Top Chef, S11E08.

I analyzed the Kinsler-Fielder trade for Insiders last night, and answered some questions on that and lots of other subjects in today’s Klawchat.

The stew-room discussion after elimination brings up an interesting note – Patty has only been cooking for three years, yet managed to get almost halfway through the competition. That’s pretty damn impressive.

We also get this exchange between Sara and Shirley:

Sara: I’m starting to think im a gooch
Shirley: What’s that? What’s “a gooch” mean?

Which reminded me that this guy was supposed to be pretty good.

* Quickfire: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame guitarist Dr. John the Night Tripper is in the house, aged 73 and looking about 20 years older than that, with an outfit that … well, I guess I just don’t get Louisiana fashion. The chefs have to make their own hot sauce in 45 minutes. Dr. John says it needs that flavor “and a hip tang to it,” and, “if it has flavor nicety of the highest order and it has tang nicety that mixes in, killer sauce.” Is that even English?

* Brian refers to the habanero as “ha-ba-NYER-o.” There’s no ~ there, Brian. Stop it. Carlos, who of course says it correctly, is only husing habanero hin ‘is sauce.

* Nicholas had his “first” ulcer at 20, implying there have been more, and says he was very nervous in his 20s, so he’s not a fan of very spicy food. I can relate, although I do like spicy food even though I can’t eat too much of it.

* Dr. John’s least favorites include Nicholas’ sauce with smoked apricots, cider vinegar, and coffee, which was too sweet overall; Carrie’s habanero and green mango sauce inspired by her Trinidadian mother-in-law’s recipe, which was “Trinideadly” hot (okay, Dr. John, that was a good one); and Nina’s “head-slammin’ over-the-top hot” sauce of habanero, ginger, and apple cider, which even Padma, who snorts powdered ghost chilies off a mirror in the pantry between takes, found too hot.

* The leaders were Brian’s green jalapeno/serrano sauce with lime and yuzu juices, which was “verily hip;” Justin’s sauce of half-roasted and half-raw peppers with fermented anchovies for an umami kick, which “clipped mah wings, slick idea;” and Carlos’ habenero, mango, and passion fruit, which “maneuver hit a lot o’ corners for me.” Brian is the winner because his “hit me the hardest,” according to the good doctor, giving Brian immunity for the second episode in a row.

* Padma looks very different during this Quickfire. I can’t figure out why. Still smokin’, just different.

* Elimination challenge: A whole pig comes in on a gurney. It’s boucherie time, with chef and restaurateur Donald Link of Cochon and artist/sculptor Toby Rodriguez, who hosted a boucherie on Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations two years ago. So we’re going snout-to-tail here, with each chef responsible for his/her own dish and the overall requirement that they use the whole animal. I’m not sure they actually did that, as the resulting dishes didn’t include the tail (fatty, but very tender meat if you can get to it) and I only heard pig ears once as a garnish.

* The effort involved in breaking down a whole animal like this is enormous, and they’re doing it with regular chef’s knives. I’ve never seen a whole hog butchered – wouldn’t you use different tools for this? Perhaps a saw?

* Meanwhile Sara is the backseat butcher here, yipping at Nicholas and the others who are breaking it down and seem to have a plan. I don’t have a lot of rules in my kitchen, but “don’t shout at the man with the knife” is one of them.

* Nicholas and Nina split the pig’s head. Nina wants to braise it for a ragu … but doesn’t that waste it? Head cheese, or testina, is a delicacy, emphasis on “delicate.” I don’t understand obliterating all that texture and flavor in a sauce.

* The editors faked me out with a red herring – we see Travis buying prefab dried ramen noodles at Whole Foods, which felt a hell of a lot like foreshadowing to me … but he skates on something that nearly always gets a chef sent home. It’s a competition. Make your own damn pasta.

* That night, the chefs return to their house to find Rodriguez and Link’s chefs cooking an indoor boucherie for them. I have no idea how maybe twenty people could consume that much food. I’m watching them, thinking I might be done after two items, only to see them putting away six or more plates apiece. A meal like that might give me stretch marks.

* Next morning, the chefs are drinking Dunkin’ Donuts coffee from a Keurig machine. I think I can speak for both Hugh Acheson and myself when I say that I am thoroughly disgusted by this disregard for the glorious Coffea arabica. You’re telling me none of these chefs brings a pour-over setup on the road? Come on. Step up your caffeine game, kids.

* And some drama out in the campground where the chefs are to cook: Justin finds a wood-burning grill, so he sets it up himself, lights the flame and gets it to his temperature, after which other chefs start to try to grab grill space, which he doesn’t want to share. He probably could have expressed that better – at least, based on what we saw on camera – but Nina’s response is “suck a dick, man.” Was that really necessary? Then again, she’s from St. Lucia, where it is actually illegal for a man to be gay, so maybe that’s perfectly acceptable to say in her worldview. Just not in mine.

* Alligator sighting. You gotta catch that and use the tail in your dish, Stephanie. It’s part of the challenge.

* Shirley says the boucherie reminds her of a shā zhū, an annual pig roast her family in northern China would hold every Chinese New Year. I have no comment on this other than that northern China just became far more interesting to me.

* Nina’s dish is “underwhelming” when she tastes it, so she adds adding cayenne at the last minute. That’s what I usually do – this dish is bland, let’s dump a bunch of heat into it so no one notices!

* Hugh’s back! And wearing a white shirt. Rookie move, Hugh.

* The dishes: Brian serves a porchetta (rolled pork loin, terrible for you but so very good) with oyster and shiitake mushrooms; Sara does a pork dim sum with crab and shrimp har gow; Justin serves tacos with wood roasted pork breast, pork liver, and salsa verde, earning some immediate comments that the meat is a little dry, probably from when his entire grill caught fire; Carlos makes his mother’s posole verde with fried chorizo tacos; and Shirley makes a “day-after Chinese New Year’s” jiaozi with pork shoulder, topped with grilled kidney and cracklins.

* Padma is giddy because the food is all so good. The shift in her character over the last five or six seasons has been enormous. When I jumped into Top Chef in the Vegas season, she was stark and often seemed rude. Now she’s at the other end of the spectrum, empathetic with ousted chefs and just generally enjoying one of the greatest jobs in the world.

* Back to the food: Louis does a pork leg with shiitake mushrooms and popcorn, of all things; Stephanie made a cured, grilled, braised pork belly, served in a pork brodo she made in the pressure cooker, topped with a summer vegetable pickle; Travis’ pork bone ramen with collard greens gets all over Hugh’s shirt; Carrie serves crispy pig trotters (feet) with snap peas and pickled onions, possibly with pickled skin too; Nicholas makes a “tête de cochon” (head cheese) rillette style, with lemon grass vinaigrette, wheat berries, and vegetables; Nina uses her pig’s head to make a ragout with mustard greens, crispy ears, and sweet corn spaetzle. I still don’t understand how you could taste the head, especially the cheek meat, in something that heavy.

