Stick to baseball, 11/14/20.

For subscribers to The Athletic, I wrote about the major rule changes in MLB in 2020 that might stick around, and which ones might be worth keeping. I also held a Klawchat on Thursday.

Over at Paste, I reviewed The Search for Planet X, a deduction game that is one of the best board games I’ve played all year.

My guest on this week’s episode of The Keith Law Show was Fangraphs managing editor Meg Rowley, talking with me about the state of baseball, free agency, and some recent managerial hires. My podcast is now available on Amazon podcasts as well as iTunes and Spotify.

I’m due for another edition of my free email newsletter, this weekend, I hope.

As the holiday season approaches, I’ll remind you every week that my books The Inside Game and Smart Baseball make excellent gifts for the baseball fan or avid reader in your life.

And now, the links…

Klawchat 11/12/20.

I have a column up on rule changes from 2020 that might become permanent up for subscribers to the Athletic.

Keith Law: Pull my shirt off and pray … for Klawchat.

Guest: What is your take on what the orange POTUS is up to now?
Keith Law: I wish I felt more confident that Democrats were taking this more seriously. I don’t think this is all some harmless cover-up.

barbeach: You’re back!  Thanks for another chat.  If you are the Yankees, do you give Gleyber Torres another year at SS or move him back to 2B and figure out how to fill SS through trade/FA?
Keith Law: I’d let the market decide that to some extent – if they land one of the good SS on the market, then move Gleyber. I don’t think he’s as bad as he looked in 2020.

DRB: I’m sure you know the quote “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”  I’m not smart enough (I wish more people would admit this about themselves), but do you think perhaps we need to split up the union like how the USSR was split up?   I don’t know why people in North Dakota should benefit from the work being done in Cali/NY, etc.
Keith Law: Or why Mississippi, where an elected official said the state should “succeed from the union” (a testament to their worst-in-the-US education system), should be propped up by taxpayers in blue states, only to exert undue influence over the country’s policies? That’s the real problem I see with our current system. Of course, eliminating the electoral college and making the Senate more representative of population would remove most of that problem and both are a lot less dramatic than, ahem, “succession.”

Jim: Keith, just published the list of Rule 5-eligible MiLB players.  I know you firmly hold that there’s rarely a player worth taking in the draft, but will you be posting an article on the eligible players?  (What with everything going on, I can’t recall what you did last year.)
Keith Law: I probably won’t. There isn’t a list out yet because the rosters don’t have to be set until November 20th. If someone of note is omitted, I’ll write about him (or them, I guess), but usually I don’t because there aren’t any.

xxx(yyy): Any (new) cookbook recs for 2020? Either new to you or that came out this year?
Keith Law: Looking at my shelves … I think there are more books I’m hoping to acquire in the next two months (like Hugh Acheson’s How to Cook, Nik Sharma’s Flavor Equation) than new ones this year I’ve used. I’ve cooked a lot from books I already owned, but used new recipes because we joined a CSA.

Jim: So, everything points to the Republicans not having a leg to stand on re: “voting fraud”.  However, in light of the rhetoric, firings in Pentagon leadership, etc., how aluminum-foil-hattish is it to be worried about Trump deciding not to leave?
Keith Law: I don’t think it’s irrational at all to worry about it.

Eh Team: What is George Valera’s ceiling as a player?  And how has the lack of a minor league season impacted players, especially younger players like Valera?
Keith Law: The lack of a season is going to impact all players, but each of them will be hit differently. Some pitchers could be better off from the year of rest. Many hitters will be worse off – and I’d guess Valera might be one, given how raw he is as a hitter – but some won’t, because they’re just that good, or their approaches are that advanced. And players had access to different resources, depending on where they were this year and what funds were available. So there’s no one answer; it’s bad for the sport as a whole, and for most players, but the degree it affects players will vary by individual.

JC: What do you think the Rockies will do with their infield/outfield??  They going to leave Josh Fuentes at 1B? Ryan McMahon at 2B? Keep Brendan Rodgers in reserves if they trade Story / Arenado?  Do you like Raimel Tapia in LF? What is your thoughts on Sam Hilliard?
Keith Law: They should trade Arenado, although I understand any Rockies fan who loathes that idea; it’s just the best move for the franchise long-term. If they were to do that, they could try McMahon at third and Rodgers at 2b. If not, McMahon might still be their best option at 1b, although he has not hit up to my expectations yet. I like Hilliard’s power/speed/arm combo but you can’t punch out 37% of the time as a Rockie and be productive. IIRC it’s breaking stuff, especially sliders, that have always been his weakness.

Bill: As a Red Sox fan, I am not sure how I feel about the Cora signing.  He seems to be well respected and Boston is not the easiest place to work so its probably a good signing.  However, past events should be considered (yes people deserve a 2nd chance (even Bonds, Rocket) but for some reason ).    What are your thoughts?  Could tehy add Fuld as a bench coach?
Keith Law: No issue at all with Cora or Hinch getting jobs – they’re both highly qualified and both served their MLB penalties. I’m good with Carlos Beltran getting another shot at some point, although if I were him, I’d try to go manage a year in AA or AAA and then go for a job next winter, when I think he’d be an immediate front-runner.

Ben (MN): How did the local candidate that you were supporting do in the election?
Keith Law: She won! Flipped a seat that had been red for 40 years. We had 70% turnout in the district, so those of us who volunteered felt like we all made a difference. The incumbent is a very nice person, but the most notable aspect of her tenure was that she sent constituents cards on their birthdays (and several voters mentioned that while I was a poll greeter on Election Day … as if that’s a good way to fill out your ballot).

Mark: Is there a good product I can buy for home use to keep my knives sharp ?
Keith Law: I own this Chef’s Choice sharpener and I like it. Just don’t use it too often – it’s actually grinding the steel on your knives.

addoeh: With Stroman taking his QO, what does that say about the market this winter?  As Meg Rowley and you discussed on the pod, this is something owners have wanted to do for a while and COVID has just given them the opportunity.  I think the number of teams that are looking to add 10+% to their payroll this offseason is going to be low.
Keith Law: I’m not sure if we can generalize from that because Stroman didn’t pitch at all in 2020. He is the perfect example of a player who should at least consider the one-year deal, taking 2021 to reestablish his value (and health) and go for a multi-year deal next winter. Andrelton Simmons is in the same boat – his defensive metrics were down in 2020 because he was hurt.

Key Frederick: Zach Lowther of the Orioles doesn’t have the best velocity, but he seems to have been very successful in the minors. From what I read (I haven’t seen him) he sounds a lot like Sid Fernandez (which is super-optimistic, I know). I don’t believe he actually will be the second coming of Sid Fernandez, but can a pitcher with his pitch repertoir actually succeed as a MLB starter? Especially with the apparent change of focus in organizational pitching philosophy.
Keith Law: I would bet on yes, at least as a back-end starter. Huge extension, great spin rates. Will just never wow you with velocity or power, but hitters have a very hard time seeing the ball or squaring it up.

Ben (MN): I made Hugh Acheson’s carrot soup that you had recommended in a previous chat, and it was delicious even though I don’t have access to fresh carrots. I find myself doing more “real” cooking in the winter when it is cold, but find it a bummer that I don’t have access to any fresh produce in MN in the winter. I’d imagine you have a similar problem n Delaware too. Do you find that your cooking habits change in the winter, and if so, how?
Keith Law: Yes, especially since we try to cook a little bit seasonally, so the produce we use changes (and we use more frozen vegetables too). We work in more soups and other ‘hearty’ dishes in the winter, and do fewer salads or cold dinners.

Nick: Do you think the Dodgers see Kody Hoese as their future starting third baseman, or do they need to find an answer post-Turner (whenever that is) elsewhere?
Keith Law: No, it’s not Hoese. He’s not very good, and he’s not a 3b.

Guest: Keith, at what point this off-season are owners going to argue that they can’t afford to pay players their full salaries next year given likely attendance restrictions? And then what happens?
Keith Law: They will, and there will be an acrimonious negotiation.

Moe Mentum: Who has done more long-term damage to our system of government – Donald Trump (sowing public hysteria and mistrust) or Mitch McConnell (re-writing rules and revising protocols to suit the party in power)?
Keith Law: I say Trump, because he has convinced so many (gullible) Americans of so many false things.

Gerry: What is your honest opinion on ridiculous assessment by MacPhail re: uprooting during a pandemic as a reason for the Phillies “snails pace” FO search?  Embarrassing and bad optics I would think
Keith Law: I don’t agree with him. I know highly qualified candidates who are interested in that job right now.

Moe Mentum: Do you agree with Cash and Mattingly winning 2020 Manager of the Year awards? If not, who were better candidates?
Keith Law: (yawn)

ck: Kolten Wong would be a nice fit for the Cubs right?  Defense, speed, and obp at the top of the lineup.  Or do you guess they are not spending money again this year…
Keith Law: No idea on their budget but yes, Wong’s a good fit for most teams. Still shocked the Cards just let him go.

DRB: I want to ask your opinion on Blake Snell’s last start.  When does the long view of analytics become a disservice to individual games?  Blake Snell was dealing, just like pitchers have dealt since the beginning of baseball.  Even though if that game was played 100 times, going to the pen may have been the higher percentage play, doesn’t randomization mean that some times the manager should play a hunch and just leave Snell in the game?
Keith Law: Snell wasn’t dealing, though; wasn’t his fastball velocity starting to slip, which has always been the traditional indicator that a pitcher is tiring and needs to come out? Plus ‘dealing’ isn’t really a thing – you’re dealing until the moment you’re not. It has no predictive power.
Keith Law: (I would have left Snell in to face Betts, who nobody gets out, and then Seager, so you get the LHP vs LHB. But I don’t  share some of the ire for the decision that many people feel.)

Jon: Keith, what can the average person do to help ensure that we don’t end up with a savvier, Trump-like individual take over in 2024?
Keith Law: Get more involved, starting at the local level. Don’t take the midterms off from activism. Register more voters. Fight voter suppression if it exists in your area. And support real fact-based journalism when you can.

Brian (Austin): Keith, have you had any experience with Goldbelly yet?  Thinking of ordering some Pizzeria Bianco and was wondering it if will be worth the price.
Keith Law: I have – a friend with the Bianco Group sent some of their pizzas through Goldbelly and they were great. It’s a different experience frozen & reheated at home, but the flavors were all still there. You just get more of a cracker-like crust than the softer version at the restaurant.

Tim: Any surprises to you on who did and did not accept the qualifying offers?
Keith Law: Nope. I assumed Gausman would, expected the four who declined to do so, and wasn’t sure either way on Stroman.

