene. It’s not the Masterpiece Theatre aspect, it’s just something about the ease with which they practice the conventions of novel.

Richard wrote at the time that you agreed on roughly 80 titles more or less off the bat. What book that made the list sparked the biggest disagreement? How about one that missed?

LG: It’s been a while since we formulated the list, and I’m trying to remember. Richard is a staunch Pynchonian, which I definitely am not — I’m sure I rolled my eyes at putting two Pynchon novels on the list. But I did it quietly. Likewise I expected resistance to some of the science fiction entries on the list — Dick, Gibson, Stephenson — but got none. Likewise the YA novel (Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret) and the graphic novel (Watchmen). I wish I had stories for you about shouting matches and fisticuffs, but it was a pretty civilized process. I think Richard’s essay has all the dirt there is in it.

RL: Not to sugar coat the thing, but there weren’t that many, partly because we had this agreement that there would be titles we just wouldn’t agree on. Lev likes graphic novels. It would never occur to me to put Watchmen on the list but he loves it. Meanwhile, I really enjoy a lot of what you might call classic modernist writers, the ones who play around with the conventions of the novel, from Woolf to Pynchon. That stuff bores some people, including sometimes Lev. It’s ice cream to me. As he mentioned to you, I would have put a third Pynchon title on (V.), but there wasn’t room. (And I’m not somebody who pats Pynchon on the head for everything he does. I pretty much panned his last book in the magazine.

Have you reconsidered – or regretted – any of the entries since the list was published?

LG: I haven’t.

RL: Only the books there weren’t room for, but that’s list making for you. As mentioned, Dawn Powell. Elizabeth Hardwick’s novel Sleepless Nights. Maybe The Wapshot Chronicle by (John) Cheever. E.L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel. (Saul) Bellow’s Humboldt’s Gift.

Are there any works published since 2005 that you would place on a revised list?

LG: Yes, one. Junot Diaz, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

RL: Oscar Wao, definitely.

KL: It’s on my to-be-read shelf and just moved up in the queue after that response.

Did you consider other lists or awards, such as Pulitzer Prizes, as criteria for inclusion or even as “bonus points” for specific books?

LG: We really didn’t. I’ve sat on enough awards committees to know how arbitrary they are. I don’t give them much weight.

RL: Did we care whether a book had won prizes? Not at all. The Nobel didn’t get Patrick White on the list. And The Pulitzer has gone to many dreary books.

*KL: Concur.

One inclusion that confused me at the time that I read it was Watchmen, which is really a short story stretched to novel length by illustrations. To me, it offers none of the complexity of even a short novel like Red Harvest. Tell me about the decision to include a graphic novel in a list of prose works.

LG: There are plenty of things to complain about in Watchmen, but a lack of complexity? I couldn’t disagree more! I’m a great believer in the power and importance of graphic novels — or comic books, as I prefer to call them — and I think they’re one of the most exciting things to happen to the novel in the 20th Century. To me the list would have had a hole in it without them.

I’ll throw some titles at you that I thought should have made the list or at least been considered. Tell me whether they came up at all, and if so, why they didn’t make the cut.

Cry the Beloved Country
Tender is the Night
A Confederacy of Dunces
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Empire Falls
The Dud Avocado

LG: Now we’re really going to expose the ugly underbelly of subjectivity in this list. A Confederacy of Dunces – I’ve always felt this book was rather heavy-handed and unfunny and hence over-rated. I know it’s beloved by many, and I’m buying myself some serious ire by saying that, but if there’s one rule I have as a critic, it’s never lie. And I couldn’t in all honesty put that book on the list, because I just don’t feel it’s great.

Tender is the Night was a tougher decision, it’s a beautiful novel with reams of great writing in it, but I think ultimately it’s slightly overstuffed and ungainly and melodramatic, especially when you put it next to the jewel-like perfection that is The Great Gatsby, which I think is better suited to represent Fitzgerald on the list.

I could go on slagging the classic works you’ve listed, but you get the general idea. I’ll just add that, to my shame, I had never read or heard of The Dud Avocado. There’s that ugly underbelly I was talking about.

RL: I read Cry the Beloved Country long ago, but wasn’t moved to re-visit it. I like Confederacy, but wasn’t in love with it. Tender is the Night was on my short list – an adolescent favorite, adolescents love doom. But Fitzgerald’s problem is that he wrote one book so perfect it makes everything else he wrote look a bit dim, even the good things.

The Dud Avocado – I’ll have to go looking for that one.

Awesome stuff. I’ll even forgive you for trashing Tender is the Night, which is my favorite novel by an American author. My readers will enjoy you taking me to task over Watchmen, although I stand my ground – it was thinner than a sheet of phyllo dough.

Thank you both for your answers and for the great list.

Go Natinals!

So by now you’ve all seen the fact that the Washington franchise in the National League is saving money by only embroidering some letters on the fronts of their uniforms.

I just showed my wife the photo, and the first thing she said was, “That’s great – but who are the Chefs?”

Season predictions.

My actual predictions for each team’s W/L record, with some brief thoughts on why for most clubs, are now on my main ESPN blog.

By the way, I love this headline. This might be the first time ever that a front office person has said with a straight face that a pitcher was better suited for the pen because he was tall.

Chat today.

Slight change of schedule means I’m doing a quick Klawchat today.