* Judges table: Tom says it was the most enjoyable food he’s ever had in eleven seasons of the show. While I’m sure some of that is just how incredible high-quality pig meat and offal can be, the chefs obviously (from the judges’ comments) did a great job. Shirley, Nina, Brian, and Carlos all get some praise here, especially Shirley, whose dumpling alone might have put her in the top three. Justin’s meat was dry, and seemed to get drier as the party went on. Louis’ corn was too sweet and had texture issues. Travis’ ramen had good flavor, but the judges ding him for not making his own. Stephanie’s dish didn’t have much flavor.

* Justin is barking at the TV as they watch the comments. Hey Justin, I know you’re mad, but they can’t hear you.

* The top three are Nina, Shirley, and Carlos; Nina’s food must just taste really good, because I don’t know that she’s ever made anything that looked or sounded so good that she’d consistently be in the top three. Shirley talks about traveling three days on a train to her grandma’s house in northern China, to which Tom says, “I would travel three days for those dumplings.” Carlos’ mother made this pozole every Thursday; Hugh is gushing over it, saying the “structure was so perfect.” Tom says if Nina’s pork ragout isn’t a national dish of somewhere, it should be, maybe “Ninastan.” And the winner “by a very slim narrow margin” is … Carlos! Gooooooal!

* The bottom three are Justin, Louis, and Stephanie; I’m disappointed and somewhat annoyed that Travis could buy dried, packaged noodles and not even end up in the bottom group just for sheer laziness. Justin is defensive, but Padma says the pork was bland and two of the four judges said theirs was dry. Tom and Padma go out of their way to say that none of the dishes were bad – these were just the worst of a good lot. Stephanie reveals that she cured her pork an hour, grilled it, braised it, then glazed it, and grilled again to finish. Did she consider shooting it too, just to make sure it was dead? Louis felt like his “meat cookery” was good, channeling Dr. John there for a moment, but Link says the popcorn was unnecessary and Tom said the corn kernels’ skin was too thick. Hugh says it took away from the core idea of “treasuring that pig.” You slaughter a pig, you better be prepared to treasure it properly.

* Justin’s dish even looked dry on TV. I don’t love the lean cuts of pork, like the loin, for this very reason – we have bred the fat out of most commercial pork in this country, even the good stuff.

* Louis goes home. The ladies seem disappointed Louis is going. Stephanie also seemed on the cusp of elimination here; she seems unable to craft a plan up front that she can execute in the allotted time without losing her mind along the way.

* LCK: The two chefs to go French Market, but when they get back Tom cuts them back to just three ingredients. Louis wins despite a gritty, overthickened sauce. Was Janine’s dish too simple or boring? I’ll miss her accent more than her looks, to be honest. I’ll predict, boldly, that Louis isn’t running the table – and won’t be around for that much longer.

* Top three: Shirley, Nina, Nicholas, followed by Justin, Carrie, Carlos, Brian, Stephanie, Sara, and Travis at the bottom. I think Shirley’s far more likely to bust out something crazy in the finals than Nina is.

* Next episode: Restaurant Wars!

Drenge & These New Puritans.

My analysis of the Josh Johnson and David Murphy signings is up for Insiders.

Drenge is a duo act comprising brothers from Derbyshire, England, whose self-titled debut album dropped in the United Kingdom in mid-August and will come out here in January. First recommended to me by one of you, a promo copy Drenge came across my desk this week (figuratively, since it was via email), and it’s promising if uneven, an intriguing blend of rock styles from post-punk to grunge to garage with at least three standout tracks. (If you’re in the U.K. you can buy the album via amazon. Otherwise, you can stream it on Spotify below.)

Although the White Stripes have set the standard for guitar-and-drum rock duos, Drenge have a little more in common with Jeff the Brotherhood, another sibling act that opts for heavier riffs and a chunkier sound for the guitar, without Jack White’s peripatetic musical style. Guitarist Eion Loveless’ rhythm lines are loud and aggressive, with abrupt tempo changes and shifts from the cleaner post-punk of Gang of Four to the fuzzier sounds of early Soundgarden or vintage Mudhoney. You can even hear bits of darkwave in some of the slower tracks, like the latter half of “Nothing” or nearly all of the eight-minute non sequitur closer “Let’s Pretend,” which might also be the result of distant influences from Black Sabbath or Angel Witch.

Where Drenge separates itself from similarly lo-fi/garage acts is in the five-song stretch from the album’s second track, the grim “Dogmeat” (which reminds me of a slowed-down take on Shed Seven’s “Dolphin”), through the pleasantly annoying “Face Like a Skull.” That quintet includes the album’s first single and best track, “Bloodsports,” where the brothers Loveless start to borrow more heavily from UK superstars the Arctic Monkeys in sound and melodic strength. The energy on “Bloodsports” starts with the fast-paced guitar line behind the verses, a la the intro to Nirvana’s “Breed,” but kicks up another gear with the drum-less riff right after the chorus, a trick Jack White has long used to great effect. “Backwaters” is the disc’s closest thing to a pop track, like Radiohead’s “I Might Be Wrong” tidied up for mass consumption yet still sinister enough to deliver lines like “I never seen blood or milk mix so divine/I never seen such beauty so malign,” a line followed by a riff so heavy you think the boys are shifting into mid-80s thrash mode. “Gun Crazy” turns the tempo back up to punk speed, a song to make Mark Arm proud for its first half that adds some complexity with off-beat staccato strumming in its final thirty-second coda.

The remainder of the album is far less consistent, including “Let’s Pretend,” which feels out of place and thoroughly bombastic for clocking in at twice the length of the next-longest song, “Fuckabout,” which is about as intellectually or aurally pleasing as the title indicates. “I Wanna Break You in Half” works as a suitably obnoxious fast-paced sub-two-minute track, but the same conceit flops on the unfunny “I Don’t Wanna Make Love to You” or the opener “People In Love Make Me Feel Yuck.” Eoin seems capable of lyrical subtletly, but too often settles for a sledgehammer to the forehead with a joke that feels like we’ve heard it a dozen times before. That can improve with experience and maturity, but Drenge’s ability to craft memorable hooks and evoke so many different eras in songs typically just two to three minutes long is already plus.