Todd Boss: Delaware certified their results 11/5/20!  First state to ratify the Constitution, and now the first state to certify the election that ousts the greatest threat to that Constitution since.
Keith Law: We do some things right here. And I like our chances to do even more with so many progressive voices in our legislature.

Matt: You gonna join Parler and give them your driver’s license and passport information?
Keith Law: Is there anything more telling than how many people signed up there and agreed to those absurd terms, and how those are the same people who believe bullshit conspiracy theories like QAnon? It’s all a grift.

DRB: Since you’re a big music guy, what do you use to listen?  What kind of speakers/headphones do you use?  I have the Harman Kardon set up in my car, and it’s life changing, highly recommend.
Keith Law: Nothing fancy. I have never really seen the value in those investments. Also I listen to a lot of music in the car or while moving around the house so I use speakers.

Todd Boss: The Nats are on the hook to pay significant amounts of deferred dollars in 2021 (somewhere in the $26.5M range including buyouts of 2021 options).  Do you think they’ll use these dollars (which are already accounted for in prior year’s luxury tax salary cap considerations) as an excuse not to go near the $210M 2021 cap figure?
Keith Law: Possibly, and we always knew eventually they would have to pay for the investments they made in some of those players (which helped them win in 2019). It may be more of an excuse to keep payroll down than an excuse to avoid the luxury tax specifically.

Todd Boss: Do you think newly-minted Cy Young winner Bauer will stick to his 1-year contract only demand?  What could he realistically command on a one year deal?  Could he beat his former UCLA teammate and best friend Gerritt Cole’s $36 AAV figure?
Keith Law: I’ve assumed he’d get to free agency and take a five-year offer, which he should get, but I don’t think he’d get Cole money – he just doesn’t have Cole’s track record.

Alex: Is there any doubt in your mind Steve Cohen is going to make at least one big FA signing if nothing else to appease the fan base and announce to MLB owners the Mets are going to be a serious contender for all free agents going forward?
Keith Law: I assume they’ll be among the biggest players in free agency, and given their roster, they should be.

addoeh: Just saw your new Athletic article.  Would a roster like the NFL, where there is a 53 man active roster but a 45 man gameday roster, work?  There would be a limit on how many relief pitchers you could have on a gameday, but you could have more on an active roster for the next day.  Guys could easily move between the two and would get service time “credit” just for being on the active roster.
Keith Law: I worry that that would be too easy for teams to manipulate.

Michael: Do you agree that the Dems didn’t fare as well as hoped in part because they are so wishy washy on what they stand for and using their power to affect change? E.g. lack of house subpoenas.  Also how do you feel about them trying to blame the AOC wing for their problems?
Keith Law: It seems that Dems fared worse where their candidates were more moderate; progressives have clearer, stronger messages about ways they intend to help the working class voter, and that resonated. That’s an overgeneralization across the whole country but my takeaway from the overall results is that the Democrats need to embrace progressive messaging and make sure they are explicit about policies they will enact. Running against Trump only worked to elect Biden this year, not the whole ballot, and that will not be a factor in 2022 (we hope).

Sammy So-so: Trevor Bauer seems really difficult to value based on his uneven career. Do you think he’s an elite starter now or will just be paid like one? Thanks.
Keith Law: He’s been an elite starter once in a full season, and again in this truncated season. I wouldn’t call anyone with that little of a track record an elite starter.

Seth: I know you generally think the Rule 5 draft is a lot to do about nothing but considering how many minor leaguers didnt play last year, do you think there maybe more to it this year where teams may be able to find someone available they previously did not?
Keith Law: I do not. Teams have no data or scouting reports to use to make those determinations.

Nick: The logic behind the Phillies not interviewing anyone for GM is…nonexistent? Are they just going to wait for Theo Epstein next year?
Keith Law: I’ve heard that hypothesis. Theo’s track record is superb, but I’m not sure waiting a year is in the franchise’s best interests.

silvpak: though they have insane roster flexibility, do you see the dodgers actually doing anything of real note during the offseason? i’d assume they resign turner to something like 2/22 or 3/30 (that’s a certainty if the universal dh comes in and beaty and rios can spell him at 3b) and i think they’ll resign kike, as that marriage makes sense for both sides, but that’s less certain pending lux. other than being opportunistic with the bullpen, i just can’t see la getting into any big ticket items  unless the lindor price drops to maybe 2/3 of what mookie cost (which would push turner and kike out, you’d assume), they want to drive the price up (lemeihu), or there’s a ‘steal’ on a one year prove it deal. thoughts?
Keith Law: I could see them extending Seager or trading for Lindor (it’s either/or, though). I’d guess they’ll surf the lower end of the market for one-year relief options, but do they have a substantial need anywhere else?
Keith Law: Glad you mentioned Rios. He can help a major-league team.

Guest: Minasian announced as Angels GM. Should I have more hope as a Halos fan?
Keith Law: He’s great. That’s a great choice. Super bright, energetic, comes from a great front office in Atlanta as well. We’ll have to see how he handles Trumpy Moreno, and of course there’s the endless mandate to build and win at the same time there. He does inherit a far better system than Eppler did, though.

James: Broke down and subscribed to the athletic because of you. Royals question – not likely competing until 2023 at the earliest, shouldn’t they trade soler, Duffy, merrifield and any reliever? I understand keeping salvy because of what he means to kc.
Keith Law: They don’t think they’re that far away given the wave of pitching coming. I would trade (or have traded?) Duffy, though, and would explore the same for Merrifield given his age.

J.O.: Instead of “runner at 2nd” – why not just have a tie after 12 innings?  I mean – there would be like 10 a year.
Keith Law: Ties are anathema to all baseball fans. I’m not even saying that’s right, but we are as opposed to ties as anybody.

Wadi: Will you be following Winter Leagues this year? Lots of prospects playing, especially in the DR.
Keith Law: Define “following.” I don’t know that I’ll pay any more attention than usual.

Jake: Brandon Nimmo has the 7th highest wRC+ in baseball amongst all outfielders since 2018 yet I’ve seen people treat him as a 4th outfielder or a throw in in Lindor trade packages, what gives?
Keith Law: Because he doesn’t hit LHP well and doesn’t face them as often as a full-timer. wRC+ and similar stats can be misleading for part-time players; if you had a hypothetical LHB who literally never faced a left-handed pitcher, his wRC+ would be much higher than it would be if he had a full-time role and faced lefties 1/3 or more of the time. He’s the same player either way, but how he’s used would dramatically alter his rate stats.

Steve Cohen: Do you want a job?
Keith Law: You have some great people there and can pretty much hire anybody you want … and I know a lot of people who’d like to be the GM there, too.

Communism: Is Stroman taking the Qualifying offer good or bad for the Mets?  Good or bad for Stroman
Keith Law: Good and good.

Martin: Which free agents should the Mets target?
Keith Law: Realmuto and another starter.

Jason (go brewers): What are your thoughts on how MLB handled the turner issue? My thinking is that if they really cared, they could have physically restrained him from going on the field.  It probably had to go through multiple levels of people saying “whatever” and letting him.  Pathetic.
Keith Law: Completely inexcusable across the board. The moment they got his positive test result he should have been isolated from everyone else. He should have received a lengthy suspension, and MLB should find out exactly how the protocols broke down and taken action against everyone who fell down on the job. Turner remaining in the stadium and going on the field meant continued exposure for his teammates and staffers, and thus increased risk of infection.
Keith Law: I wouldn’t sign the guy for any amount of money after that stunt. At best, it is a complete failure of judgment.

Chad: How ridiculous was Ke’Bryan Hayes finishing 6th in ROY voting?
Keith Law: The BBWAA did a pretty lousy job overall this year, not that I’m shocked, but Hayes finishing 6th was embarrassing for the ROY voters. Either a bunch of them submitted their ballots early, because they’re lazy, or they didn’t bother to check the players’ actual performances, because they’re lazy.
Keith Law: Voting for postseason awards is a privilege and a responsibility. If you’re not willing to make the modest effort to do it well, just decline to vote.

Guest: New Knizia game My City, good for 2 players?
Keith Law: Yes, that’s how we’ve been playing it. (My review.)

Brandon J: Hey Keith, what do you envision the Dodgers doing with May and Gonsolin next year? Full time starters, swing men, up and down to AAA?
Keith Law: Both should be full-time starters, behind Buehler, Kershaw, and Urías. (Did I forget someone?)

Chris: What do you think of the Yankees’ decision to leave Trenton and Staten Island for Somerset and Hudson Valley? What do you think are the chances that either lands another affiliated minor league team?
Keith Law: Personally disappointing as both affiliates are now farther from my house. (This is all about me.) I don’t believe either will end up with an MLB affiliation – certainly not Staten Island.

Mike: Hi Keith, do you think Spencer Howard’s future is as a starter? He seemed to have trouble after the first time through and lost velo. Could that be attributed to the weird offseason?
Keith Law: I attribute it to his on-and-off shoulder issues. More time off might be helpful for him, too.

Brian: How did Williams win ROY with only throwing 27 innings? Also is Arenado just winning the GG based on his reputation now? He missed 20% of the season and still won.
Keith Law: People were dazzled by Williams’ low ERA, when of course his RA and FIP and other stats were much higher.

agu_iii: The dodgers pipeline has been producing major leaguers for awhile.  I see  they have dropped in the rankings because of graduations. Are there more prospects coming up that have a chance of being quality players?
Keith Law: Yep, still more on the way, like Cartaya and Josiah Gray and Michael Busch, all top 100 prospects right now.

Sdewy: Have you played the AGoT board game? If so, have you had a chance to check out their Steam port of it? If not, then why are you a monster?
Keith Law: I’ve played the physical game but it’s not my cup of tea at all. Too convoluted and way too long.

Jibraun: Do you think playoffs will be expanded in any form in 2020? And beyond? And if so, does 12 teams look more likely or 14?
Keith Law: I’d bet on no fewer than 12.

Jake: Do you have a target date for rolling out your prospect lists this year? I believe last year they were later than usual with the move to The Athletic.
Keith Law: We haven’t discussed that at all yet, but on my end, I think the package overall will be smaller because I don’t have anything new to say on so many players. I’m not a fan of writing just for the sake of writing; I have to have something to tell you.

Matt: Do you have any clue what the White Sox are doing with this   “wait and see how this plays out” process? If there’s bloodwork showing he was above the legal limit, are they just hoping he gets off on a technicality? I know it’s hard to get inside the mind of the worst owner in baseball but hopefully there’s a path to get TLR out before the season starts
Keith Law: My guess is Reinsdorf doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks. He hired his friend.

tom: It took maybe a hundred Facebook posts, along with a horribly botched pandemic response, but I FINALLY succeeded in convincing my Republican parents in PA to not vote for Trump. They didn’t vote for Biden, of course, but it’s still a huge victory. As awful as FB is, you gotta reach them where they are!
Keith Law: One of my best calls while phone banking involved convincing a woman in Arizona to vote for Jo Jorgensen rather than Trump. She was a Mark Kelly voter – no idea how you reconcile those two things – but repeated some alt-right claims about Biden that were utter nonsense. It’s sad when seemingly nice people are unable to distinguish real news from that kind of crap.

