So I saw a link on the Big Lead to some other blog that listed the writer’s five favorite and least favorite board games, which was interesting if only to show that the writer (who listed games like Sorry! among his favorites) hadn’t played any new games since he turned eight. I’d been toying with the idea of doing a top ten board games list for a while now, and I guess I just needed some incentive.
10. Risk. Used to love this game, and the simplicity of it leads to a fair amount of strategy in the setup, but the gameplay itself is pretty heavily determined by luck. It’s probably the most dated of the games on my list, but has the advantage of being very easy for kids to learn.
9. Acquire. Haven’t played this one in a while, unlike the others on the list. The Acquire game board is a grid, on which you place tiles (hotels) to form chains. You can also buy stock in chains and engineer mergers or takeovers by placing tiles that connect certain chains. Once all chains on the board are “safe” – meaning they’re too big to merge – or one chain has reached 41 or more tiles, the game ends, shares are liquidated, and whoever has the most money wins. The version I have includes a two-person variation, but Wikipedia says the newest edition of the game only includes the standard 3-6 person rules.
8. Babel. We bought this game on a trip to Austria in 2003, which meant getting the German rules, which meant I had to translate them … so who knows if we really played it correctly. But it was fun. It’s a fairly simple two-person game where each player is trying to build temples using five “tribes” at his disposal, but at the same time that you’re building, you’re using those tribes to try to slow down your opponent’s building or knock down his temples entirely. Our favorite move was the “Wanderung,” where you can make one of your opponent’s tribes wander off.
7. Monopoly. Tough not to include the granddaddy of them all. I hate all the “special editions,” though. Leave Boardwalk alone.
6. Taboo. Different type of game entirely from the others here – this is a “party game,” and maybe the only one I really liked. For those of you old enough to remember the TV game show Password, Taboo takes that general format (one person gives clues, the rest of his team has to guess the keyword), but adds the twist that there are five words the clue-giver can’t say. The challenge of trying to describe something without saying the five most obvious words is what makes Taboo fun. Our friend Pete was a whiz at giving clues because he had an endless supply of bad pop songs and commercial jingles on which to rely.
5. Diplomacy. Described by one friend of mine as “Risk for grownups,” Diplomacy requires seven players, but removes the luck element entirely after the initial setup. Players represent the seven “great powers” of Europe, set in 1900 (although there are endless variations), and must scheme, ally, attack, and backstab their way towards control of at least half of the map. The rules are incredibly simple, and there are a few thriving online communities of “Diplo” players, although playing online means that the normal etiquette of live play (such as “don’t stab the guy you just allied with thirty seconds ago”) goes out the window.
4. Wise and Otherwise Board Game. I guess this is part party game, but it’s more clever than most games in that genre. On each turn, one player becomes the “reader” and reads the first half of an incredibly obscure (but real) proverb. The other players have to fabricate plausible or funny second halves, while the reader writes down the real conclusion to the proverb, after which, all players must guess which conclusion is the correct one. You get points for getting it right, and for fooling other players, while the biggest bonus goes to the reader who reads all the completions so convincingly that no one gets the right answer. It’s like Balderdash, but the opportunities for silly answers are greater, and the problem with Balderdash is that you can often guess the definitions by looking at word roots.
3. Metro. Another German board game – Germany seems to be where all the good games are designed these days – Metro is almost comically simple. Players compete to build the longest subway lines on a grid that represents the city of Paris. There are different types of tiles, some of which include straight tracks, while others include all manner of twists. You can extend your own tracks on your turn, or you can use a tile to screw someone else. The game ends when all tiles are played; the player with the longest total track lengths across all of his lines wins.
2. Orient Express. This is the only game on this list that is out of print, although the designers have told me they’re considering a reissue. Orient Express takes those logic puzzles you saw on the LSAT or in GAMES magazine and turns it into a murder mystery: You have to walk around the two train cars, interviewing suspects and crew members, searching cabins, and – when possible – sending telegrams for background info on the suspects. You must come up with a suspect and a motive to solve the crime, although you may also glean clues about the weapon or other factors. There are at least 30 cases available through the publisher’s website, and the original game itself comes with 10 cases.