I also received a copy of the new album Field of Reeds by another English act, These New Puritans, which comprises twin brothers plus a third member, although the disc includes prominent contributions from over thirty-eight session musicians (per Wikipedia). I’ve previously mentioned the lead single, “Fragment Two,” which is also by far the album’s most conventional track in song structure, although even its music rarely follows the rules of modern rock music. I feel underqualified to talk about the album, given its experimental and highly artistic nature, with only Talk Talk’s Laughing Stalk coming to mind as a reference point (and I wouldn’t even say I know that album that well). The overwhelming sense I got from Field of Reeds was one of vastness, of the attempts to fill enormous ranges of space with haunting sounds that expanded upon release but never managed to reach the area’s borders. There are moments on the album of beauty, and just as many moments where it appears the band is trying to create a form of anti-music. As someone who tends to choose singles over albums, and gravitates towards melody over sonic textures, however, I found myself coming back to “Fragment Two” and the hynpotic “Organ Eternal,” the album’s two most accessible tracks. Field of Reeds is for mature listeners only.

The Portrait of a Lady.

New Insider content from Monday – reactions to the Carlos Ruiz re-signing and the Tim Hudson contract.

My only previous experience with the American writer Henry James was a failed attempt to read The Ambassadors back in 2005, and successful reads of two of his short stories, “Daisy Miller” and “Turn of the Screw,” back in high school. While he earns near-universal praise for the emotional depth of his writing and the quality of his prose, I always thought his prose was too prolix, and avoided him for years as a result.

The Portrait of a Lady appears on the Bloomsbury 100, which meant I either had to end my boycott or give up on my goal of reading all 100 titles, and since this also appears on the Novel 100 (at #29) I figured I’d stop being a stubborn ass about it and give it a read. James’ prose is, still, too prolix, and the novel moves about as quickly as a Yankees-Red Sox game on national television, but I could see that it’s also the work of a brilliant writer, and his central character is among the most memorable I’ve encountered.

Isabel Archer, the lady of the title, starts the novel as a young American woman who travels to visit her aunt and wealthy English uncle at their estate outside of London, where her aunt rarely spends time but her uncle and her cousin Ralph are often in residence, as both suffer from health issues. Isabel’s high-spirited, independent nature faces an unexpected test when she inherits a fortune and no longer has to even consider marrying for money, which leads her into a mésalliance that wrecks her innocence and threatens to destroy her individuality.

James invests nearly all of his time, including some multi-page paragraphs, in building and exploring the character of Isabel; rather than allowing her words and actions to define her, he crafts her with costive prose that I found difficult and unengaging. It is one thing to tell us that Isabel couldn’t feel shame for her mistakes for long because “she had an unquenchable desire to think well of herself;” it is another to talk about this for over two pages without a paragraph break. James’ fustian dialogue still illuminates her character and those of her suitors, the American expatriate Madame Merle, and her friend from Albany Henrietta, so why bury them in mountains of Dickensian descriptions?

Portrait‘s climax was by far its best and most clever part, as James gives us an ambiguous ending where we can easily imagine Isabel choosing either of the two paths ahead of her. By that point, she’s made her bad marriage and realized she’s effectively trapped in it, until an escape route appears before her – but one that would require her to sacrifice image and propriety in the eyes of the aristocratic world in which she travels. Her tie to her stepdaughter, who is growing up under the oppressive thumb of Isabel’s husband, may be a stronger disincentive to flee than her vows to her husband. Has her independence atrophied so far that she would choose a lifetime of unhappiness to save face? I’d like to imagine James writing both endings and opting to forgo one entirely because neither option satisfied him. Or maybe he just got lazy.

Next up: I’m about 2/3 of the way through Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, which is also on the Bloomsbury list. Beth’s not doing so well right now, though, so I put the iPad in the freezer.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue.

The cooperative boardgame Flash Point: Fire Rescue is Pandemic set in a burning building. While the setting and endgame conditions differ, the core mechanics are very similar, enough that it should be simple for Pandemic or even Forbidden Island players to pick up the basic rules and move on to the complete game. It’s enjoyable thanks to the same cooperative elements that make Pandemic fun (and stressful), but I don’t see anything terribly novel in Flash Point that advances the cooperative game field.

In Flash Point, the board is a giant rectangular building divided into 48 squares (six by eight), and it’s about to become enveloped by fire. The players represent firefighters who must enter the building and rescue seven victims before the building collapses or before they lose four (or more) victims to the blaze. Only three victims are on the board at any time, and some of the victim tokens turn out to be “false alarms” – blank tokens that can waste your time as you navigate the fire to get to them. Once a player reaches a victim, s/he must carry the victim out of the building to the ambulance parked outside, a slow process that puts both victim and player at risk from the advancing conflagration. When a victim is rescued or is lost, or a false alarm token is exposed, the players add a new token, called a point of interest (POI), to replace it, ensuring there are three on the board at the start of every turn.

When a fire starts to burn, right, and it starts to spread…

On his/her turn, each player gets four moves, called action points, to use as needed. Moving to an adjacent space costs an action point; putting out smoke in the space where the player stands costs one AP; putting out fire in that space costs two AP; carrying a victim to an adjacent space costs two AP. A firefighter can’t end his/her turn in a space that’s on fire, but a player can save any unused AP until the next turn. The basic “family” game has all players operating with the same four AP and restrictions; the full rules give each player a specific role, again similar to Pandemic, with bonus skills (e.g., flip over any victim token for 1 AP to see if it’s a false alarm or an actual victim) or additional AP to use in certain ways (e.g., three bonus ones per turn that can only be used for movement and can’t be saved).

After each player takes his/her turn, he rolls the two dice, one six-sided die and one eight-sided, to spread the fire somewhere in the building. If the space indicated by the roll is empty, and isn’t adjacent to any space with a fire token in it, then the new space gets a smoke token and no real harm is done (yet). If the space is already smoking, or is adjacent to a fire token, then the space ignites and gets a fire token. If the space is already on fire, however, an “explosion” occurs, similar to an outbreak in Pandemic, where the fire spreads out in all four directions, blowing off doors and damaging walls. Each wall segment can take up to two damage tokens before it is destroyed, and if players must place all of the game’s 24 damage tokens on the board before rescuing their 7th victim, the building collapses and all is lost.

The full rules create ways for the fire to spread even more quickly due to hazardous materials and hot spots places on the board at the beginning of the game. When fire hits a hazmat token, it causes another explosion like that described above; a player can carry a hazmat token out of the building for 2 AP per move, although the hazmat just has to be taken to the outer track rather than brought to a specific point as a victim does. When fire hits a hot spot, the player must roll the dice again to place yet another smoke or fire token, which may cause another explosion and hit another hot spot, so the process can continue for several iterations. These advanced rules come with one major bonus for the players, however: For 4 AP players can use the fire engine’s deck gun to spray water into one of the building’s four quadrants, hitting one random square within the chosen quadrant and dousing fire and smoke in that square as well as the two to four adjacent squares. I’ve found this to be essential to beating the game when using the full rule set.