Johnny: Where do you see Abrams in ‘22?  2B or CF?
Keith Law: Why not SS?

Rey: If it was your choice, what would you do with the Pioneer League?
Keith Law: I was OK with losing the Pioneer and Appy Leagues. I’m not OK with losing short-season entirely. I think that hurts player development.

White Socks: does la russa cost the team wins? or just their soul?
Keith Law: Both. The guy hasn’t managed since 2011, he’s now 76 years old, and there’s no reason to think he can or will work with their R&D department, the way 29 other managers seem to.

BaseballThug: Jo Adell – how much of a hit did his trade value take? Are there real concerns, or can 2020 be thrown out because of COVID & him being rushed to the bigs?
Keith Law: None. Pretty sure every team would take him now in a trade.

Guest: I know there were no minor league games at all, but are there ANY players you can say improved their stock significantly this, based on info you’ve gathered from other sources, people you trust, etc?
Keith Law: No. It’s way too speculative.

Aaron: Hi Keith. Wondering if your opinion on Cavan Biggio has changed as we reach 600 major league PAs? The eye test does not seem to match some of the statistics that he has put up thus far (OPS+ 116, 368obp).  I see a player with a fairly passive approach and below average bat speed but his stats have thus far seemed to suggest an above-average regular.
Keith Law: Nope. He’s just not very good, and those stats are really skewed by a big September in 2019 when he feasted on some garbage pitching. Tampa Bay had his number – they attacked him with velocity and he couldn’t adjust.

Bryan (Montclair): Thoughts on the Steve Cohen/Sandy transition presser this week?  I don’t think I’ve heard even anything remotely negative from media or fans.  Also – any thoughts on Michael Hill as a candidate for the GM role?
Keith Law: Hill’s tenure in Miami doesn’t give me great confidence in what he’d do in New York. They drafted and developed very poorly while he was there, and I don’t think we can conclude anything from the major-league side because he was always constrained by ownership.

Greg: It’s it just crazy to think that losing one of those GA senate seats wouldn’t be the WORST thing? I’m a little worried about increasing Republican enthusiasm, and the Dems taking a slim margin into the midterms would put them in real danger of losing both houses. If they go into 2022 down 49-51 in the Senate, with the GOP obstructing everything, maybe they can make that the big midterm issue and win the senate by more than one seat?
Keith Law: I’d rather see the Dems take the Senate and get something accomplished in two years – including statehood for DC and PR – that they can use in 2022 if we survive that long.

Brian: Is there any team that’s surprised you with how they’ve handled their personnel (good or bad) in terms of either keeping employees employeed or laying off too many scouts/analysts/general employees and crying poor?
Keith Law: How about the Dodgers and Rays?

Tom: You keeping up with the running as the temperatures drop? I started running much more seriously during the pandemic, and now with less daylight and colder temps it feels much harder to motivate. Trying to overblast my goals now in anticipation of the holidays.
Keith Law: The temps haven’t stopped me but we’ve had a lot of rain lately and that does. I’m not unreasonably concerned about slipping on the wet leaves everywhere.

silvpak: re: trump – it is entirely a con job (he’s broke and the money people are donating will be used to satisfy his campaign debt) and a branding exercise for trump world news. the installation of trump loyalists in the governmental ecosystem is to slow transition down, ensure loyalists are locked into hard-to-fire positions, and lay the road for a 2024 run, or gubernatorial run in florida by ivanka. the reality show era of politics is in full swing and we will not be able to walk it back.
Keith Law: And the damage done will be permanent.
Keith Law: Also, the complicity of so many Republicans in Congress should concern everyone.

Mike Trout: Do you know what is actually in Biden’s power to make elections more fair for dems going forward, if he doesn’t have the Senate? The trends in the Rust Belt and Miami-Dade/Florida make it look pretty bleak for winning the Electoral College again.
Keith Law: Demographic trends across the south are favorable to Democrats, actually. Arizona turning blue was a result of that, and Georgia and Texas are heading that way. North Carolina might as well. They’re getting younger and more nonwhite. Getting more of those voters registered and to the polls, and even more white women to the polls, would help.

Jonas: Sportsnet in Canada suggested  Gurriel/Groshans/de Castro as a reasonable offer for Lindor from the Jays? Too much? Not enough?
Keith Law: LOL

bartleby: Understanding that weed is legal in California…how much were the Giants smoking when they agreed to Gausman for $18.9 million?
Keith Law: No issue here. One year for a guy who was very good for them and still has some upside remaining.

JR: Will you be reading JK Rowling’s new books (published either under her name or her pseudonym)? Or will you boycott based on her stance on transgender? Can you appreciate an artist’s talent in one area even if you disagree with their public stance on certain issues?
Keith Law: I don’t see myself spending more on her books … I read the first two Strike novels but skipped the third when I heard how transphobic it was, before her public comments. If she wrote something else in the HP universe, though, I’d probably read it.

JR: Personal question: have you had a vasectomy? I’m getting one in a few hours. Any last minute advice if you’ve had one?
Keith Law: I haven’t. Good luck though. I hear ice is helpful.

Brint: Any chance Bohm can stick at 3rd? If not and no DH in NL moving forward, should the Phillies look to move Hoskins this winter? While he’s affordable I can’t imagine his value is all too high right now.
Keith Law: IMO no. Bohm is 90% or better to end up at 1b.

Chris: IIRC you are a Taika Waititi fan; check out Hunt for the Wilderpeople, watched it last night, enjoyable 2016 film w Sam Neill.
Keith Law: Watched it this summer. It’s wonderful.

Zach: Never expected that DJ Lemahieu would leave Coors Field and suddenly turn into one of the 10 most productive players in baseball. Have you heard about or seen any mechanical or approach changes he made?
Keith Law: A lot of it was Yankee Stadium, especially the power.

Nate: We obviously saw Marcus Stroman say he would never play for Tony La Russa.

How much of an impact will his hire have on free agents? Surely some will be vocal, but most will remain fairly diplomatic about their displeasure.

Will they struggle to attract FAs they need/want because of La Russa?
Keith Law: I believe you are correct – most won’t say anything, but at least some players will simply decide to sign elsewhere even if the offers are comparable, without us ever hearing why.

Rob: In terms of prospect status, would current prospect Wander Franco rank ahead of pre 2019 #1 Tatis? Is Tatis current level of play within the statistical norm of outcomes for Franco?
Keith Law: I would rank pre-2019 Tatis higher – he added more value on the bases and in the field.

Chris: Surprised Justus Sheffield got no rookie of the year votes?
Keith Law: Yes. See above.

Jackie: I’m OK with Cora getting another shot, but Tony LaRussa … forget about the fact that he leaves a trail of empty syringes everywhere he goes.  You don’t get to have multiple DUIs on your resume, as well as the drunk driving death of Josh Hancock in 2007 when he was leaving Busch Stadium.
Keith Law: And his comments not too long ago about players kneeling for the anthem. I know TLR conveniently said the right things this week, but I’m not buying it until we see his players protesting in front of him and him having their backs.

Michael: Cases have doubled in the last 10 days. If that happens again we will be at 300k cases a day by Thanksgiving.  Will our country ever take Covid seriously?
Keith Law: No. We’re going to have to lock down again, and people will take it worse than they did the first time, in no small part because the Republican Party chose to politicize a virus.

Andrew: I was a little surprised by some of the bootstraps narrative that emerged about Bauer yesterday. It’s always been there (and seems to run counter to a more holistic view of his career–he as a #3 pick! he was really difficult in AZ!), but was put out by a few sources I was surprised to see it from. Were you?
Keith Law: Same. He grew up with plenty of privilege, and went to a college that has churned out MLB pitching prospects. We can respect the work he’s put in without pretending he’s some Horatio Alger story.

Lee: How is it possible that Trump got 10 million more people to vote for him than 2016?  How could people live through the last 4 years and want more of the same?   I just don’t understand how this many people can be this delusional.
Keith Law: Talk to some of them and hear the stuff they believe – conspiracy theories and just plain lies they saw on Facebook or alt-right sites, to the point that the beliefs become as immutable as religion.

Jeff: COVID has revealed how stupid college sports are, correct?  Sure, the pros had issues, but college football is a mess.  Why do we continue to tie athletic development to academic institutions?
Keith Law: The answer, always, is money.

Tom: Have you watched The Queen’s Gambit?
Keith Law: I believe that’s our plan for weekend watching. That and the Eagles/Giants summit.

Jesse: Do you have any fast casual chains you like?
Keith Law: Many I don’t mind – Panera, Chipotle, even Panda Express is fine. We have a local chain called honeygrow that’s quite good and is probably the best fast-casual place I know if you want a real vegetarian meal.

Rocky Balboa: There were 1,800 new virus cases in ND today. Unless my math is off, if you extrapolate that nationally, it’s like having 800K cases. And Mr P gives zero shits.
Keith Law: I can not believe officials in the Dakotas are still singing the same denialist tune they were in April. Both Dakotas have at least 140 new cases per 100K population a day, and positive test rates of 20% or more. South Dakota is likely to run out of ICU beds this month. Both states voted straight red, though.

DRB: Re: value in speaker investments…the value is being able to hear some of the more complex sounds.  The bass in some songs come through a lot cleaner and heavier that change the experience a lot more than you would think.
Keith Law: And as an amateur musician since I was a little kid … I really don’t care about that. I just don’t listen to music on a technical level like that.

Gary: Hey. Thanks for the chats! What are your thoughts on Bryson Stott? Has there been any additional reports that you have heard on him from any of the camps?
Keith Law: Same as last year. As I said above, anything from the satellite camp is unconfirmable enough that it won’t budge my opinion on any player.

xxx(yyy): Does John Coppolella ever get off of the permanently ineligible list? Was it an over the top penalty or reasonable in your opinion?
Keith Law: Over the top, by far, but they wanted to make an example of him, and he didn’t have the allies in MLB that John Hart did.

xxx(yyy): Do you use your Vitamix very often? What do you make in it these days?
Keith Law: Great for soups, actually.

Brandon J: For the Dodgers, Is Julio Urias more valuable as a starter, or as a “relief ace”?
Keith Law: I’d start him now, unless there is a reason (shoulder?) he can’t do that.

