Saturday five, 4/14/12.

I never tweeted this one while I was on the move, but I wrote a short blog post on some Boston & Texas prospects at Greenville and Hickory, led by Luke Jackson.

The links…

* Food’s Biggest Scam: The Great Kobe Beef Lie, first of three parts. That “American Kobe beef” you eat isn’t Kobe at all – and it can include just about any kind of beef the chef wants it to include.

* Serious Eats’ Food Lab looks at storing fresh mozzarella. The answer surprised me.

* Keep Food Legal’s Baylen Linnekin weighs in on California’s war on food trucks. Anti-food truck laws are nearly always about brick-and-mortar restaurants defending their turf.

* Fangraphs talks to pitcher Michael Schwimer about how he takes a more rational approach to refining his craft on the mound.

* Aziz Ansari appeared on Fresh Air, and while he’s always funny and interesting, his comments on bullying really stood out as the first time I ever feel like I heard Ansari break his comedic character.


  1. Apropos that Reason piece on food trucks, there is a mini-conference about this issue as it relates to Chicago happening right now at the University of Chicago Law School.

    I agree with you about food truck regulations, they really are just about protecting incumbents almost all of the time. The worst part is that, to me, it frequently seems not about protecting their profits but about protecting their laziness. Many, many brick and mortar restaurants are very well placed to take advantage of lower restrictions on food truck by expanding their product to a food truck version. Obviously, that doesn’t apply to all or even most restaurants, but I’m almost certain it’s still a non-trivial percentage and yet you most often see a united front against loosening the restrictions. Frustrating to say the least.

  2. I think Baylen’s at that conference, which prompted the op ed.

  3. Thanks for the Aziz Ansari link, Keith. I really enjoyed it.

  4. Really dug that article on mozarella… I’m going to try that technique.

  5. The mozzarella piece was very interesting, thanks. As for the link on Kobe beef, I found it to be very informative and damning. The second part was even more interesting IMO.

  6. I like these links. Always interesting.

    Serious Eats has really become my primary online resource for cooking (excluding, at least, one man websites like Ruhlman, Choc&Zucc, etc). Kenjy Lopez-Alt, in particular, is a good writer and a creative and thoughtful experimenter in the kitchen.

  7. Nick Christie

    Really, really enjoyed these. Thanks KLaw. I particularly enjoyed the American Kobe and Ansari links.


  1. […] Law points to this fascinating series of articles on the Kobe Beef scam. In America, “Kobe” […]