With just two players, we found that limited cooperation was required because we could get victims out of the building quickly enough to avoid the fire. With four players, teamwork becomes essential for that reason: Someone has to control the fire to keep a path clear for the player(s) carrying victims out, and to make sure the building doesn’t collapse too quickly. Choosing where to focus your firefighting efforts is similar to choosing where to head in Pandemic – you’re practicing containment, as eradication, difficult in Pandemic, doesn’t exist here. Even if you were able to put out every fire token on the board, the building will just reignite on a future turn. You have to move quickly and efficiently to beat the game, as rescuing seven victims takes a lot of turns and the fire moves more rapidly as the game progresses.

A full game takes 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how quickly you make decisions as a group and whether you choose to use all or merely some of the full game’s features. It’s essential if you love cooperative games and enjoy the mechanics of Pandemic, but I find the game a little derivative without enough new twists to distinguish it from its predecessor and would always reach for simultaneous global epidemics over the burning building.

Potato-parsnip rösti.

Parsnips are awesome, and wildly underconsumed in the United States (both facts according to me). A cousin of both carrots and parsley, parsnips share the carrot’s high quantity of sugars just waiting to be brought out with heat, but also have a slightly spicy aroma that always reminds me of ginger ale.

On their own, parsnips can be overwhelming, which is why they’re often paired with other root vegetables or tempered with other strong flavors like bacon or maple syrup. (Or both.) Here I use parsnips to kick up the Swiss potato pancake known as a rösti, adding flavor, texture, and extra nutrition* to what is at heart just a good large hash brown.

*Parsnips are high in vitamins C and K as well as folic acid, and have more than twice the fiber per 100 g as a regular potato does.

Potato-Parsnip Rösti

1 russet potato (going for about 12 ounces/350 grams)
1-2 parnsips (about 4 ounces/100 grams)
1-2 tsp vegetable oil
large pinch of salt
2 Tbsp duck fat, butter, or bacon fat

You want to cook these in a saturated fat, as the potatoes will brown better and of course you’ll get more flavor. If you want a vegetarian option, I’d try coconut oil.

1. Peel and grate the potato on the coarse side of a box grater. Wrap the result in a tea towel* and squeeze as much liquid as you can out of it, wringing it tightly and squeezing again after a quick rest. This is key to getting a crispy brown exterior; if you don’t get enough moisture out, your rösti will steam when you want it to fry.

2. Peel and grate the parsnip and toss with the wrung-out grated potato.

3. Add the oil and salt and toss to thoroughly mix. You could add other spices here, but I wouldn’t go much beyond salt and black pepper.

4. In a 10- or 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat 1 Tbsp of the cooking fat over medium-high heat until melted and very hot – at least 300 degrees if you have an infrared thermometer, which you should because then you can tell your daughter you’re actually a spy chef. Add the potato/parsnip mixture and press lightly to create a flat pancake that fills the skillet.

5. Cook about 8-10 minutes until the bottom is brown and crispy. This is a little tricky the first time, as it depends on your stove; you may need to moderate the heat a little to make sure the potatoes cook through without burning the bottom.

6. Flip the rösti on to a large plate, flat pan lid, or a cookie sheet. Add the second tablespoon of cooking fat to the pan, heat until melted and sizzly, then slide the rösti back into the skillet and allow it to cook for 5-6 minutes until brown and crispy on the second side.

* A tea towel … I don’t really know what the hell those are either. I have a couple of thin dishtowels that do the trick, but I also have a few white cotton handkerchiefs that I bought very cheaply a few years ago and that work great for applications just like this one.

If you love parsnips as much as I do, check out Alton Brown’s parnsip muffin recipe – I add a tablespoon of oat bran (removing the same weight of flour) and a teaspoon of vanilla, and I substitute brown sugar for half of the white – as well as the various roast and mashed parsnip recipes in Nigel Slater’s wonderful cookbook Tender: A Cook and His Vegetable Patch.

Top Chef, S11E07.

Today’s Klawchat transcript is MVP-heavy but I tried to take a fair number of prospect questions, and I posted my hypothetical MVP and Cy Young ballots for Insiders on Thursday.

This was in the preview from last week’s episode of Top Chef, but we see Nicholas talking to a doctor and learning he has strep throat (“step thrope,” as my daughter used to call it, not to be confused with “the cold”), so he has to skip the Quickfire and will have to forfeit if he can’t cook in the elimination challenge. Tough break, although there’s not much the producers can do about it.

* Quickfire: There is an actual human being named Kermit Ruffins. He lives in New Orleans in a magical tree and holds the keys to the Land of Pretend. Also, he plays trumpet, sings, and cooks barbecue at his shows every Thursday. The chefs must “improvise” for him, starting at one station but then moving around the kitchen to another station (with its partially-finished dish) whenever Kermie plays the horn. This is all very, very silly.

* I think my favorite part was watching Justin try to roast quail in a toaster oven. I’m sure it can be done; I just wouldn’t want to be the one to have to do it.

* The way it works out, every chef starts at one station, moves to at another, then goes back to his/her original station, and then moves one more time to a new one. I’m not sure what this proves about any of the chefs; it’s great that you can improvise, I guess, but it’s also, well, kind of like judging a hitter by his RBI total: It’s more about what the people before you did.

* Those pants. My God, Kermit’s pants.

* I’m skipping ahead a little because this just wasn’t that interesting – Brian ends up winning immunity with the dish that Sara started, a duck/mussels combo with “Asian flavors.” Isn’t that Beverly’s shtick? I was more interested in Louis’ rosemary okra with rendered pork, confit potato, and frog legs. He seems to be keen on getting the most out of his vegetables.

* Elimination challenge: Now we cook – the chefs split into three teams and must create a potluck meal, after which someone has to explain “potluck” to Patty. The teams: Shirley, Louis, Justin, and Sara; Patty, Brian, Travis, and Nicholas if he returns (which he does); Nina, Steph, Carlos, and Carrie. My money would be on the third team to win and probably the middle team to lose, since at the time we didn’t know if Nicholas was returning and both Patty and Travis are near the bottom of the remaining twelve.

* Louis says he’s doing a dish with charred broccolini and pickled radishes because making vegetables taste good is hard, as opposed to some of the easier items you’d normally find at a potluck dinner. He also mentions that he worked for Thomas Keller, which floored me as he doesn’t carry himself like that.

* Nicholas is cleared to cook. Modern medicine is great. Vaccinate your children.

* Stephanie mocks him for cooking while on PEDs, saying she’ll “call bullshit” on him and won’t put him on her Hall of Fame ballot in ten years. Has she seen his backne?

* Carrie’s hair is getting shorter with each episode. I do not support this trend.

* We see Patty’s team talking about finding chili threads for their watermelon salad. This, kids, is what we refer to as “foreshadowing.”

* Guest judge: Sue Zemanick, executive chef at Gautreau’s, whom I had never heard of previously but who also appears in a Chase Sapphire commercial.