Jim: Speaking of the Turner issue, any evidence he infected anyone by going back out on the field?  Of course this doesn’t excuse his behavior; I’m just curious if you’ve heard anything.
Keith Law: Don’t they have 9 more positive cases? We can’t say exactly when he exposed them but it sounds like he was patient zero.

Chris P: Any word on college baseball in 2021? It seems like the NCAA is just crossing their fingers and letting everything go as if nothing’s happening
Keith Law: I believe that’s their strategy, yes.

Guest: With the lack of a minor league season, do you think there will be more draft picks in your top 100 than usual?
Keith Law: Probably fewer, with more players returning to the list than usual.

Chris P: How much of a slap in the face is it that both Cora and Hinch are managing in the majors again after 1 year?
Keith Law: How much of a leading question is it to ask “how much of a slap in the face is it?” (Answer: None.)

JR: Regarding TLR, he’s a repeat DUI offender too, so you can’t say “he needs a second chance” or “made an innocent mistake because no one was hurt.” Clearly he has no issues driving drunk and thinks he can get away with it.
Keith Law: Correct. And he needs help, not enabling.

Matt: How do you respond to people you like/respect saying reasonable sounding things that you know not to be true? I’m referring both to a bunch of people tweeting about suicide rates as well as a conservative (non-trumpy) friend quoting Alex Berenson as reasons to limit lockdown efforts.
Keith Law: Ask for evidence. The suicide claims are not backed up by any data at all. Berenson claimed we never interacted before I blocked him, but that’s false, as I blocked him for insulting another reader of mine (I was tagged) and told him as much, and he’s also a denialist on COVID-19 and the science around marijuana.

Jeb: Thoughts on Food Chain Magnate?
Keith Law: Never played, sorry.

Pat D: Joe Manchin has already said he won’t support DC or PR statehood.  I get where he’s coming from, being that he’s in such a RED state, but that kinda shows that even at 50-50, all it takes is one Dem defection from torpedoing everything.  So maybe the better strategy is to unite and do what they can and try to blame the GOP in the midterms?  (Despite the fact that the Dems can never strategize properly)
Keith Law: Or try to get one GOP Senator – perhaps one in a purple state – to go along. Manchin’s a DINO anyway.

Greg: How dangerous do you fear Qanon will become with a Democrat as President?
Keith Law: Actually I think they’ll struggle if the major social media platforms follow through on plans to crack down on that content.

Stephen: Your updated board game rankings coming out this month? I gotta know what to request for Christmas this year.
Keith Law: Yes, probably the week of Thanksgiving.

Phillip: Do you think Adam Haseley can be anything more than a 4th OF?  Nice level stroke in this Launch Angle world
Keith Law: No, I think that’s what he is.

Shane: Is Kingery a lost cause with the Phillies?  I know he had COVID but man, he’s a mess
Keith Law: Someone screwed up his swing, big-time. But I think it’s fixable.

Greg: Here in CO we voted to join the national popular vote interstate compact. Are you in favor of this? Seems like our only real chance to get rid of the EC.
Keith Law: I am in favor of it, but it may not be constitutional.

Michael: Ever take Metamucil?  It’s changed my life
Keith Law: I have remedied many of my lifelong stomach problems with psyllium husk (Metamucil) and a magnesium supplement. I understand why the former works, but not entirely why the latter does.

Stephen: Here is some info on the suicide rate not going up during the pandemic for people to send to friends using that argument:…
Keith Law: Hard evidence seems like as good a place as any to end the chat.
Keith Law: Thank you all for reading, and sorry it had been a while … I was as distracted by the election as most folks, and certainly didn’t want to try to do a baseball chat while the race was still sort of up in the air. I’ll keep these going at least every two weeks in the offseason, and there will be more video chats via Periscope or via The Athletic as well. Please stay safe, wear your masks, and listen to public health officials this month. This virus doesn’t know you’re just trying to see your relatives at Thanksgiving.


Max Porter’s second novel, Lanny, has a more conventional structure than that of his first, the brilliant Grief is the Thing with Feathers, but has the same ethereal feel and prose that’s entirely dialogue, inner and spoken. This story is bigger, but still short, with a sense of closeness about it that matches his first book and makes it another powerful, compelling read.

Lanny is an 8-year-old boy, an only child, different from the other kids – highly imaginative, prone to statements that sound like they should come from an adult, and possibly communicating with some sort of spirits in his small English town. His parents’ marriage is strained, but they do love him, and his mother is both incredibly attached to him and constantly anxious about his well-being, including his social life. Things look up a bit when the eccentric local artist, Pete, offers to give Lanny painting lessons for free, just because he enjoys Lanny’s company so much. Everything implodes when Lanny fails to arrive home from school one day, setting off a series of events, most of which you’d probably expect from this setup, but with the one complication that we knew from the start: one spirit with whom Lanny is probably communicating, a shapeshifter named Dead Papa Toothwort, exists, a legend among the village who has been there for centuries (at least) and who might be menacing Lanny from the start.

The bucolic town turns very dark when Lanny goes missing, like a shade going down on the story, with Pete coming in for obvious suspicion. He’s a bachelor! Why would he have such an interest in a little boy like Lanny! He’s devastated, and wants nothing more than to help find his missing friend, but the town devolves into gossip and recriminations against Pete and against Lanny’s parents, looking for anyone to blame for the unspeakable horror of a child gone missing and possibly dead. Once the search for Lanny starts, the attributions by character disappear, giving us as little as a sentence at a time from unnamed speakers, adding to the sense of disorder amidst a frenetic search.

Dead Papa Toothwort ‘speaks’ in a rambling stream of consciousness that also incorporates snippets of other, unnamed characters’ speech, presented on the page in a nonlinear and often overlapping fashion that looks like someone put an e.e. cummings poem through a Zalgo text generator. His intentions are unclear, but he seems to stand as a metaphor for nature and our environment, which we ignore at our own peril, and Toothwort’s goal turns out to be less evil than simply self-serving, as he feeds off the speech of humans while inhabiting the very soil beneath the village. (Toothworts are part of a broad genus of plants, Cardamine, that tend to grow on forest floors, especially where the soil is damp.) His connection with Lanny relies on the boy’s fairylike character, as Lanny often speaks in riddles or makes observations beyond his years, wandering off to places he finds to be magical, and gives the sense of being barely there even before he goes missing. His mother isn’t immediately alarmed on the day he fails to return home from school because it’s so in character for him to not be where she expects to find him.

There’s a film adapation of Lanny in the works, with Rachel Weisz attached, but I have a hard time seeing this translate to any screen given how much of the book’s value derives from Porter’s poetic prose. There isn’t even that much plot to go around, which makes me fear some screenwriter will invent something to fill in the gaps, rather than letting the search for Lanny play out in something like real time, emphasizing the agony faced by Lanny’s parents and Pete as days pass without any trace. Porter is such a gifted wordsmith that I doubt any filmed version can capture what he puts on the page.

Next up: I’ve been burying myself in genre fiction during these stressful last few weeks, but I’ve got David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten next up on the shelf.

Music update, October 2020.

October turned out to be a great month for new music, perhaps boosted by five Fridays (I feel like music analytics would have to adjust for that). I also think that the pandemic and inadequate responses by many developed nations have left musicians and labels at the point where they don’t feel like they can keep delaying releases – movie studios have a financial incentive to keep kicking the can down the road, but record labels don’t. So this month I have 24 songs on the playlist, with over 90 minutes of new music, running the full gamut of musical styles I like. You can access the playlist here if you can’t see the widget below.

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Automation. Maybe the best guitar riff of the year. I don’t love everything King Gizzard does, but I’m always amazed by their musical shapeshifting. They can move from psychedelia to metal to blues rock and in between and still put out two albums a year.

Creeper – Annabelle. Creeper’s first album was a horror-themed punk record, but they’ve remade themselves on their sophomore album, Sex, Death & the Infinite Void, which is one of the best LPs of 2020, a mad, sprawling record that recalls Suede, the Killers, My Chemical Romance (in a good way), Americana, and elements of early 1980s post-punk/new wave. Some other standout tracks on the album include “Paradise,” “Cyanide,” and “Poisoned Heart,” but really the whole album is incredible.

HAERTS & Ed Droste – For the Sky. I don’t know if or when HAERTS will give us a new album – lead singer Nini Fabi just had a baby, which I’m sure impacts their timeline – but this one-off track with Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste is a lovely interlude to tide us over.

Peking Duk & the Wombats – Nothing to Love About Love. I wasn’t familiar with the Australian “mad rock” duo Peking Duk, but this came on my Release Radar because I’m a huge fan of the Wombats – and this sounds like a Wombats song remixed.

Battles, DJ Dairy, & DJ Orient – Stirling Bridge. Battles put out a call for artists interested in remixing tracks from their 2019 album Juice B Crypts, and the resulting EP will come out on November 20th. This track comes from two members of black midi, and it’s not a remix of any single song but a new creation from the raw tracks Battles recorded when making the original record.

Goodie Mob ft. Organized Noize – Frontline. Goodie Mob’s first album in seven years, Survival Kit, comes out on November 13th, with tracks featuring André 3000, Big Boi, and Chuck D. This single is an anthem for Black Lives Matter protesters, with prominent mention of the federal government’s use of tear gas on peaceful demonstrators. Cee-Lo also appeared on a new track from Big Boi and Killer Mike called “We the Ones,” which has great work from the two MCs but sluggish music and mailed-in vocals from Cee-Lo, who is a pretty terrible person anyway.

Tori Handsley ft. Ruth Goller and Moses Boyd – What’s in a Tune. Tori Handsley is a jazz harpist who’s been playing with other artists since at least 2010, but is just now releasing her first music under her own name, leading a trio that includes drummer/producer Moses Boyd (whose Dark Matter is one of my favorite albums of 2020). I heard this song before knowing anything about Handsley, and I assumed Handsley was playing a guitar via two-handed tapping, or maybe a Chapman stick, but she gets sounds and patterns from the harp that I don’t associate with that instrument.

Jorja Smith ft. Popcaan – Come Over. This new track from the Mercury-nominated English singer-songwriter Smith appears to be a prelude to a sophomore album, although it’s at least her third single since Lost & Found came out in 2018. It has a more obvious reggae influence than the last few tracks and includes a contribution from dancehall artist Popcaan, although I don’t think he brings much to the table.

Arlo Parks – Green Eyes. Parks’ debut album is finished, and due for a release early in 2021, but this is at least her fifteenth single to date, at least according to her artist page on Spotify. I’ve been late to this party but her voice is gorgeous and whatever you might call her style of music – it’s soulful but not really soul, folk-ish but definitely not folk – I’m here for it.

