Happy New Year.

Many of you already know there’s been some medical drama in the Law household this week, and I probably won’t be updating the site or commenting on it until next week at the earliest. Everyone is fine now, but we’re still playing catch-up.

In the meantime, here’s a fun article on the origins of twenty of the most popular Muppets.


  1. Hope everything is ok.

    A new book just out called Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street.

  2. Saw it over on Twitter, Keith: glad to hear everything’s going to be ok, and I wish you the best of luck getting your feet back on the ground.

  3. Glad to hear that everyone is fine. Here’s wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2009.

  4. Sounds like someone forgot to eat their black-eyed peas for health on New Years Day!

    In all seriousness, I hope all is well, and thanks for the Muppet article!

  5. Best wishes to you and the fam, Keith.

    Fun article. The DVDs of the first few seasons of The Muppet Show are quality as well.

  6. Keith- happy new year. Good luck with everything, my best to you and your family.


  7. Glad to hear everyone is OK. Happy New Year to you and your family K. Law. I found The Dish on New Year’s Day 2008 and after a year of reading I’m smarter about food, coffee, literature and of course baseball. Thanks for keeping this going.

  8. Take care and quick recoveries all around KL-

  9. Keith, Happy New Year to you and hope all is well.

  10. happy new year, hope your family is ok.

  11. Keith has a Twitter? What’s his name?

    Best wishes Keith

  12. I’m keithlaw on Twitter.

  13. Happy New Year Keith and everyone else. Glad to hear everything is ok.

  14. Best Wishes and a happy new year

  15. I’ve missed your weekly chats immensely on ESPN, get well soon!

  16. Happy New Year folks. Good health and happiness wishes to everyone.

  17. Keith, as someone whose 2-month old daughter was rushed to the hospital just a couple of days before Christmas, you have my sympathy. I hope all’s better, and best wishes to you for your New Year. Thanks for making this blog such a fun and enjoyable place to visit.