The ten prospects who just missed the top 100 column is up today. Over the previous three days, we posted my top ten prospects and full farm reports for all 30 teams (that’s the index page; Tampa Bay’s report is free), my ranking of the top 100 prospects in baseball, and my ranking of all thirty farm systems from best to worst.
I also answered a slew of questions about the lists in this week’s Klawchat.
I’ll have a January music update out in the next few days.
Now, this week’s links, heavy on vaccination stories because the country is finally waking up to what a threat these anti-vaxxers are:
- Anti-vaxxers are mad that everyone else thinks they’re stupid. Refusing to get your kid a tetanus shot after he cuts himself on a wire fence should be considered child abuse. And I’m all for schools refusing to let the unvaccinated come to class – they are a hazard to other children. It’s long past time to end all non-medical exemptions to vaccination.
- Some doctors are dropping patients who won’t vaccinate their kids. Those doctors are heroes. You should have confidence that your pediatrician’s waiting room is free of vaccine-preventable diseases, and those doctors should ensure their time goes to parents who actually listen to medical advice.
- Parents who oppose vaccinations refuse to listen to reason. The fact that they won’t listen to hard science in the face of a growing epidemic should tell you everything you need to know about their position.
- The White House wants more funding for research into fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria. That’s great, but it would be much easier to ban prophylactic use of antibiotics in animal husbandry, which is a major cause – maybe the main cause – of said resistance in the first place.
- Beware the K-Cup Monster. Those devices are an environmental disaster and they make really crappy coffee.