TRAAMS – Intercontinental Radio Waves. I hadn’t heard TRAAMS before this song, but they released two albums in 2013 and 2015, and a song in 2016, before going dark for the last four years. Wikipedia calls their early music “krautrock” and that’s certainly still evident here, with a flat vocal delivery over a pulsing electronic backdrop.

Slow Pulp – Track. Slow Pulp’s music is indeed slow, and atmospheric, although here they sound more like Slow Smashing Pumpkins (the intro is a lot like the chord pattern from “Today”) – with lyrics about the lead singer’s mother’s anxiety over getting Alzheimer’s disease, which runs in their family.

Artificial Pleasure – The Movement of Sound. Artificial Pleasure released their second album, A New Joy, on Friday, so I haven’t had a chance to crack it yet – we’re seeing a flood of new material this fall, which is great except that I’m never in the car to listen to music at long stretches like I used to do – but it includes this banging track as well as last year’s “Boys Grow Up,” this year’s “Lose Myself Again,” and both parts of “Into the Unknown” as a single song.

Hot Chip ft. Jarvis Cocker – Straight to the Morning. I think I take Hot Chip for granted, because their singles are consistently good, just rarely great on the level of “Over and Over” or “Huarache Lights.” This track includes former Pulp lead singer Jarvis Cocker, although he’s barely noticeable, and the melody is strong enough that the song doesn’t need any help.

Deep Sea Diver – Hurricane. Deep Sea Diver grew out of a solo project of that name by Jennifer Dobson, now the lead singer/guitarist/songwriter of a full four-piece band. Sharon Van Etten makes a cameo on the band’s new album, Impossible Weight, which gives you some idea of their sound, although Dobson’s vocals are far superior and give this song a hint of pop.

The Struts ft. Joe Elliott and Phil Collen – I Hate How Much I Want You. It is entirely appropriate for a band as bombastic as the Struts to call in two members of hair metal icons Def Leppard for a song this ridiculous. I love it.

Dinosaur Pile-Up – It’s Tricky. Another snotty rock band covers another seminal early hip-hop track. This shouldn’t work, but it does.

Are We Static – Wildfire. This new track from AWS starts out a little like that annoying 2014 song “Geronimo” by Sheppard, but instead of turning into a poppy sing-along it converts that nervous energy into a swirling guitar-driven chorus, a quantum improvement in my mind.

Black Honey – I Like the Way You Die. I love Black Honey but this title is on the bleak side for a band this poppy.

All Them Witches – Lights Out. ATW’s Nothing as the Ideal has some incredible psychedelic sludge rock riffs across its eight songs, highlighted by this one and “Enemy of my Enemy,” although the six-minute-plus tracks go too long for their content.

Rob Zombie – The Triumph of King Freak (A Crypt of Preservation and Superstition). I did not foresee Rob Zombie dropping one of the best hard-rock tracks of 2020, I have to admit, but this is peak RZ content, even hinting back at the last White Zombie album Astro-Creep: 2000 with samples and electronic elements.

Pallbearer – Vengeance & Ruination. The kings of American doom metal – or just modern doom metal, period – just released their 4th album, Forgotten Days, and I think it’s their most accessible work to date, although it still has some longer tracks to satisfy diehards (and perhaps scare off folks looking for more radio-friendly lengths).

Killer Be Killed – Dream Gone Bad. Mastodon vocalist Troy Sanders is involved in two side projects that released new tracks this month; this is the better of the two, as the latest Gone is Gone track didn’t do much for me. KBK includes Max Cavalera of Soulfly and formerly of Sepultura, but the sound is closer to Mastodon’s here, very bass-forward with thrash elements but mostly clean (and strong) vocals.

Dark Tranquility – Identical to None. DT’s newest album Moment will drop on November 20th; it seems like more classic Gothenburg melodic death metal, with some great thrash riffing below the growled vocals. I haven’t spent a ton of time on this but I think Gothenburg bands have a distinctive melodic sound that works more at the middle and higher ends of the guitar’s range in each song’s standout riffs, whereas comparable bands from other scenes just try to blow you away with speed or riffs at the bottom end of the range.

Carcass – Slaughtered in Soho. And this is the one exception to everything I just said – but Carcass is sort of an exception to a lot of generalizations about extreme metal, coming out of grindcore to create a ridiculous subgenre termed “goregrind” (which didn’t need its own name), only to abandon both the style and the lyrical content with Heartwork, among the greatest extreme metal albums in history and proof that you could craft compelling melodies without sacrificing speed, growled vocals, or other trappings of the death-metal genre. This track comes off their four-song EP Despicable, which just came out on Friday, with tracks that missed the cut for their next album. The riff on this one is great, and remarkably slow and grooved for Carcass.

Stick to baseball, 10/31/20.

My ranking of the top 40 free agents this offseason went up on Thursday morning for subscribers to the Athletic. I also answered some questions for Kaitlyn McGrath, our Blue Jays beat writer, on the state of the Blue Jays’ farm system.

My guest on this week’s episode of the Keith Law Show was Taylor Trammell, Mariners outfielder and author of a column on the Players Tribune called “Baseball Is Not Black Enough.” He was an outstanding guest, and I think this is one of the best interviews I’ve had, which is all to Taylor’s credit. You can subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and now Amazon podcasts. I appeared on TSN 1040 in Vancouver on Wednesday to talk about the World Series and the role of analytics in the sport, in which I think I expressed my views on the subject pretty well.

I sent out another edition of my free email newsletter on Friday to subscribers. Thank you all for the kind feedback, as always.

Here’s my weekly reminder that my books The Inside Game and Smart Baseball make excellent gifts for the baseball fan or avid reader in your life and you should buy lots of copies for everyone you know, like your Secret Santa person, or that annoying guy at work who thinks he knows everything there is to know about sportsball.

And now the links…

Please, if you are a U.S. citizen and you haven’t already done so, vote. Vote this anti-science, racist, authoritarian Administration out, so we can get back to arguing over whether Yadier Molina is a Hall of Famer instead.

Root app.

Root is one of the top 100 games on Boardgamegeek’s rankings, which skew heavily towards more complex games, especially those with very little luck or randomness, and it now has a gorgeous digital port from the heroes over at Dire Wolf, who have never missed on any of their adaptations of tabletop games (in my opinion). If you like Root, or wanted to try it but didn’t have the mates to make a game of it, this is absolutely for you. That said, I’ve cooled on Root since I first reviewed the game a few years ago, as I found the rules for each individual faction too fiddly, taking a lot of the fun out of the play.

Root is an asymmetrical game with four factions in the base game for players to try out. Each faction has unique rules, and a unique setup, so playing one gives you very little insight into how to play the others. The four represent forest creatures who function differently in the woods, and whose goals differ from each other’s. Two of them rely primarily on area control, but the cats start out controlling most of the board and try to hold on to it while building three building types in clearings they control, while the eagles start with just one well-defended clearing and score by gradually taking over more clearings and building further roosts. The foxes – I think they’re foxes – are more like a populist guerrilla army, and probably are best served making friends with one of the first two factions and fighting the other by sowing dissent in specific clearings. The vagabond, a raccoon in the physical game, is a lone wolf – no pun intended – who rarely benefits from battles, faring better by running around the board and trading goods with the other players (who can’t decline, but do gain from it). There are expansions to the physical game with even more factions to try.

The digital adaptation looks incredible. Dire Wolf used the art from the original game but makes the app look like a cartoon, and the animations are clever and fun, especially as the animals run from clearing to clearing (or, in the vagabond’s case, to hide in the forest). The app makes it extremely easy to see what you can do on a turn through sensible highlighting and good color contrast, and in general the app will present you with an option if it’s available to use, such as cards you might play at the start of a battle. I would like to see an option to turn off some of the animations – it takes too long to resolve battles, for example, and the smoke that appears when a clearing changes hands isn’t all that helpful – but they’re at least visually appealing.

The one aspect the app is missing is a stronger undo function. You can reverse some actions, but not others, like undoing a move from one clearing to another, and it’s unclear what the difference is. Experienced players would probably feel this lack less than I did.

Screenshot of the Root app, playing the eagle faction.

The app also comes with an outstanding tutorial that lets you play as each of the four factions, starting you off in each mini-game and then letting you finish them off by yourself. The rules of Root are fairly involved, and the tutorial focuses on the big picture rules, with the more detailed text rules available through the main menu. It also does a solid job of getting you acclimated to the screen and layout, which is like the physical game but with a slightly isometric view. All of the potential moves and the cards you have are displayed on the screen at all times, and you can click on your faction card to see the moves you can make each ‘day’ and how your faction scores. Moves available to you are highlighted in the lower right, and grayed out once they’re used or unavailable.

The problem I have with Root is that the more I play it, the less I enjoy it. There are way too many situations where you’re prevented from doing something because of an arcane rule – you don’t have a card matching that specific type of clearing, for example, although there were situations where I thought I had the right card with the right symbol and still couldn’t use it because I have no idea why not. One of the most frustrating experiences for any game player, regardless of skill level, is to be unable to do something obvious, like defend yourself in an attack, or build something you need to continue to play. Root is full of moments like that. I suppose adherents would say you have to plan accordingly so you don’t end up in those situations, but in the app, it’s even harder to keep track of what’s what. In the Steam version, at least, I couldn’t figure out how to zoom out to see the whole board, although I imagine that’ll be obvious on tablets; either way, it made planning harder because I could never figure out what cards I had to keep – and, unfortunately, you can lose cards to other players in Root. The best laid plans of mice and cats and eagles often go awry in this game. Whether that’s your cup of root tea (a card in the game) is really for you to decide.

The Everyday Parenting Toolkit.

The Everyday Parenting Toolkit is a very specific set of tools for parents, with guidelines that apply to kids of just about any age but a stronger focus on kids younger than about nine. The subject here is behavior, and behavior change, and the book, authored by Dr. Alan Kazdin, describes some pretty simple rules for engendering behavior change in children that focus on positive steps more than negative, certainly different than the way I think most or at least many people parent. It’s often difficult to get through because Kazdin calls every step of the method by its technical name, but this is evidence-based behavior management, and could help all of us with kids get out of the cycles of discipline and punishment that don’t really work to create the changes you want.

The basics of the method revolve around the A-B-C framework of Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences. Before you can do any of this, however, you have to define the behavior you want, and do so in clear terms that you can communicate to your child and that your child can understand in a way that they can execute. If you can’t explain it to yourself, or to your spouse or partner, in simple terms, then your child isn’t going to be able to follow it and make the change you want.

