Stick to baseball, 7/22/16.

My one Insider piece this week ranked the top five farm systems in baseball, a list that may look different by August 2nd. I also held a Klawchat on Thursday, and reviewed the reissue of the boardgame Agricola for Paste.

And now, the links…


  1. Is the Giuliani meme supposed to be blank?

  2. If a female doesn’t have, what in your opinion is enough of a feminist streak, you won’t let your daughter look up to her?

  3. Mike Pence supported gay conversion therapy in 2000. People change. Hillary Clinton didn’t support gay marriage until 2013. Peter Thiel said he was gay at the Republican National Convention to a standing ovation. Obviously it is wrong to be against gay people, but many republican’s don’t care anymore even though they used to.

    • Pence supported the homophobic RFRA law last year. This was a fairly big story where the NCAA threatened to boycott the state. He has not evolved on this issue. It’s actually a big part of his appeal to the GOP base.

    • Exactly. There’s no evidence at all that his views have changed. And gay conversion therapy in particular goes beyond mere bigotry into harm.

  4. Brian in ahwatukee

    Peter Thiel funded the destruction of gawker. That’s purely evil. He does it because he was mad about being outed as gay. He and trump seem against an free press. That’s concerning.

    The mosquito story is curious. I heard an interesting show on Diane ream (NPR) about how to know what you’re eating is real and not fake. Commonly it is hard to tell that the honey you’re buying is actually honey and not something cheaper but similar to honey. This repellant story seems similar. As much as folks vilify regulation I wish there was less obfuscation on labeling and more accuracy. I cannot tell something works or says what it is unless I read an article or sometimes a company will voluntarily put something on their label verifying accuracy based on a trade group. That trade group then becomes gospel which in itself is scary.

    Going down the grocery aisle it feels like I need to google whether the evoo is what it says it is or if it’s something else. That’s crazy

  5. That maybe true about Pence, but conversion therapy is back in the GOP platform

    • Where is the link to the many articles about % of transgender people that commit suicide after mutilating their genitals? Or are we not allowed to talk about that?

    • Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing.

  6. Peter Thiel funded a lawsuit where a court found that gawker did something illegal. The DNC leaked emails show the DNC was working with the press to call into question Bernie Sanders’s religion. That seems against free press to me.

    • Washington Post and Democratic National Convention unlisted fundraising party via Wikileaks. Free Press is a huge illusion.

    • Andy,

      I wouldn’t bother, Keith is a hardcore leftist and a huge hypocrite of his own positions. He supports Hillary, yet she has taken billions from governments that execute people for being homosexual and treat women like farm animals.

      He’s a disgrace.

    • Talk about free press, Keith censors comments on his own website if they make him look ridiculous. Moreover, ESPN is now in the social justice game, where employees who say the wrong thing can get fired (some Muslims are terrorists and that men have a penis). However, Keith and his ilk can attack conservatives 24/7 and no one makes a peep.

      This type of bias is exactly what is happening on Twitter and other websites that are supposed to be bastions of free speech. Yet, if a family doesn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding and there are 2000 other bakeries willing to do so, that one bakery must be shut down. I’ve never heard of a Muslim being asked to serve beer or make a pork sandwich, followed by the US Government shutting the company down through $100k+ lawsuits.

    • Add “the definition of ‘free press'” to the list of things that Mistro doesn’t understand

    • You can also add in how businesses operate to things Mistro doesn’t understand. If a Muslim business doesn’t want to sell pork or alcohol, they don’t have to. They are being consistent with the products they sell everyone. You don’t go into a hardware store demanding they sell you a sandwich. You don’t go to your library demanding they sell you a gin and tonic. But if a bakery sells wedding cakes, they can’t sell a cake to one couple because they are heterosexual but not another because they are homosexual. A wedding cake is a wedding cake.

    • You can also add “basic English grammar” to that list.

  7. I completely agree with you regarding Taylor Swift. While I may not be a fan of her music, she is certainly a fine role model for our children. And not everybody bashed her this week. The Wall Street Journal lauded her for standing up for artists’ rights in this Opinion piece:

    Also… admittedly somewhat anecdotally… I have heard many stories about her genuine connections with both her fans and people in general. She grew up near my hometown and I have a few friends with kids and grandkids who went to school with Ms Swift. Despite moving to Nashville when fame struck, she has stayed remarkably close to her childhood friends.

    She is not like many of the predictably shallow and vain stars who so often serve as a modern role model for teen and pre-teen girls. (Cough, cough—-Kardashians—- cough, cough.) As a father of two girls, I’m grateful for that!

  8. Just curious, but when you say “I’ve understood the enmity” in regards to Taylor Swift, is it because you don’t like her music, or are you speaking more broadly?

  9. @Tom:

    Keith (says he) doesn’t like anyone/anything that is widely popular.

  10. Geez, what is with all the comments from the hypersensitive conservatives this week?

    • I’ve banned two already and might have to ban a third.

    • I’d be on edge if the political party closest aligned to my own views put on that embarrassment of a week 😀

  11. I’d be on edge if my political party conspired with the press and within the party against Bernie Sanders

  12. Hey Mistro: Way to bitch up the conversation. Fecking mouthbreather.