The Mailbag of Malcontent, Vol. 5.

This guy has become a bit of a regular, even though he can’t figure out how to reply to an email (he just sends responses to my ESPN mailbag instead). He first popped up when I ripped the Mets’ side of the Milledge trade, being sort of obnoxious until I pointed out how specious his arguments were, then becoming, well, like this:

Frank D’Elia (REDACTED) 2008-02-02 10:43:00.0
Hey genius, what do you think about the Schneider deal now? You think perhaps a seasoned backstop would be perfect for Johann and a guy like Pelfrey? You are clueless. Perhaps that’s why Toronto let you go. I hear their mailroom is much more efficient. Btw, no need to respond. I won’t read it anyway. You’re a pompous ass.

Wow, he sure told me. Nothing like the false claim that I was let go by Toronto – or that I had a menial job – to boost an argument.

The Mailbag of Malcontent, Vol. 4 (plus chat today).

Chat today at 1 pm.

Two emails today:

(228) keith law sucks! 2008-01-30 12:33:00.0
not my favorite.

I’m crushed, personally.

(232) Ben (Mankato) 2008-01-30 19:52:00.0
Just FYI, the concept of Insider sucks. ESPN needs to stop charging to read articles, stop choking the TV channels with college basketball/football, and start caring about hockey. That along with all the pop-ups on this damn site disgust me enough to leave in favor of,, etc etc. Have a nice life.

I understand why people don’t like Insider – not many sites charge for content, and in the mainstream sports world, I think ESPN is the only one – but I’m not sure why Ben thinks I have any influence whatsoever on any of the things that are pissing him off. I just works here.

The Mailbag of Malcontent, Vol. 3.


(214) keith law’s arch enemy 2008-01-28 14:49:00.0
keith law is biased comments are really annoying. I dont understand how you still have a job, I guess its because ESPN is east coast biased. You have no eye for talent or you have no idea what you’re talking about half of the time.

Best part? I haven’t written anything for the site in ten days, making this critic slow AND stupid!

The Mailbag of Malcontent, part 2.

Received today in the ol’ ESPN mailbag, from a reader who didn’t provide his name or an email address:

just because u have some big degrees and use the words ‘above average” u think u kno so much. if u did u would not be a blog writer. u are the stephen a smith of baseball. someone that nobody in the industry respects and like u said u took this job for face time. u are an arrognat person that b/c of their degree belittles others b/c of ur credentials. u could not cut it in toronto (that should prove ur an idiot) and feel u are an expert. i only read ur blog b/c u discuss some minor leaguers, but u wonder why ur so unpopluar. i will pay u any amount and out analyze u on any position player. u make the most obvious observations-like rob deer strikes out. and by the way any asshole who gets into harvard (much easier in ur day) gets an A…look at the stats

This would not seem to require any further comment by me.

Yep, these are my readers…

A new feature here at the dish: Insulting emails from ESPN readers. Our first entry is high comedy, indeed:

Your a dousche bag if you think the Astros are not a better team than when Wade took over. POOPura ran this team into the ground and is the main reason they team was in the shape it was. Quit writing you suck at it.

Three words in and we’ve got two language errors. And there’s no argument so convincing as referring to another adult as “poop.” There’s also a severe reading comprehension problem here, since I never said that the Astros weren’t better – I’ve said that they’re not contenders, but I’m pretty confident that’s not the same thing.