Antecedents come before the behavior in question, and changing them can change the behavior – thus, you create an environment with incentives (or disincentives) to encourage the behavior you want. Depending on the child, the behavior, and how far the status quo is from the desired behavior, you might even choose to simulate the activity and the behavior so that your child has a chance to practice the behavior you want in stages – for example, ‘practicing’ a tantrum, but one with less screaming, or where they keep their body more under control. You need to identify specific behaviors you want to change, rather than general traits like generosity or kindness, and then use Kazdin emphasizes that what you do before the behavior occurs can have far greater impact than what you try to do afterward.

The Behavior stage of his method involves providing reinforcement when you get the behavior you want, or even just part of the behavior you want. This might be the ‘positive opposite,’ where your child is doing the polar opposite of the behavior you want, and thus getting to your desired outcome requires working in stages. You create a plan to get from point A (present behavior) to point B (desired behavior), and develop a program, with any co-parents, to encourage progress with reinforcement – primarily praise, specific praise that is delivered as close in time to the good behavior as possible. The plan should set specific, achievable goals for the child, and each positive step should be met with praise, effusive praise for younger kids especially, and maybe with very modest rewards like a point system.

Consequences are not what you might think, or at least not what I thought they’d be. Kazdin emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement programs, arguing that they’re just more effective than negative reinforcement (what we usually think of as punishment). Punishments should be mild when used at all, and should be accompanied by a reinforcement program that encourages the ‘positive opposite’ of the offending behavior. (He points out that parents should never use physical discipline, and there is substantial research on the long-term negative outcomes associated with even ‘light’ corporal punishment like spanking, from worse mental health outcomes to decreased immune function. Don’t spank your kids.) You may also need to withhold reinforcement from undesirable behaviors; every parent knows the situation where they’ve had to stop themselves from laughing at something their kid did that you really don’t want them to repeat, but that was actually quite funny. I remember my daughter, then four and a half, saying “Daddy!” and clapping twice to get my attention for something, and I had to turn away so she couldn’t see me cracking up; that would have provided positive reinforcement for a behavior that, while pretty astute (I had clapped a few times to get her attention before), was not something I wanted to see become a habit. Withholding that reinforcement thus would have been a key part of a behavior-change program, had I instituted one at the time.

Kazdin states multiple times that punishment doesn’t work on its own and should be rarely used, and only to decrease some behavior. It can confuse your child if you’re trying to use punishment, especially as a restorative method, while also working to change behavior and ‘impart other lessons.’ Punishment doesn’t teach positive behaviors, only works in the very short term, and often provokes side effects like crying, avoidance, and even aggression (especially if you use corporal punishment). He describes the most effective way to use time outs, including that the first minute of time out does most of the work, and that time outs beyond ten minutes probably do nothing at all.

The remainder of The Everyday Parenting Toolkit is devoted to the need to develop a strong environment, or context, in your home to allow better behaviors to develop; and to real-world examples from families who’ve visited the Yale Parenting Center, where Dr. Kazdin is the director, and the programs the center developed to help those families implement sustainable behavior changes. The context chapter would probably apply to the greatest number of readers, because the eight steps he recommends could start at any time, regardless of how old your kids are, to encourage better behavior or just discourage undesirable behaviors, and perhaps limit the need for you to use the A-B-C method so that it’s more effective and easier for you to maintain.

My daughter is 14, but I still found value in The Everyday Parenting Toolkit for parenting her, as well as far more tips for my partner’s kids, who are both still in the single digits. I have zero background in psychology, but much of what Kazdin recommends here follows principles from behavioral economics – not just incentives and disincentives, but timing (rewards and reinforcements must happen very soon after the behavior), misaligned incentives, and the nonlinear effects of many of these steps, like time outs. Kazdin does rely too much on jargon here, even though it’s a book for the lay audience, and I found it to be a slow read for that reason – seeing “positive opposite” fifty times didn’t make the phrase more meaningful in my head, for example – but there are lessons here I’ll be able to use at home for a long time, and that I think every parent should know.

Next up: I’ve finished Max Porter’s Lanny and am now reading Emily Oster’s Cribsheet.

Stick to baseball, 10/24/20.

My top 40 free agents ranking is filed, and will run two days after the end of the World Series, so that could be as soon as Tuesday and no later than Friday. I did hold a Klawc on Thursday.

My latest review for Paste covers the legacy game My City, from the prolific designer Reiner Knizia (Samurai, Lost Cities, Tigris & Euphrates), a fun tile-laying game that ramps up the legacy rules slowly enough to keep the game accessible.

My guest on this week’s episode of The Keith Law Show was longtime A’s beat writer Susan Slusser, talking about Billy Beane’s future, the free agency of Liam Hendriks and Marcus Semien, and the playoffs to that point. My podcast is now available on Amazon podcasts as well as iTunes and Spotify.

I sent out another edition of my free email newsletter earlier this week to subscribers. Thank you all for the kind feedback, as always.

As the holiday season approaches, I’ll remind you every week that my books The Inside Game and Smart Baseball make excellent gifts for the baseball fan or avid reader in your life.

And now, the links…

Mumbo Jumbo.

I can’t believe Ishmael Reed’s 1972 Mumbo Jumbo escaped my notice until just this year, when I grabbed it for $2 for the Kindle. It would have fit perfectly in the class I took in college called Comedy and the Novel – which, as great as it was, did not include a single book written by a woman or a person of color – and should be in high school curricula around the country. It’s postmodern yet largely accessible; it’s funny, yet incredibly serious; and it deals with timeless topics of race and culture. It’s also about a nonlethal pandemic, making it an interesting read in the time of COVID-19. There were certainly parts I didn’t follow, some of which is a function of my cultural illiteracy, but the end result is an important and very compelling work of magical realism and postmodern fiction.

The pandemic at the heart of this story is called “Jes Grew,” and the primary symptom is the desire to dance and have fun. Needless to say, the white powers that be can’t abide this, and the Knights of Templar (who still exist) team up with the shadowy Wallflower Order to fight it, while various Black leaders, many of whom are voodoo clergy, work against them. The story twists and turns while incorporating major historical events from the first half of the twentieth century, placing great emphasis on the 19-year U.S. occupation of Haiti, with appearances by a cornucopia of real-life figures, including President Warren Harding, dancer/author Irene Castle, and W.E.B. Dubois.

In the world of Mumbo Jumbo, voodoo is real, but its history has been suppressed by white people (as have many elements of Black culture), and the true history of Judeo-Christian religions is quite different from the one we’re given today, involving a gallimaufry of spirits and prophets going back to ancient Egypt. The voodoo priests are led by PaPa LaBas, a voudou priest who is named for one of that religion’s spirits known as loas, but the characters themselves are secondary to the “anti-plague” of Jes Grew, a fairly obvious metaphor for the spread of Black culture and white efforts to stop it and, when they can’t, their efforts to appropriate and assimilate it. The story winds through jazz clubs and speakeasies, including Harlem’s famous Cotton Club, and art museums housing stolen art from the developing world. It works in the search for a mystical text from the goddess Osiris that may explain the origins of Jes Grew and hold the key to stopping it. Reed even works in the since-debunked story that Harding was part Black.

There’s plenty of intrigue here, including several murders by the warring factions, a demonic possession, and a tense hostage scene, which was more than enough to hold my interest for its scant 200 pages (and something like 50 chapters). There’s a lot of subtext here that I know I missed, though, from Black cultural history to voodoo and spiritualism, caused by gaps in my own education, that I’m sure limited how much I could understand and appreciate what was going on in Mumbo Jumbo. I understood his points about Black culture and the long history of white attempts to suppress it, probably because I’m at least old enough to remember mainstream resistance to rap music – and more than one adult telling me in the late 1980s that rap was “a fad” that wouldn’t last – and how it was characterized. The levers of power in the entertainment world are still controlled by white people, mostly white men, which is why Tyler Perry had to finance his own productions, and why some people of color have to produce and direct films in which they star. That’s part of why I said Mumbo Jumbo should be taught in schools – that aspect of the book is still extremely relevant – although I think this is also a text that would reward the closer reading of an academic setting, with guidance on some of the book’s allusions that I probably missed. It was rewarding enough as is, but I think reading it in a class would be even more so.

Next up: I just finished Graham Swift’s new novel Here We Are and am about halfway through Dr. Alan Kazdin’s The Everyday Parenting Toolkit.

Klawchat 10/22/20.

Starting at 1 pm ET.

Keith Law: You know they won’t win. Klawchat.

Samir: Corbin Carroll and Tyler Freeman are two prospects for whom there were reports of unlocked power at the alternate sites. Did you hear the same? Which of the two do you think could surprise the most with their power tool?
Keith Law: Carroll had power before, so I’m not sure what would have been unlocked. I haven’t heard that on Freeman, but I’m also pretty skeptical of anything I hear from alternate sites because it’s all from the teams themselves.

Ken: The sign stealing scandal doesn’t appear to be going away which must be concerning to MLB. As more people begin to speak out MLB’s investigation of the Astros and Red Sox is looking worse. If the “Yankee letter” is unsealed and discloses other undisclosed infractions by the Yankees or other clubs is Rob Manfred done as Commish?
Keith Law: That’s hilarious. There is no chance this undoes Manfred as Commissioner. He’d be at greater risk if he penalized more teams, not fewer.

Michael: Have you heard any word/update on how some of the newer Rockie prospects have been doing at instructs, specifically Veen and Romo?
Keith Law: The Rockies aren’t allowing scouts at instructs, so no, unfortunately.

Derek: Alec Bohm…..future stud or SSS this year?
Keith Law: Future star with the bat. Probably ends up at 1B, which does cut off some of his statistical upside.

Ben (MN): Do you plan on reading Hugh Acheson’s new “How to Cook”? I bought it even though it is aimed at new cooks because I figure if it is Hugh it will be worth a read anyway. Do you have any favorite recipes from his other cookbooks?
Keith Law: I do – the only book of his I haven’t gotten was the slow cooker one. I just made his kohlrabi and pecan salad from The Broad Fork last night. That book also has a great carrot soup recipe and a shiitake/ponzu salad I love.

Preston: I don’t like not being super interested in the Series. Maybe it’s that my Cubs stunk it up. Maybe it’s no atmosphere. But I’d like to blame it on bullpenning. It just doesn’t make for a smooth watch. What can/should be done in the future?
Keith Law: If MLB capped the number of pitchers teams could bring, that would help. I think the 3 batter minimum rule has had the unforeseen consequence of teams filling their pens with more relievers capable of going an inning-plus, which makes bullpenning much easier than it was when teams had a specialist or two.

Jeremy: Was there more going on with mike foltynewicz than just decreased velocity? seems like braves needed help and some reports said his velo was coming back but he never got another crack. is he worth taking a shot on this offseason or toast?
Keith Law: Worth a shot, but he’s had some minor arm stuff that is concerning. I’d put him behind guys like Hamels or Kluber, who have longer track records of success but are coming off injury-wrecked years.