* To the food … Justin serves hominy grits with brown shrimp, roasted okra, fava beans, and smoked bacon. Louis serves his grilled and pickled vegetables with cripsy sunflower seeds and a mustard vinaigrette. Shirley and Sara collaborated on a glazed beef with charred onions, melon pickles, and a pickled ginger vinaigrette on top.

* The grits are very buttery, which is good because grits on their own have all the flavor and nuance of Elmer’s Glue, but the judges seem to feel it’s lacking that certain something. Louis’ grilled vegetables are really good. Shirley and Sara’s beef wasn’t consistently cooked and many portions were dry, although one diner says he “ate it all” anyway.

* Nicholas notices that his barramundi (fish) is sliced so thinly it’s cooking too quickly. This is also known as “foreshadowing.”

* Patty forgot the chili threads. I tried to tell you this was going to happen.

* More dishes: Brian and Travis served a togarashi fried chicken with clover bee pollen, honey, and ponzu sauce, where I assume the togarashi refers to the shichimi spice blend rather than just plain chili powder; Nicholas’ barramundi came over a summer vegetable fricasee with truffle and yuzukosho, another Japanese spice blend, this time using fermented chili peppers and yuzu peel; Patty’s watermelon salad with tomatoes, goat cheese espuma, and Szechuan pepper; and Travis and Nicholas collaborated on caramel-glazed barbecued ribs with dehydrated potatoes and peanut gremolata.

* We don’t hear much on the fried chicken other than that it was very crunchy; that sounded sickly-sweet from the list of ingredients. The barramundi was bland and, shocker, a little dry and overcooked. The rib rub was overcooked, possibly burnt. And everyone kills Patty’s salad for sloppy cuts and lack of spice or heat. You can see this elimination coming a mile away.

* The final team leads with Stephanie’s crispy fried (I should hope they’d be crispy) baby artichokes with preserved lemon and anchovy aioli (which is now just marketing for “mayonnaise”); followed by Nina’s semolina gnocchetti with fresh sausage, and Carrie and Carlos’ summer “tiramisu” with nectarines but, as it turns out, no coffee in it, which is enough to cause the Italian government to collapse.

* The artichokes were nicely cooked, the gnocchetti were nicely cooked, everything was nicely cooked. Just once I want to hear Tom get fired up and say, “They fucking NAILED that dish.” Not going to happen, I guess. The tiramisu was not nicely cooked, however, and was more like an English trifle than tiramisu.

* The interlude has the chefs talking about ambrosia salad, which I have never had and will never have, ever. It doesn’t even qualify as food. Patty, who is Puerto Rican, can only say, “You Americans.”

* Judges’ table – the consensus is that the food was overall pretty good. The green team’s artichokes were beautiful, and the gnocchi was perfectly made, but the tiramisu “really brings everything else down” for Sue. They rehash most of what we already knew here.

* Padma comes into the stew room and calls … the gray team, Patty, Travis, Nicholas, and Brian. She’s flat-out solemn as she asks for them.

* In front of the judges, the chefs say the food was a collaborative effort. The fried chicken was delicious and nothing else was good, unfortunately. The watermelon comes in for the most abuse here – it wasn’t dressed enough and had no spice. Patty said there was a lot of szechuan pepper in the dish – I believe she said she “doused” the salad – but no judge tasted it, and of course, she forgot the chili threads.

* The green team was the overall winner despite the tiramisu. Food nicely seasoned, beautifully cooked. Steph everyone liked artichokes, aioli delicious, fried capers too. Tom asks Nina taught her to make gnocchi, but she seems to say she’s self-taught. I’d like it if somewhere here Nina or Tom or anyone said, “the key is (insert key here.” Don’t work the dough too much? Don’t add too much flour? Chill before rolling? Give me a clue here, folks.

* The tiramisu flop was really a trifle in disguise. Carlos made a pistachio sponge cake, which was good, Sue says the dish needed more layers. Tom says tiramisu needs coffee (and rum, Tom, rum!), and that he would have been fine with the nectarines and the coffee together. And rum. He forgot to mention the rum, but I know he meant it.

* Winner: Stephanie, for the fried artichokes. She looks like she can’t believe it and says she hasn’t won anything at all since high school. I’m more stunned that the winning dish is actually something a little innovative. I’ve never seen crispy fried artichokes, and serving them with preserved lemons and fried capers put twists on two of the most common accompaniments to our favorite thistle.

* Patty is indeed eliminated. No one in stew room seemed surprised either, although there’s a ton of emotional support, with Carlos saying, “we’re all so proud of you.” This is an uncommonly nice group of contestants this year, which might be why the season feels less dramatic. The bad apples were auf’d early, and now the remaining chefs are mostly getting along.

* LCK: An onion challenge: Break down a tub of onions, then do all your prep work before you begin cooking. Janine doesn’t sear pork enough, but her apple rolls with goat cheese, bacon, and caramelized onions carry the day over Patty’s seared pork loin with onions and fried/confit potatoes, because those potatoes were way too salty.

* Projected top three: Nicholas, Nina, and Justin, followed by Shirley, Carrie, and Stephanie. I still think Stephanie is a dark horse here because she has more vision than some of the chefs who execute better than she does, but this was only the second episode where she really nailed a dish. Bottom three: My bottom-ranked chef has been eliminated in the last two weeks, so this is getting trickier, but I’ll go with Carlos, Travis, and Sara.


New Insider content since my last post here – Marlon Byrd contract reaction (hint: not positive) and my NL Rookie of the Year ballot, plus the offseason buyer’s guide for relievers.

I’ve long been a fan of the subgenre of dystopian novels, stories set in an alternate reality or in the distant future in an anti-utopian state, nearly always under a totalitarian regime that has quashed all individual liberty. The two most famous novels in the dystopian oeuvre, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984 sit at 74th and 58th, respectively, on my ranking of my top 102 novels of all time, while Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, a novel of social commentary in a dystopian setting, is 32nd, and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go is 96th. It turns out that most novels in this realm owe a direct or indirect debt to the novel I just read, Yevgeny Zamyatin’s 1921 work We ($1.99 for Kindle), a response to the authoritarian Soviet regime that had just taken control of Russia that was banned by the authorities there and eventually led to Zamyatin’s exile to the West.

We is set in the bleakest dystopia I’ve encountered, a world several hundred years in the future where people have numbers but not names, where cities are enclaves separated from all forms of nature by a “Green Wall,” and where all buildings are made of glass so that there is no privacy from the state Guardians. All personal activities are prescribed by mandated calendar, including sex, which occurs at set times of day and for which a person obtains a partner by submitting a pink ticket as a formal request. All physical activities, including but not limited to work, follow Taylor’s principles of maximizing efficiency. Food is petroleum-based, and the Guardians view smoking and drinking as crimes against the state. Math is ascendant over all, rationalism taken to the edge of its extreme, as emotions are dismissed as atavistic tendencies that should already be extinct.