1. Settlers of Catan. It’s not the simplest game on the list, but it’s the smartest, and it’s simple and quick enough to teach someone by playing a game with them, after which they’ll probably be hooked. Three or four players compete to settle the island of Catan, which involves tough decisions about placing settlements, trading for resources, developing units or towns, and overall strategy. There’s not much confrontation, and players are never eliminated. The first player to reach 10 “victory points” – achieved through a combination of building towns or cities, building the longest road, raising the largest army, or special one-point cards – wins. The game was such a success that there are multiple add-ons, including 5-6 player expansion
, as well as a very good two-person card game
(since the board game requires three players).
What’s missing? I’ve played Axis & Allies and its sister game, Conquest of the Empire, but the gameplay in both games is too complex. I hate Scrabble with a driving passion, since it’s not a game of vocabulary but of obscure two- and three-letter words. I might hate Cranium even more; the idea that that game somehow requires a brain is the biggest case of false advertising since The Neverending Story. I’ve heard great things about Puerto Rico and Carcassonne
, and I see that Agricola
is the hot new German game of the year, but haven’t played any of them (yet).
For another perspective, here are my wife’s top ten, unordered:
- Taboo
- Wise & Otherwise
- Pictionary
- Scattergories
- Settlers of Catan
- Yahtzee!
- Mancala
- Balderdash
- Orient Express
- Dungeon
I’m a big fan of your writing, both baseball and otherwise. Recently I ordered Metro on your recommendation from the favorite games post, and it is great! It’s very easy to play, but requires very complex thinking (and strategery!) and no two games ever unfold the same, so it will stand the test of time. Great call, Klaw!
I was wondering if you ever played either Lost Cities or Blokus? Two recent, but great games.
Catan is good, but I think 75% of the game is won and lost in the initial setup.
I disagree with Marco, I’ve played many games of Settlers over the last year and a half and while the initial setup is very important, I think if you are playing with 3 other experienced players the variation in what you start with are greatly reduced. I did find that the initial setup was the major determining factor in the first 20 or so games that I played in, but since then I’ve shifted to thinking that one’s in game strategy (particularly one’s ability to adapt and change strategies) is probably the determing factor in most games.
Any update on the games you haven’t tried? I’m curious about the ones in your last paragraph…
Jane – I really liked Carcassone and enjoyed San Juan, the card game/2-person version of Puerto Rico. I’ll put up posts on those games over the next few weeks – I’m kind of backlogged on post ideas right now.
I love Carcassone and highly support its inclusion. I also would second the earlier recommendation of Blokus, and particularly like Blokus Trigon (version with triangles instead of squares).
Keith, glad to see you tried Carcassone and San Juan. One big plus to Carcassone is that it can be played by two people. Another is that the game can develop in many, many ways and that a variety of strategies can be used successfully. One also has to adapt as the game develops. (Plus, it had a cameo mention in an episode of Weeds!) I have just played San Juan a couple of times, in groups of 4 or 5, not two. The people who owned it told me they found Puerto Rico far too complicated, but that San Juan captured the best parts of that game. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
Glad you liked Ticket to Ride. I have not tried the European version. I have also enjoyed Empire Builder (and it’s “fantasy” version, The Iron Dragon), but it has a big drawback in that it takes a long, long time to play.
Have not played Metro, but it sounds related to Linie, where you have to complete streetcar routes past various sites while also haveing the chance to foil other people’s plans along those lines. A lot of fun.
Catan is great fun and easy to teach to the non-initiated.
As someone whose ability to draw anything recognizable is roughly equivalent to Dayton Moore’s grasp of the concept of on base percentage, Pictionary usually results in frantic attempts by others to avoid being my partner.
Hey Keith, great post, and I agree that you can’t really beat Catan.
Another great game, though pretty obscure, is a card game called Kuhhandel (Cow trade). It’s almost 0% luck and all about bluffing and bidding strategy. It was an ’85 Spiel des Jahres contestant.
The basic premise involves auctioning off animals and then trading them with face-down money (hence the bluffing). There are 4 of each animal and the winner is determined by who gets “monopolies” of the most valuable animals.
The game only comes in German, but the rules are pretty simple and there are translations on the web. A bit tough to find, but well worth it. Supposedly there’s an English version called You’re Bluffing, but I’ve never actually seen it.
I have been playing Catan for about two years now and agree that it is the best. I just played Agricola for the first time a few months ago and once since then and if I played it more, I might like it more than Catan. It takes far more strategy, is interactive with the other players and is constantly revolving. I highly recommend it but if you play with others who have played before, expect to lose for a couple rounds.