Krontz: Is there a board game bubble? If not, possibly soon? Finally, how can the industry adapt to sustain growth?
Keith Law: I read this at first as asking if there was a place where board gamers could all go and live in a bubble so they could play endless board games without fear of COVID-19, and that sounds pretty great, actually. Yes, there are more board games published right now than the market can really support. I’m not sure how long it will last, but my suspicion is that the $50+ games, and publishers that rely on those, will be at highest risk. An extended economic downturn would probably exacerbate that issue.

Randall: Who is that rays #1 prospect we’ve been hearing about for years ? He still #1 for you ? I haven’t heard much about him lately
Keith Law: You probably haven’t heard much about Wander Franco lately because there were no minor league games this year.

Dab: Do you think Brailyn Marquez ends up as a starter?
Keith Law: I think it’s possible, but he might be a better reliever.
Keith Law: As opposed to saying he can’t hold up as a starter, or lacks the stuff for it.

Jeremy: which GM jobis better — phillies or marlins?
Keith Law: Phillies. My understanding is that Gary Denbo has so much authority within Miami that a new GM would at least have to defer somewhat to his judgments on players, and I think many GM candidates would prefer the greater independence of the Philly job.

Randall: What’s the outlook for the Rockies ? Never hear much about good prospects from them. Future bright ?
Keith Law: I just did a Q&A with our Rockies beat writer about that.

J5: How many HR’s do you project Ke’Bryan Hayes hits during his prime years?
Keith Law: 15-20. I don’t think he has the swing path for more. I think he can really hit, though, and he’s an 80 defender.

John: With Mitch submarining a new round of stimulus to hamstring the next administration from growth is there any hope that without a clean democrat sweep we just see obstruction the next 4 years?
Keith Law: If the GOP holds the Senate, we will see obstruction for the next 4 years for sure.
Keith Law: That’s the GOP’s whole playbook and the Democratic Party still hasn’t adjusted.

Jeremy: buy-low free agents or trade options teams should consider?
Keith Law: My top 40 free agents ranking will go up two days after the WS ends. As for trade targets, I’ll write more about that in November.

Mac: Rocker or Leiter?
Keith Law: I’ll say “other.” This idea that Kumar Rocker is the clear 1-1 guy for 2021 is so completely ridiculous. We do this shit every year, naming one guy who’s famous as the obvious #1 overall pick, and most years it’s wrong. Rocker is a first-rounder, and Leiter will be too if he throws more strikes, but either has a lot to improve to get to 1-1 for me.

John: Is Arozarena much of a prospect going forward?
Keith Law: Yes, but October is an inherently small sample. He isn’t suddenly a top 10 overall prospect, even though he’s played like one this month.

Jason: What would you do if you were the Phillies?  Would McPhail go and who would you hire as President/GM?  The Phillies need a lot of help in the front office and most fans are worried who they will pick.
Keith Law: Everyone seems to think McPhail will retire after his contract expires next fall, so they could wait a year and hire both at that point (when Theo Epstein’s contract will also be up), or they could hire a GM now and plan not to replace McPhail in that role.

Guy B: How can I argue with some of my right wing friends that making someone wear a mask and being pro choice can be the same thing?  I find it hard to reason with them, thanks Keith.
Keith Law: It’s hard to reason with the unreasonable. You’re wearing a mask to protect other humans in your community.

Big Fan: Hi Keith, after a few years of patience, Dansby Swanson finally blossomed.  I know you’ve always been skeptical of his bat speed, but did Austin Riley show you anything this year that would warrant the same patience?
Keith Law: Nope, on the contrary, he has had every bit as much trouble with velocity as I expected. He whiffed on average or better fastballs more than twice as often as he had base hits against them. This is what he is.

Troy: IMO giving $200M to a C is a mistake. Am I wrong in thinking JT will be overpaid and Philly is right to let him walk?
Keith Law: Yeah I wouldn’t give him $200MM … even at a six-year deal, which seems like the longest he should get, that’s more than he’s likely to be worth as a catcher in his 30s whose durability will probably decline over the course of the deal.

Dab: On a scale of 1-10 how much does it bother you to see fans at the games now? I really don’t care for it at all. Pretty hypocritical of the league to make players be ultra cautious for months only to let thousands of people into the same stadium as them
Keith Law: A 10. Tiny reward, huge risk. And look at how few fans are actually wearing masks.
Keith Law: The biggest risk is going in/out of the stadium, where fans will be clustering at the entry/egress points and unable to distance.

Jason: Do you think the brewers window from 2018-2019 has closed?  If so, what should they do– Trade Hader?
Keith Law: No, not closed, not with Burnes and Woodruff looking like a 1-2 now. But it’s going to get harder and more expensive to build the rest of the roster around them because their system is so thin now.

Diego: Hello Keith – what will be your first travel spot after covid?
Keith Law: Sort of depends on when that point is, but if you’re talking leisure travel involving a plane, probably Europe.

Jay: Are there people out there who actually enjoy Buck & Smoltz?  Buck seems to have a pretty low level of baseball knowledge for a broadcaster, and Smoltz repeatedly criticizes the product and harps on all the confidence/momentum nonsense.  When Smoltz tries to explain mechanics, he uses weird terms of art that no casual fan is ever going to follow.  How do these two smug buffoons keep getting tapped to call LCS and World Series games every year?
Keith Law: I do not understand why we’re stuck with Smoltz, who seems to disdain the product on the field and utterly refuses to learn about other ways of looking at the game, in the critical role of color analyst. I just can’t listen to these guys. If he were just intellectually curious enough to consider different perspectives, and balance his commentary accordingly, it would be a quantum improvement. But I also don’t think you should have a job like that (or mine, for that matter) if you lack that sort of curiosity.

Nate: i know you’re a big Anthony Kay fan, but other than him, Pearson, and ryu, do the jays have anyone internally who you think can be slotted into the rotation starting in 2021?
Keith Law: Maybe Murphy can’t hold up as a starter but I’d give him a shot.

Greg: I’m not asking you if Bryse Wilson is going to be the guy he was against LA in every start of his career, but what are your future expectations of him? Can he be a mid-rotation type?
Keith Law: I do think so. Been on my top 100 at least the last two years.

Ted: Do you think Jonathan Stiever has good chance to be a top-end of rotation guy?
Keith Law: No, but I like him as a back-end starter who could get to mid-rotation.

Jason: What are you expecting at tonight’s debate, the same nonsense, does a mute button help? And Keith how many Chinese bank accounts do you have?
Keith Law: Different nonsense, I guess. It’s pretty clear Trump believes he can lie with impunity – and he’s not wrong in that – although a mute button probably helps Biden stay on message. I refuse to answer your second question on the grounds that I may incriminate myself.

Jack: If you’re GM of the Braves, what are your next steps to getting over that last hump?
Keith Law: Go add a corner bat. They’re weak at 3b, one OF corner (assuming Acuña and Pache handle two spots), DH if that’s permanent. Ozuna was a brilliant move. Maybe they try that again, a one-year flier on a guy who was down last year. But I think they also likely need to get a more guaranteed thumper at one of those spots.

Sho: When a player goes on a hot streak, how much do you attribute to 1) physical 2) mental 3) luck?
Keith Law: I’d say it’s nearly all luck, or randomness, which I think is probably a better word for it.

Jeremy: does luhnow run a baseball team ever again?
Keith Law: My guess is no.

Ted: Have you tried or heard of anyone trying one of those Ooni pizza ovens? I’m considering the pellet wood version.
Keith Law: I own one. It’s great. Gets to 800 degrees pretty easily, cooks a pizza (if you use the right dough, which has to be lower hydration than a dough for your home oven) in 90 seconds.

Bob Loblaw: The Cardinals are confounding.  How are they so good at scouting and developing pitching but so bad at scouting and developing hitting?  The Arozorena and Voit trades look like debacles, but even going back, why did they trade Marco Gonzalez for Tyler ONeil?  That was a bad trade
Keith Law: I’m afraid that they overreacted to brief looks on some of those guys – Gonzales was so bad in his debut, and it seems like they concluded that his stuff wouldn’t work in the majors. But I give them a complete pass on Voit, who became a different hitter after leaving.

Steve: Is there minor league baseball next year?  If no how far back will it set talent development and impact the industry for years to come?
Keith Law: The odds are that there are no fans in 2021, at which point I think MLB has to step up and subsidize at least some MiLB teams/leagues, because the long-term cost in talent development will be enormous. It’s a revenue problem.

Minka: Favorite sushi roll?
Keith Law: I nearly always keep it simple when I get sushi – if the fish is good enough to eat raw, I want to taste the fish, not fillers. So I usually get nigiri rather than rolls, and if I get rolls they’re very simple ones that highlight the fish. I avoid things with sweet sauces, or tempura, or avocado, at least when ordering for myself. I’ll certainly eat other things if someone else orders.

Ben: Do you think there was a true benefit (over what his traditional MiLB path would be) for a guy like Riley Greene to be playing at the Toledo camp this summer? You hear stuff about facing better competition, but how much of that do you buy into? He’s an extremely talented guy, but still very young and inexperienced.
Keith Law: It’s a binary question – you had two choices with Greene, or Carroll, or CJ Abrams: They go to the alternate site, or they don’t play at all over the summer. In that case, the first option is clearly preferable.

Nate: The marlins were a great story this year, but do you seem them as a team on the rise that could legit compete next year, or more of a bad team still a while away that just got lucky with some SSS success last year?
James: Are you concerned about Mike Trout’s defensive metrics? Or are they likely a fluke given the short season? And do you still see him as a 10 WAR player for the next few years?
Keith Law: Nate: An average-ish team that got a bit lucky, with upside over the next several years but probably not a playoff team in 2021.
Keith Law: James: All defensive metrics are unreliable for 2020. The sample size was just too small.

Pat D: I’m choosing to watch the Giants/Eagles game tonight because I like to torture myself by watching the Giants’ ineptitude, I refuse to watch the WS as a bitter Yankees fan, and I just can’t listen to Trump’s voice.  Does that sound sane?
Keith Law: No Ertz or Sanders, though. Gonna be really ugly.

