Stick to baseball, 4/11/20.

I didn’t publish anything this week at the Athletic, but hope to have two pieces up next week, as well as a new review at Paste and possibly new pieces at Ars Technica and Vulture as well. I did hold a short Persicope video chat on Friday.

My second book, The Inside Game: Bad Calls, Strange Moves, and What Baseball Behavior Teaches Us About Ourselves, is due out on April 21st from Harper Collins, and you can pre-order it now via their site or wherever fine books are sold.

My publisher is holding a contest where one winner will get a 30-minute chat with me before the baseball season starts, and several other entrants will win free copies of The Inside Game. You can enter for free here.

Also, check out my free email newsletter, which I say I’ll write more often than I actually write it.

I appeared on the Big Fly Baseball podcast this week and spoke with WHB’s Soren Petro about the shutdown, the draft, and the Royals for almost a half an hour.

And now, the links…


  1. Glen Waggoner had the best Rotisserie team name among the original league owners (The Glenwag Goners). RIP

  2. Trump dithered and people have died, and will die because of this, but even if we had done everything right -kept the playbook, aggressive early action, Governors that universally were involved instead of doing ostrich imitations in many cases-we likely would have the most cases. Our population size combined with our tools for diagnostics and transparency mean we are going to have a lot more cases than Spain or Italy. The fact that, because of luck maybe, fast action by California, Ohio and a few other states, and some herculean work by our health professionals our fatality rate is less than half what Italy’s was at the same point, but we were never going to be in the bottom of the case count.

    • That chart also includes what are clearly BS numbers from China. The Trump admin def done F’ed up, but we shouldn’t play with stats. Per capita infections from reliable sources are what we need.

  3. I think you’ve said your dad was a COBOL programmer. If so, he could go back to work if he wanted to.

  4. And for all of his innumerable failures, which of course date back to before his inauguration, Trump will be re-elected in seven months.

    It’s enough to make you chew your own foot off.

  5. It’s mind-boggling to me that 47% of Americans today approve of Trumps handling of the COVID crisis.

    • What’s concerning about that is how many of that 47% are in his cult. Because, and maybe I’m the crazy one, I refuse to believe that 47% of the country are actually in his cult.

    • I’m really hoping that the weird spike in approval rating is just a result of him being on TV everyday. Anyone who’s on TV everyday when there’s really nothing new on TV is gonna get a spike of some kind. Which is why I really wish they’d stop broadcasting him everyday. Well, his dangerous misinformation is why I wish they’d stop broadcasting him, but the increase of his approval rating isn’t great either.

  6. Thank you so much Keith for including the imaginary “apology”! Big thrill for me as I’m a long-time reader (and rabid baseball fan).
    We Infectious Diseases doctors (along with public health officials) watched COVID-19 spread around the country while our government repeatedly botched our preparation and response. I found writing it strangely therapeutic, though agree we’re unlikely ever to hear it.

  7. Joseph P. Barrity

    I cannot believe that Keith Law of all people (as you are on the forefront of advanced statistics which I am 100% on board with) would share a graph about total infections without including it as a percentage of population. Pete Rose has more hits than Ty Cobb – What are their respective career averages? PLUS – that graph assumes China is being honest. Finally, if we had shut down travel earlier than we did, I assume you would have called Trump a xenophobic racist. I don’t like Trump either but your TDS is showing. You are still by far my favorite baseball writer. I always look forward to new content from you. Even though I know you hate my favorite team. 🙂

    • You missed the point of the graph. It’s not about the total number of infections, but the rate at which they’ve been increasing and appear likely to continue to increase.

      As for shutting down travel, I never said anything about that. I’m not sure why you would bring that up.

    • Nice self-own using the lack of batting average as your example to illustrate the limitations of the graph.

    • Isn’t “If Trump had shut down traveler earlier, what would the Dems have said THEN!?” just the latest right-wing lunatic talking point straw man?

      But yeah, you could’ve called Trump a xenophobic racist at any point in the past 35 years. Stopping travel from China (of only Chinese nationals) isn’t what pushed him past that threshold. Maybe if his first response to ANY crises wasn’t to close borders/stop travel, he’d get a little more leeway.
      Someone else made the point in a “if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail” way with Trump: When you’re a germaphobic racist xenophobe, every problem looks like an immigration problem.

    • A Salty Scientist

      At this point, no country is even close to the carrying capacity for the virus (we’re nowhere close to herd immunity), so total numbers are appropriate for looking at the exponential growth of infections and deaths, and whether certain countries are doing better than others at “flattening the curve.” We (globally) need to be learning lessons for both mitigating this pandemic, and for the next one. This includes thinking about *should* be done in terms of testing, contact tracing, and travel (I would at least carefully consider for any future pandemics that have shown community spread to neighboring countries that there be a temporarily halt of all non-essential international travel, and then a halt of non-essential interstate travel if there are cases in the US).

  8. Nolan: don’t talk about guns after a school shooting, don’t talk about rape after a rapist dies, but the second a virus spreads in an asian country and people are dying, start in on that orientalist bullshit!
    Keith Law: Some day, one of those viruses will start here. It’s inevitable. Then we’ll see what it’s like to have the world close its doors to us, and maybe we’ll regret how we’ve acted in the past to countries that needed our help rather than our scorn and our prejudice.

    January 30th you said closing our doors to China was “prejudice”. Close enough?

    • No, that’s not what I said there, and Joseph’s strawman implied that I said we should have closed our borders sooner, which I didn’t.

  9. Regardless of politics, it is a failed graph any way you look at it. The numbers lack any context. It doesn’t account for population or testing rates or population density. And it includes at least one country we know to have bogus data.

  10. Something for next week’s STB? States are taking some pretty extreme measures to make sure any PPE they get isn’t seized by the current administration.