The narrator, D-503, is a drone in the hive but an important one as he’s the designer of a spaceship called the Integral that will take this “perfect” society out into space – until he’s targeted by the rebellious woman I-330, who openly smokes and drinks while provoking an emotional response in him, Pleasantville-style, that leads him to tentatively consider a rebellion of his own. D-503 struggles to deal with these new emotions, with this seeming infidelity to his somewhat regular lover O-90 (who is deemed too short to bear a child under the state’s eugenics rules), and with the emergence of vivid dreams that he thinks are a sign of creeping insanity. I-330 eventually introduces him to a world of drones who are plotting against the state, forcing him to choose between compliance and sedition.

We shares the terrorizing power of Huxley’s and Orwell’s works through its vision of egalitarianism gone horribly awry, Harrison Bergeron-style, under the thumb of an omniscient government apparatus that has removed all personal choice and liberty from its subjects. Zamyatin enhances that fear by putting the narration into the hands of his protagonist, pushing the reader into his mind to experience his emotional/rational struggle firsthand. The technique has its greatest effect when D-503 is confused by this inner conflict and begins to render dialogue in fragments, forcing the reader to interpolate or complete sentences, bringing the confusion off the page into the reader’s mind. Reading a dystopian novel creates an involuntary barrier between the reader and the characters in the book because the situation in the story is often unrecognizable to us; Zamyatin’s trick of mimicking the confusion in D-503’s brain allows the feeling to slip through the barrier and affect the reader the same way that Orwell sowed fear in the reader’s mind with the rats in room 101.

Zamyatin and Orwell were specifically attacking Soviet-style totalitarianism, a topic that has lost some relevance in the twenty years since nearly all of those regimes fell or adapted by embracing economic liberty without political liberty. I’m less afraid of a technocratic, rationalist dictatorship than I am of a theocracy, as we live in a country that can’t accept evolution or climate change but is still fighting to restrict access to birth control or to ban same-sex marriage (which, all moral arguments aside, is about as anti-libertarian a policy as I can imagine). I imagine there are plenty of readers out there who’d take the opposite view, that rationalist-athiest totalitarianism is a greater likelihood or threat to our personal liberty, and for them We might be a more powerful allegory.

While Zamyatin’s tactic of eschewing character names for numbers dehumanizes the characters, it also makes reading the book more difficult than it needs to be; keeping the characters straight isn’t that hard, since Zamyatin doesn’t reuse letters and he reserves vowels for females and consonants for males, but I found the lack of actual names disorienting as I read. We is otherwise a very quick read with strong narrative greed, as it’s unclear what direction D-503 will take and his confusion rapidly becomes yours as you read. Zamyatin’s ending is ambiguous as well, although I believe I-330 foreshadows his intent with some of her earlier statements about revolutions and the mathematical nature of infinity. Given that the Soviet regime didn’t fall for another 70 years, a neater, pat ending would have felt too optimistic. It’s essential reading for fans of the dystopian genre given its influence, but also a tremendous lesson in building emotion in a reader even when your story itself revolves around its absence.

Elder Sign.

My buyer’s guides to catchers and DHs, corner infielders, and outfielders are all up for Insiders over at

Elder Sign is a cooperative dice-manipulation game set in the Cthulu world created by the horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. One to eight players act as investigators seeking to explore a mansion haunted by the minions of an “Ancient One,” the main enemy who will awaken if the players take too long to complete enough tasks to allow them to defeat him. If he awakens, the players must then battle with him against fairly significant odds or lose the game entirely.

The theme is elaborate, but the game is pretty simple: You’re playing Yahtzee! with different dice, and you can use various cards and investigator skills to alter the dice to try to get the specific rolls you need. Every room card has one or more tasks that you must complete by achieving specific rolls on the set of six green dice. You may need to use multiple dice to complete a task, but you can only complete one task per roll – if your roll completes several, you complete one, removing those dice, then roll the remainder to try to complete another task. Once you’ve completed all of the tasks on a card, you get the rewards shown on the room card, from extra item cards to the elder sign points that you use to defeat the Ancient One. If you fail to complete any task on a roll, you must give up one die to reroll and often pay a “terror” penalty as well. If you fail to complete all of the tasks on a card you’ve begun, you pay a penalty that usually costs you one or more Stamina or Sanity points – and if you run out of either, your investigator is out of the game.

The game includes a clock that advances fifteen minutes after each player’s turn. When the clock reaches midnight, something bad happens: A monster appears and is added to a room with an open slot, or a doom token is added to the Ancient One’s doom track, which, when filled, means the big guy wakes up (and he is pissed). There can be additional effects at midnight based on what room cards are on the table and what Ancient One is in play, but the bottom line is that none of these things are good.

Each investigator has a special skill, from the ability to reroll some or all dice to the ability to complete multiple tasks on one dice roll, the most useful one I’ve found in the game. Investigators can also acquire different item cards – Common Items, most of which allow the player to add a special yellow die to the green ones; Special Items, most of which give you a red die to roll; Spells, most of which allow you to store one or two of your rolled dice to retain a specific result for the next roll; Clues, which allow you to reroll any or all of your dice without having to surrender one first; and Allies, helpful assistants that might give you an extra skill or roll. Other cards may allow you to defeat a monster without a roll, regain a Stamina or Sanity point, or open up special rooms from the Other world, which tend to offer better rewards and smaller penalties.

Investigators work as a team to accumulate the number of Elder Signs required to defeat the Ancient One, but there’s very little in-game collaboration. The bulk of the teamwork involves figuring out which investigator is best equipped to tackle each room – the investigator who’s immune to Sanity and Stamina penalties within tasks is the ideal candidate to go after a room with several of those required to finish it, for example. Using Amanda Sharpe, the investigator who can complete two or more tasks on one roll, might be a waste on a card with only one task.

The other key decision is which rooms to try to solve before the next time the clock strikes midnight. Rooms that return one or more Elder Signs are always valuable, but a few room cards allow the investigator to remove a Doom token from the Doom track if they’re completed. Some rooms have negative effects at midnight, like adding more doom tokens or deducting one Sanity point from every investigator, so taking them out quickly is key to extending your time to complete the game. Other rooms and monsters “lock” dice so they’re unusuable until the room is completed or the monster is slain. (If you kill a monster but then don’t complete the room in which he was hanging out, the monster is still dead and you still get the benefits of dispatching him.)

I’ve found value in tackling rooms that open Other rooms when solved, because of the latter category’s more favorable risk/reward ratio. The game also includes the Entrance, a sort of shop where players can return Trophy points, acquired by completing rooms or defeating monsters, for additional clues, cards, or even Elder Signs, although I’ve found I only make use of the Entrance to return Trophies for healing or to buy Elder Signs.

