Facebook page.

A few of you have already noticed that I set up a fan page for myself on Facebook, which I have to admit feels a bit presumptuous. I just learned that Facebook has an upper limit on the number of friends a person can have of 5000, which I’ll hit in about a year and a half at the rate at which friend requests have been coming in of late. I figured I should get ahead of the curve and am no longer accepting friend requests from people I don’t actually know.

I don’t intend to unfriend any of you who are already friends with me – well, unless you piss me off – but would encourage you to follow me through the fan page, which I’ll update regularly with links to ESPN content and media appearances.

Speaking of which, I’m doing a phoner on First Take on Monday at 11:25 am EDT on ESPN2, and am tentatively scheduled for a hit on Phoenix’s KTAR 620 AM on Thursday at 7:20 am Arizona time.


  1. You blog. You tweet. You have a facebook fan page. Now all you need is a podcast. C’mon: PODCAST! The world would be a far, far better place with a Law podcast. (The Snarkcast? Jumping the Snark? Great White Snark Attack?) I for one would listen religiously.

  2. Does almost meeting you at an SDSU game count? Also, you’ve also answered many questions of mine in ESPN chats. And to be fair, I don’t think one person can even know 5000 people personally. You should cut it off at 4000 or something then fill the rest with people you actually know.

  3. KLaw. So hot right now.

  4. youre assuming facebook stays hot and doesnt die a quick death like friendster, myspace, etc in the next year and a half.

    im sure there’ll be something else that takes the cyberworld by storm.

  5. I dunno … seems Facebook has done nothing but grow steadily over the past several years (it was college-only in ’05 or thereabouts, then spread to high schoolers, and so on). Not that it isn’t a slight regression candidate for ’09 or ’10 — especially with Twitter having a breakout year — but Facebook doesn’t appear to be leaving the cyber-rotation anytime soon.