Robert Irvine Redux.

Brian Montgomery of the St. Petersburg Times dropped me a note this morning to point me to the most recent twist in the Robert Irvine saga. They’ve got statements from FN and Irvine on their site; the gist is that Irvine’s contract won’t be renewed after the current season, although Dinner: Impossible will (probably?) continue with a new host.


  1. I liked his show. Sure it was somewhat contrived His “challenges” on the show very closely paralleled my job so I felt a certain kinship with him.

  2. He had a pretty impressive background without exaggerating it. Why did he feel the need to puff up his resume? I don’t understand what people are thinking sometimes. Also, obviously a bad job by the Food Network in not verifying his resume. they had a similar problem on the last season of Next Food Network Star where they had to replace one of their finalists who had lied on his application to the show.

  3. Keith,

    Wondering if you ever come to Dallas (not Arlington) for anything. I’m relatively new to the area and would love to hear some of your food recommendations.

  4. Grant – the only time I’ve been in Dallas as an adult was while I was with the Jays, so I didn’t get much opportunity to do my food thing. I did go to Texas de Brazil with two colleagues. It’s very good and rather overpriced churrasco. And it’s a chain, which doesn’t fit my current M.O. I also liked Big Al’s Barbecue‘s beef ribs, which were very tender, the way I like them.