Ultimately, however, this is a luck-based game where you are working to manage your luck by mitigating its effects. A basic understanding of probability helps, of course, but in general it’s best to throw everything you’ve got into each room’s set of tasks because of the high cost of failure and the fact that every item or trick you use for rolls reduces your dependence on random chance. It’s the kind of game that can have you muttering that the dice are loaded after ten straight dice don’t give you the one skull (“peril” … seriously, the terminology here is stupid) image you needed, so accepting that you’ll have outlier rolls that make your can’t-miss strategy miss is part of the fun. It’s a solid mid-weight game, good as a cooperative game that has more individual decision-making than Pandemic, but you have to be able to live with Elder Sign’s heavy reliance on dice to like it.

There is a modified app version of Elder Sign sold as Elder Sign: Omens for the iPad and iPhone. I played at least a dozen games without a single crash, and the graphics are very strong and clear, drawn directly from the physical game. The interface is clumsy, unfortunately, and I had a few instances where I clicked on something, expecting more information, only to find I’d made an irrevocable choice – a dialog making sure that I wanted to give up on a room before finishing would be a good addition. It’s also too many clicks to get information on rooms or what each investigator is holding, and even if you disable the videos there’s too much nonsense in between each investigator’s turn for my tastes. The app differs in a few small ways from the board game – I don’t think there are Ally cards at all, and once the big foozle wakes up the game is over. The base app costs $6.99 and includes four Ancient Ones to fight; three more are available as in-app purchases for $2.99 each, each of which also adds some investigator options. It’s worth the seven bucks to try it out before buying the physical game, although compared to other boardgame apps in the $6-10 price range you get less bang for your buck.

Top Chef, S11E06.

The offseason buyer’s guides are rolling along now, with middle infielders going up this morning and starting pitchers going up yesterday. Outfielders go up on Friday. Also, the new Behind the Dish podcast is up, with interviews with Scott Boras and Buster Olney, talking free agency. The show is going on hiatus until early December, but we’ll do at least one show a month over the winter.

To New Orleans…

The waterworks are really picking up now, so you know the sleep deprivation is starting to kick in, even though we’re not even halfway home.

* Right after last episode’s elimination, we see Nina calling Michael a “dick” and a “douche.” She seems really broken up that he’s gone. I’m surprised she didn’t take his chair by the fire, too.

* John Besh comes in and the ladies swoon. Padma introduces him as the “lovely” John Besh. Steph: “Good hair, great restaurants, James Beard awards … I’m intimidated.” Huh? Great hair? He’s got that dead floppy thing over his forehead. It looks like his barber forgot to finish the job.

* The quickfire involves an overnight trip so the show can plug the Toyota RAV4. I have owned three Toyotas in the past and don’t plan to buy one again. The alternators died on all three, all earlier than they should have, and the cars are too expensive for that to be acceptable.

* They end up on this gorgeous farm that Besh says services 50 top restaurants in New Orleans, including his eight. The key ingredient here is Creole tomatoes, which only grow in that part of the country. They have a thin skin and high acidity, but are also meatier with less of the mucilaginous goop in the center that chefs often scoop or mill out. For the Quickfire, the chefs have 20 minutes to make a dish that highlights it, with the winner getting immunity.

* Brian says he has the “great beginning of a conceptualized idea.” Heavy stuff, man.

* Travis is wilting in the heat, and says he knows he’s not making the tomato the star of the dish. How does that happen? Was he thinking that in real time and went ahead with the dish anyway? Have these people never watched the show before?

* Steph says she draws a blank when trying to come up with a dish, and eventually decides to do a basic tomato/watermelon salad with feta and avocado. That’s so generic she has no shot to win, and her constant psychouts are such a huge contrast to Kristen’s Zen approach from last season. I can’t see Steph getting much farther at this rate even though she seems to be a pretty talented cook.

* Bene supremes his tomato, which I’ve never seen before. Also seems like a great way to sever your thumb, if you were looking for a more efficient method.

* Nina knows how to properly chill something: In a larger bowl full of ice. Not by dumping ice into your soup or broth. I learned that from Good Eats about ten years ago. It’s not. That. Hard.

* The bottom three: Patty’s roasted and marinated tomatoes are just a mess, which she blamed on the heat; Steph’s was too simple; and Travis’ steak dish didn’t elevate the tomato and the steak was a little underdone.

* Top three: Nina’s chilled soup had deep flavor and was actually chilled; Carlos’ poached tomato was elevated by the salad on top of red onions, cilantro, basil, jalapeño, and flowers marinated in tomato water; Louis’ tomato-seed bouillon with marinated tomato had big flavors without killing the tomato. Nina wins again, earning immunity, for what seemed like a well-executed but not very imaginative dish.

* Elimination challenge: Cook in the La Provence kitchen for the executive chefs from Besh’ eight restaurants. Each dish must incorporate … Philadelphia cream cheese? I don’t like American cream cheese to begin with, but a generic mass-market brand? How about some local farmer’s cheese? Chefs aren’t allowed any dairy but that gunk, milk, or cream, so no butter, but they will get local produce in the kitchen. They’re divided into appetizers, entrees, and desserts, with the winner getting $10 grand.

* Also, cream cheese is gross. Keep it away from my brownies and my carrot cake or I will cut you with a santoku.

* Nicholas talks about opening his own place – it opened last night here in Philly. The menu is small but looks promising, although I’m not sure if I could bring my daughter there on one of our date nights because the menu is so narrow.

* The pantry is limited to seasonal ingredients, but then we’re treated to the chefs mauling each other to try to grab the ones they want, which doesn’t have a lot to do with cooking ability.

* Nicholas wanted to do New Orleans-style beignets but can’t find yeast in the kitchen, so he has to do a “Jersey shore” funnel cake instead. I don’t think those two doughs have much in common; funnel cake is best made with choux paste.

* Sara is trying to stuff lamb loin, but can’t get the puree out of the piping bag. I have no comment on this.

* Gail says she’s excited to see what the chefs do with the local “PRAH-duss,” rhyming it with “epiglottis.” Nothing like making up your accent as you go along.

* Travis hacks up the lamb while trying to remove the fat cap, saying the knife is “too sharp” when dullness is the typical problem when the knife goes where it shouldn’t. He’s kind of got an excuse for everything, doesn’t he? He may have been right about the central Vietnamese tomato dishes, but since then it’s been a steady stream of “it’s not my fault” lines, like he’s seven.

* To the appetizers: Patty serves a snapper crudo with cream cheese vinaigrette; Brian serves a summer squash tagiatelle over poached oysters and a sauce of emulsified cream cheese; Carlos presents poached beets, pickled carrots, and a peach habanero (no “ñ,” thank you) cream cheese sauce; Nina offers crispy zucchini blossoms stuffed with eggplant-cream cheese purée. Besh loves Carlos’ depth of flavor and complexity. Patty’s is too simple and didn’t have enough sauce. Brian’s oyster was too salty. Sara’s was their least favorite, undercooked to the point of rawness. Nina’s stayed really crispy … but is that anything more than a typical Italian dish, fried squash blossoms stuffed with a flavored soft cheese like ricotta?