Also, Jacob over at Vegas Watch is doing a March Madness day one chat starting … a few minutes ago, apparently. That’s for when you’re done with my chat, of course.

By the way, if you bookmark this link, you’ll always be able to find player videos I’ve posted on the Four-Letter.

Quick links.

Draft video of Arizona prep catcher Tommy Joseph is up, as is a scouting report on RHP Jake Barrett. Off to see Team Japan today at Scottsdale.

Also, infinite sportswriter theorem has a great takedown of a Florida sportswriter who jumps through all manner of verbal hoops to defend Bobby Bowden.

Draft videos!

Looks like several of the videos I shot of prospects for this year’s Rule 4 Draft are up:

RHP Mike Leake
LHP Matt Purke
LHP Cameron Coffey
CF Everett Williams
RHP Shelby Miller

I’ll throw up a new post whenever I see more of these videos go up. Also, I wrote about Brett Anderson, Tyson Ross, Brett Hunter, and Hector Rondon yesterday and will be writing about Dayan Viciedo and Aaron Poreda tonight.

Houston eats 2009.

I’ll start off with the two places that I visited on my last trip to Houston and revisited this time, but unfortunately, neither measured up. The Breakfast Klub’s biscuits were sublime and soft in ’07, but I went twice and both times got a dry biscuit that was flaky but not tender. One of the two days nothing on my EMPT plate was hot other than the potatoes. And on Saturday, the biscuit wasn’t that fresh – the line was out the door, and yet the biscuit tastes a few hours old. I don’t get it.

The restaurant inside the Inn at the Ballpark – I really like that hotel, by the way; lots of character but no kitsch – was also disappointing. Service was slow, shrimp on the shrimp BLT didn’t seem to have been fully thawed before they were cooked, the “prosciutto” on the chicken breast sandwich turned out to be American ham (which I despise), and the homemade potato chips – another highlight of my last trip – were greasy and kind of stale for both meals. The quality of the ingredients was still generally high, and they comped the chicken sandwich when I asked about the prosciutto/ham mixup even though I insisted at the time that I didn’t want them to comp the meal and was just confused about whether I’d gotten what I ordered. But it wasn’t the same as it was two years ago.

I guess I’ll start at the bottom and work my way up … I was on I-10 from San Antonio to Houston, which is roughly as populated as Montana, so I ended up grabbing a meal at Whataburger, supposedly Texas’ answer to In-n-Out. I suppose the question was, “Can we come up with a fast-food chain that’s half as good as In-n-Out which in and of itself isn’t quite as good as Five Guys?” (Insert “Yes We Can!” sound bite here.) Suitable for food emergencies.

I wanted to go to Thelma’s BBQ, just a few blocks from the hotel, but when I called to check their hours I found out that they were closed for renovations after a restaurant fire a few weeks earlier. (The message thanked people for their prayers; if people are praying for the restaurant, that must be some good Q.) The concierge at the hotel redirected me to Pappas B-B-Q, which was adequate but nothing special. The brisket was a little dry and desperately needed the sauce; the spicy rice wasn’t really that spicy; the lima beans were giant (for whatever reason I expected baby limas, one of my favorite southern dishes) and cooked to baby-food consistency. The sausage was good, but again not that spicy.

I had better Q at PitMaster BBQ in the Woodlands area a few days later. Even though Texas is brisket country, they’re known for their “Memphis-style” pork shoulder and pork ribs. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but the pulled pork was very good – extremely moist and smoky, although the rub didn’t impart much flavor. Their fried okra was just-fried and not too greasy; their baked beans were well above-average, white beans that still had some tooth with a tangy-sweet sauce that I thought had apple juice in it (I asked, no apple juice – although I think that could be a great flavor to add to baked beans). And then there was the “Texas Toast” – one thick slice of white sandwich bread, grilled on one side. If anyone knows the purpose of this, let me know. White sandwich bread is kind of a waste of wheat. Across the street from PitMaster is an “Italian-Style Ice Cream and Coffee” shop called Kremi that I would have tried if I’d had time; if anyone has a chance to check it out, I’d like a report. Houston isn’t a place in which I’d expect to find great gelato, but like my man Joaquin Andujar said, youneverknow.

Pho Saigon is a local chain of Vietnamese restaurants, and I’m not sure what to say about it. I’ve had Vietnamese food dozens of times, and it’s always the same. I don’t think I’ve ever had bad Vietnamese food – I usually go with pho or bun – and I can only think of one time I had really amazing Vietnamese food, at Pho Quyen in Pinellas Park, Florida. Pho Saigon’s bun was … the same as everyone else’s. About the only remarkable thing was that the vegetables served on the side (carrots, cucumbers, bean sprouts) were exceptionally fresh, like they’d just been sliced.

Last get was dessert – I passed a Ritters Frozen Custard on the way to see Matt Purke and banged a U-turn because, frankly, frozen custard shouldn’t be passed. Turns out that Ritters is a chain – not sure how I missed it – and, even better, they now have a location in Surprise, Arizona. The texture was absolutely amazing – that’s probably as close to perfect as you’ll find in frozen custard – and the cake batter flavor (which, I admit, freaks me out a little) was dead on. Their most popular flavor, “Turtle Something,” is a caramel custard with pieces of chocolate shell and pecans; turtle ice cream really needs fudge or some other kind of chocolate, since chocolate shell 1) is so hard that it doesn’t melt readily in the mouth and 2) isn’t really chocolate anyway.