Josh: Hi.  My household income is around $500,000.  Please, PLEASE tax me more, and give struggling families a fighting chance (comprehensive healthcare, after-school care through high school, etc.).
Keith Law: One thing I do not really understand is why so many people who make far less than whatever threshold Biden might set for a higher marginal tax rate – and I’m pretty sure I will be paying more if he’s elected – are opposed to it. If you make that much money, it is at least a rational view to say you oppose a plan that will cost you more in taxes and almost certainly yield you less value in direct return (although you may gain psychic value from improving public goods, or even secondary value from living in a safer or more prosperous community/country). If you don’t, though, why the fuck are you opposed to taxing people who earn annual income that puts them in the top 1% of US earners marginally more?
Keith Law: For the record: I’ll pay more under Biden, and I’m good with that. Fund health care. Re-fund environmental regulations, diversity training, and basic science research.

Tim: Game 7 NLCS, worst TOOTBLAN of all time?
Keith Law: Kolten Wong in 2013 (?) was pretty bad too.

Mike: Safe to assume if your boardgame list says medium complexity (or less) that a 10 year old could play? You don’t have a list oriented to families, right? anyway, have a great day.
Keith Law: Yes, that’s right. I chose to put complexity tags on those rather than carve out a separate list, because every kid is a little different and I figured you would know your kid(s) better than I would.

JR: Is “Piranesi” in your queue of books to read soon? I enjoyed it. I’ll admit I was shocked to see it was only 250 pages after her first book was over 1000.
Keith Law: Yes, but maybe over the winter.

DEF: I really like your lists of top board games and top 2 player board games. Any chances of getting a top solo board game list?
Keith Law: Yes, for sure, this winter.
Keith Law: I’ll include games that are strictly solo plus those with good solitaire modes.

Joel: Did Bryse Wilson and Kyle Wright do enough for the Braves to feel comfortable relying on them in 2021?
Keith Law: Wilson yes, Wright probably not. I expect both to make starts for Atlanta in 2021 but I think Wright will have to fight to maintain a spot in the rotation.

Kevin: What is your approach to following the election results on November 3rd? Most of my friends say they’ll tune out and wait for real developments. I seriously doubt my ability to do the same, as good as it may be for my mental health.
Keith Law: I’ve been involved in some local elections, especially Kyle Evans Gay’s campaign to flip our State Senate district blue, so I’ll be watching results at many levels.

J5: Lorenzen was ok as an SP in the short stint.  CIN will lose Bauer… any chance he makes the rotation?
Keith Law: I don’t buy it. I think he’s a reliever only.

J5: Is Julio Urias better suited in the bullpen w/ Price coming back next year?  Or does Gonsolin or May get the boot?
Keith Law: Urias should start if he can handle the workload. Also, I am not quite ready to bank on Price making 30+ starts next year … my guess is May starts in AAA (if such a thing exists) and becomes the call-up when they need another starter.

Josh: Enjoying any tv shows lately?
Keith Law: Just finished The Vow (great start, petered out in the last 3 episodes). Enjoying the new season of GBBO. Mostly watching the playoffs this month, though. We’ll get back on movies and TV next week.

J5: Lamet, Clevinger, Gore, Patino, Paddack, Davies… which one doesnt make it next yr in the rotation?
Keith Law: I think Gore is the odd man out right now.

Rupert: I have a 5 and 7 year old, and there’s basically no board game I’ve found that can keep their attention (or at least the 5 year old’s attention).  Any suggestions?
Keith Law: It depends a bit on what they like – I see a lot of games suitable for ages 5+, like Ticket to Ride First Journey, but if your kids don’t like maps or train games, that may not be the ideal choice. I haven’t cracked Dragomino, the young players’ version of Kingdomino, yet, but it looks promising.

Dr. Bob: RE: The Arozorena question. At only 19, Andruw Jones broke upon our consciousness in the 1996 playoffs and WS after only playing 31 games that year. Was he already considered a top prospect? In any words, is there any correlation to Arozorena?
Keith Law: Andruw was one of the best prospects in baseball before 1996. I think BA had him in their top 2 or 3, if not actually at 1.

Geoff: I’ve found myself thinking about this recently: what will be the point where you’re confident about/feel safe being around others in a “normal” way (i.e. no mask, large crowds, etc.)? After there’s a real, effective vaccine obviously, but right after? A few weeks after when infections are way down? Longer?
Keith Law: If infections are way down, and we’re seeing high enough vaccination rates in the places I want to go, then I’ll travel. It might be safer to travel to Europe, for example, where they have fewer batshit anti-mask people.

Ben: Keith, do you have any concerns about Biden’s connections with China, Russia & Ukraine? Not saying compared to Trump, just in a vacuum, does this new information trouble you at all?
Keith Law: No because I don’t fall for bullshit.

Jason: Is a healthy rotation of Soroka, Fried, Anderson, Wright, and Wilson a top 10-type rotation, or am I putting too much hope in Wright and hype into SSS from Anderson and Wilson?
Keith Law: With Soroka having some history of injuries and Wilson/Wright both showing at least some inconsistency, I’d like to see them take a shot at a one-year starter, even if that’s also someone who isn’t a lock for 30 starts, to increase their chances of getting those innings from somewhere other than the Josh Tomlins of the world.

Ben (Chi): What’s your take on all these Cubs layoffs?  Penny wise, pound foolish?
Keith Law: Misanthropic. Although given that Todd Ricketts profile in the New Yorker, I’m hardly surprised.

Mike: Keith, they have to do something about the time the World Series starts. With games taking close to 4 hours, am I the only one who checks out early & goes to bed?
Keith Law: I agree with this … we get up at 6:45 here for school and games ending around midnight means that I’m running on fumes most days. I actually went back to bed this morning because I had such a bad headache, which I think was a function of lack of sleep.

Guest: You’ve previously said Ian Anderson has the ceiling of a #2 but I believe this was before the development of his change. Does the new pitch change your view of his (already high) ceiling?
Keith Law: I’m holding to that because I think the breaking ball is a little light and the fastball is good not outstanding.
Keith Law: The changeup is a 70, though, and I did not have that.

Jason: Do you ever use UberEats or Doordash?What do you think about these delivery apps?
Keith Law: I don’t. I’ve read that their terms are pretty bad for the restaurants, so we always order directly.

TomBruno23: What is the deal with tea? Granted I like coffee and I sound like the people who hate on coffee. But tea to me tastes like someone took perfectly good water and ran it through a sewer.
Keith Law: There are so many kinds of tea – black, white, green, oolong, plus tisanes like red – and even within some of those categories there are vast differences in flavor profiles (e.g., green includes matcha, which tastes like grass, and hojicha, which is roasted and more earthy), that you might just not have found the right kind for your palate.

Ryan: As a Dbacks fan, please tell me there is hope for this team! The Dodgers are loaded. The Padres will be good for a long time too. But the Dbacka major league team is such a disaster, and the front office seems to think it will be fine next year?! Is there any hope they can compete again in 2022 or so?
Keith Law: Lot of hope. Really like the position player prospects in the low minors. But that franchise really needs an MiLB season in 2021.

Pizza is good: I asked a couple chats back if you thought frozen Pizzeria Bianca was worth a shot. I did and it was really terrific. Individual ingredients really stand out. Good rec. thanks.
Keith Law: Awesome! I know it’s quite expensive but for the best pizza in the country it’s not an unreasonable splurge.

Ridley: Just so we’re clear, Rudy Giuliani’s excuses were bullshit, weren’t they?
Keith Law: Oh absolutely.

J5: Out of these rotation candidates, Severino/German/Deivi/Montgomery/Schmidt, which 2-3 do you think makes it next year?
Keith Law: I wouldn’t bank on Severino being healthy for a full season, but he’ll make some starts. Deivi probably did the most to earn the spot.

addoeh: Any plans for a pizza list update?  I know you haven’t been able to cross many off your list recently.
Keith Law: I was going to do one this spring or summer, but the pandemic put it on hold.

Adam: Maybe the Padres didn’t send away any “premier” talent for Mike Clevinger, but they basically gutted their upper minor/major league depth in the trade for him. That could come back to haunt them in a full season, right?
Keith Law: Eh, Trammell’s the one guy they might most regret trading and he was in a different deal. I’m worried about this ridiculous Campusano story … felony charges for weed possession? was he in Georgia or Indonesia?

Josh: My theory (on people who make far less than whatever threshold Biden might set for a higher marginal tax rate, opposing it) is, way too briefly:  they (1) have no idea how much wealth is concentrated at far-right reaches of the income distribution curve (big numbers are really hard, even for smart people), and/or (2) aspire to the grievances of the 0.1% having to fork over millions in taxes.
Keith Law: I’ve heard #2 as an explanation for decades, but I think #1 is more plausible. And maybe it’s like people trying to understand how large the universe is and how tiny we are relative to it. We just can’t. So if you make $30K a year, can you really imagine the difference in wealth and standard of living for someone making 20 times that?

Mike: Is it a foregone conclusion that Lindor gets traded before next season?  If so, most likely landing spot?
Keith Law: I think so. I’m not sure what the market is right now, though. Some of the teams that should be most interested might not have the pieces to make the trade.

Ridley: Lauren Witzke. Please tell me she’s not going to win that seat.
Keith Law: She’ll be lucky to get 1/3 of the vote. She’s an open white nationalist running in a very blue state. She might win Kent or Sussex counties but more than half of our population is right here in New Castle.

TomBruno23: Jones was #21 pre-95, #1 pre-96 and #1 pre-97 on BA’s lists.
Keith Law: I was right! I should trust my memory sometimes. But not too often.

Guest: Thanks for the chat, Keith. Assuming owners approve the Mets sale, what do you think of Cohen turning baseball ops over to Sandy Alderson? I always loved Sandy, and am okay with pairing him with a young, smart GM (you interested in the job?) but I also wonder if it might be better to turn the page completely from past eras or even to try to lure Theo from the sinking ship that is the Cubs ownership.
Keith Law: Thrilled to see Sandy return, think he’s so respected that he’ll get the right kind of person in as GM. Plus the pattern of execs going over the GM to Jeff or Fred Wilpon is gone now.

Philip C.: Daniel Lynch reports from the alternate site were electric. What is timeline for his debut?
Keith Law: I bet we would have seen him this summer if the Royals had been contenders.

Mike: Franklin BBQ brisket is now available on Goldbelly.  $250 for a 5lb brisket.  Worth it?
Keith Law: I no longer eat beef, but I have had their brisket, and it is absolutely incredible. If you’re reasonable about portion sizes, that’s about $12.50 per portion – brisket is rather fatty, and if you’re eating 6-8 ounces, well, vaya con Dios – and that’s a good price for high-quality beef.
Keith Law: That’s all for this week. I’m taking a week off leading up to the election to volunteer for various campaigns, so there won’t be a chat next week, but the top 40 free agent rankings post will go up some time between next Tuesday and Friday, and I may do a live Zoom Q&A through the Athletic to support that. Thanks for reading, everyone. Stay safe, wear your masks, and vote for reason and science.