* The entrees: Bene serves a roasted chicken breast filled with caramelized onions and a tarragon cream cheese dressing; Carrie does a vinegar-braised chicken with cream cheese sauce and chilled cucumbers; Justin has a roasted duck breast with eggplant vinaigrette, corn cream (with the cream cheese), and chanterelles; Travis does a seared lamb with Moroccan succotash and a roasted tomato-cream cheese aioli. Travis’ looks so undercooked on camera; I know lamb should be rare to medium rare, but I’m pretty sure that same sheep will be on “Homelamb” next week. Carrie’s braise gets some praise but her cukes lost their crunch in sauce. Bene’s getting killed on the eggplant having no flavor or texture. Besh loves Travis’ dish, but the lamb was not evenly cooked plate to plate, and Tom didn’t like it. Justin’s hid the cream cheese too much but it was the best overall dish. Any dish that hides its cream cheese is going to get more points from me.

* And desserts: Louis serves a graham cracker and cream cheese bar cookie with poached berries and white peach; Nicholas’ funnel cake comes with a carrot cake-spiced cream cheese mousse; Shirley serves a steamed egg custard with olive oil- and black pepper-macerated blueberries; Steph, whose cream cheese separated when she tried to beat it into her whipped cream, serves it as a cream cheese, peach, and cherry mousse with a cream cheese short dough (I assume a shortbread cookie). Steph’s is a disaster, a broken custard, prompting Tom to say “there’s a story behind this, has to be.” Nicholas showed off the cream cheese the best. Shirley’s custard is a little overdone, needed a touch of sweetness. Louis’ bar was very soggy and chewy. I couldn’t make out what he called it – a sous brique? A soggy brick? Whatever it was, the diners did not approve.

* Judges’ table: The judges are all surprised the chefs didn’t do better with the fresh produce. Nicholas’ really stood out, far and beyond the others. Nina had immunity but hers was also awesome. Again, hers may have been the best executed, but the history of this show has been one of rewarding ambition and creativity. Gail liked Justin’s duck, and Tom agrees that it was by far the best entree. Travis didn’t cook the vegetables properly and made “raggedy cuts,” to which he says that he “wanted it that way.” Sure you did, Trav. Tom says Travis’ and Bene’s were bad family meal dishes. Sara’s lacked a balance of flavors, but more importantly, the lamb was raw. Steph’s seemed like something went wrong and she had to throw something together at last second, which is exactly what happened. I thought at this point she was gone like a broken custard.

* Top three: Nina, Nicholas, and Justin, which could easily be a final top-three preview. Nina’s eggplant cream cheese filling was “so silky smooth.” Nicholas says he saw peaches and carrots first, and had done desserts at his last restaurant because they didn’t have a dedicated pastry chef. Gail says Justin’s dish was “so composed and thoughtful.”

* And the winner is … Nina? What? Did they whack us with editing? Everything pointed to Nicholas winning, and his dish was more out of the box than Nina’s – as was Justin’s, for that matter. She keeps winning, but isn’t it always for immaculate execution rather than for her concept or vision?

* Bottom: Bene, Sara, and Travis. Steph and Louis have to be relieved at this point. Sara said she thought her concept was good, but concedes her execution was lousy start to finish, especially around time management. Bene admits he put a lid on the steaming vegetables and ended up discoloring them while also robbing them of flavor. Is that about the lid, or about steaming them too long? Serious question there as I usually lid anything I’m steaming but keep the process short and move fast when my timer goes off. Maybe I’m doing it wrong. Travis’ plate was sloppy and the judges are all over him for the vegetables. He doesn’t want to hear it. There’s a “talk to the hand, Tom” moment coming soon.

* So, Sara’s lamb was blue. Travis’ vegetables were “miserable.” Padma can’t even remember what he did and says it was a Travis-ty. I probably can’t criticize after my Renteria joke yesterday. Bene served “cafeteria” food. His chicken was kind of dried out. Tom says to Sara, “I don’t know what’s going on in your head.” I don’t know what’s going on on her head.

* Bene is eliminated. They could have sent any of these three or Steph home from what we saw after editing.

* Top three: Carrie, Nina, Nicholas, followed by Shirley and Justin. Steph can’t get out of her own way. Nicholas comes down with strep in the next episode, though, so we’ll see what that means for him. I’d had Bene at the bottom for a while now; with him finally gone, my new bottom three is Patty, Louis, and Travis.

* LCK: Frozen/canned vegetables. Janine’s scallop with corn/pea puree and crispy pancetta beats Bene’s swordfish two ways with asparagus/pea puree and browned artichoke. Tom admits he uses frozen vegetables at home, and Janine picks the two vegetables I nearly always have in my freezer. Corn freezes beautifully and fresh peas are in season such a short time that using frozen peas is nearly always the better option. (When you do get fresh English peas in their pods, though, grab them. You’ll be amazed how sweet and vibrant they taste.) The sear on Janine’s scallops looked incredible. High heat, lots of fat, wide pan, move fast. It sounds easy, but apparently it’s not.

Tuesday links.

  • This year’s ranking of the top 50 free agents is now online for Insiders. We’ve flagged players who received Qualifying Offers, and in most comments I try to give a rough idea of what I’d be willing to pay each player. There’s a full explanation in the intro.
  • I also held a Tuesday Klawchat today. There will not be a Thursday chat, but Behind the Dish will come out that day.
  • I’ll be doing some freelance game reviews for Paste magazine, and my first piece, a column on the market shift toward tablet boardgame apps, went up today.
  • I know several of you were looking for my review of Arcade Fire’s Reflektor today – it went up here on the dish yesterday.
  • Two singles that hit my playlist in October but didn’t make yesterday’s piece: “Let Go” by RAC featuring Kele (of Bloc Party) and MNDR, the best dance song I’ve heard in 2013; and “Stay Young” by Okkervil River, a fun jangle-pop track from the indie-rock stalwarts who just had their first top-ten album in the U.S.

    [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=000000″ width=” 100%” height=”18″ iframe=”false” /]

    [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&player_type=tiny&font=Arial&color=000000″ width=” 100%” height=”18″ iframe=”false” /]
  • Finally, this Sesame Street parody of “Homeland” is just brilliant. It first aired on the Thursday episode that subtly paid tribute to Jerry Nelson, the original Muppeteer behind (or under) Fat Blue, Herry Monster, Sherlock Hemlock, Mumford … and Count von Count. Nelson passed away in August of 2012, and the opening tribute was sweet, but it was “Homelamb” that ended up stealing the show.