Radio, podcast.

Jason Churchill and I talk regularly, and we decide to make one of our regular conversations into a podcast, which starts at 11 am EDT and is available here.

My hit on the Brian Kenny show last night is here. I am tentatively scheduled to be on Baseball Tonight in the 7 pm EDT hour tonight.

Monday TV/Friday radio hit.

I’ll be on ESPNEWS today at 2:40 pm EDT. My Friday night radio hit on our Chicago affiliate is somewhere in this podcast; it’s very draft-heavy.

Working on the Gone with the Wind writeup.

TV tonight.

I’ll be on ESPNEWS at 5:35, 6:15, 6:40, 7:05, and 7:50 EDT, as well as sometime in the 8:00 and 10:00 hours. I’ll also be on ESPN from 9-10. All times Eastern.

Jason and I will live-blog at least the first round on the MLB draft blog as well.

Another projection.

Projection #3. Can’t say I love it or feel that confident about it. The Crow situation is complicating matters; his agents are clearly shopping for a landing spot for him, and so far I don’t believe they have found a taker.

Another videoclip, this one about the top arms in the draft. Oh, and Aaron – moving your hands is good presentation style, if you do it deliberately. Waving them around like you’re drunk and ranting … not so much.

My ESPNEWS hit from today. Can you see the bags under the bags under my eyes? Personally I think I sound awful. Also, that shirt is not purple, but it’s purple on my screen. I’ll show you purple – trust me.

I’ll be on with Brian Kenny tonight at 9:25 pm EDT.

Tuesday media schedule includes ESPNEWS hits at 6, 6:30, 7, and 7:30 pm EDT, and the Sportscenter special on ESPN from 9-10.

There will be a Tuesday chat, tentatively at 2 pm, but I might have to push it back to 3 depending on TV.

Media today + article on Strasburg.

I’ll be on ESPNEWS at 2:40 pm EDT, on ESPN 101.1 FM in St. Louis at 2:20 pm CDT, and on Atlanta 680 the FAN at 3:50 pm EDT.

I wrote a piece destroying the two anti-Strasburg memes I’ve seen this year – that “greatest college pitcher ever” candidates don’t work out, and that pitchers taken #1 overall don’t work out. Just a reality bill that some folks won’t want to pay.

And there’s another video up on players who’ll get to the majors quickly from this draft.

Draft blog post.

Draft blog post is up on Matt Purke’s demands and Randal Grichuk’s suitor.

More “vignettes” from me on building through the draft and ’09 draftees who could move quick.

I’ll be on our St. Louis affiliate on Monday at 12:20 pm CDT to talk draft.

ESPNEWS today.

Live at 3:20 pm EDT.

Last mental_floss quiz should be posted at 5 pm today.

Miscellaneous links.

Tuesday night’s hit on AllNight.

Today’s hit on The Herd. That was a really fun bit, at least for me.

Today’s chat transcript.

I’m waiting to hear from mental_floss about today’s quiz – might have been pushed back to tomorrow.

New quiz, chat, etc.

Sorry for the lack of action over here – I’m tied up writing reports and making phone calls. I’ve even ground to a halt in Gone With the Wind.

Klawchat tomorrow will be at 1:30 pm EDT and I’ll probably have to stop at 2:30.

Today’s quiz on mental_floss is on The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Interesting piece on why more roads may not reduce traffic.

Vote for Manny.

Keith Law on the Interwebs…

My updated top 100 ranking for this year’s draft is up. My first-round projection will be up later tonight is up now as well.

And I’m on mental_floss as a guest quizmaster for the week. After I sent them a suggestion for a “Name X in Y” quiz, they actually asked me to write four more and make a big thing of it. I’m not sure if this represents slumming for me or for them, but the first quiz, on geography is up now: Can you name the ten countries in ASEAN? There will also be quizzes on baseball, books, and music, but I couldn’t come up with a viable one for food (at least not in the “Name X in Y” format), so the fifth one is on politics.

I’ll also be on AllNight tonight with Jason Smith, although we tape it before the show so I don’t know exactly when it’ll air.