Stick to baseball, 2/16/25.

My entire offseason prospect rankings package is now up for subscribers to the Athletic, and you can find links to all 33 lists/articles on this index page. If you just want the highlights, here’s the top 100, the farm system rankings, and the two Q&As I did around the package on February 12th and January 28th.

I reviewed the family board game Fairy Ring over at Paste about two weeks ago; it’s really great, easy to learn for kids 8 and up, but with enough mental calculations on each turn that it has enough to keep adults engaged. My review of Harvest will go up this week.

I got back to my free email newsletter in the last few weeks, and hope to get back to posting more regularly on the dish as well now that the mad rush of the prospect rankings is over.

There were way too many articles to link to since my last roundup to include them all, so here’s a quick list of high (or low) lights…

  • The Society for the Study of Evolution issued an open letter to the President and Congress on the current scientific understanding of sex and gender, a small but important gesture against the Republican Party’s relentless war on trans people – which included a threat to pull all federal funding to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children if the group didn’t remove all mention of trans kids from their site. And the cowards complied.
  • The title of this New York Times op ed keeps changing – I have it saved on my phone as “Why Would We Undermine the Marvel of American Science,” now it’s showing up on my laptop as “I Used to Run the N.I.H. Here’s What Worries Me,” and Chrome shows it as “American Science is Under Attack” in my history. Whatever the title, it’s worth a minute. The wholescale assault on American science research will destroy American health and wreck our economy, which depends on innovation since we have long lost our competitive advantages in manufacturing.

Stick to baseball, 7/6/24.

One piece for subscribers to the Athletic this past week, wrapping up some minor league games I went to over the past week, including notes on Orioles, Rangers, Phillies, and Pirates prospects. Oddly enough, there’s nothing worth going to this holiday weekend, even though I’m home and available. I’m working up the top 100 draft prospects instead, and then will write my next mock, both to run in the Tuesday-Thursday window. I’ll also try to work in a Klawchat this week – the holiday messed up my schedule this past week. I also owe you a newsletter, which is somewhere on the to-do list.

And now, the links…

  • While working up my post with my top ten albums of 2024 so far, I was listening again to the new High on Fire record, which didn’t make the cut. That sent me down a rabbit hole that led me to this 2022 NPR piece on HoF’s Matt Pike, and his embrace of some insane conspiracy theories – and the antisemitic wack job David Icke. It’s a fantastic piece of writing.
  • The Guardian’s Marina Hyde turns her wicked wit on the morbid Tories in the wake of their electoral defeat. Few writers are as deft with the language, or as willing to deploy their extensive vocabularies, as Hyde is: “Farage is the horror version of Inside Out, where Mendacity is only just holding off Racism at the control console.”

Stick to baseball, 12/9/23.

Five new pieces for subscribers to the Athletic this week, breaking down the Jarred Kelenic trade, the Alex Verdugo trade, the Juan Soto trade, the Eduardo Rodríguez/Jeimer Candelario/Craig Kimbrel signings, and the Tyler O’Neill trade.

At Paste, I recapped everything I played at this year’s PAX Unplugged board game convention here in Philly. My time there was a little shorter than normal for various reasons, but I still sneaked in a whole bunch of great new games. I also got Apiary to the table here last night.

My free email newsletter has moved over to Substack. If you got an issue from me on Monday, then you’re all set. Mailchimp is sunsetting their free Tinyletter product, so I had to move it to a different site.

And now, the links…

Stick to baseball, 8/28/22.

I jumped right back into the minor league thing this week, and have a new scouting notebook for subscribers to the Athletic, with notes on Anthony Volpe, Ricky Tiedeman, Orelvis Martinez, Everson Pereira, Quinn Priester, Jackson Holliday, and many more players.

Over at Paste, I reviewed the 2021 Kennerspiel des Jahres finalist Lost Ruins of Arnak, a great midweight game that looks like it’s going to be complex but plays simpler than that, combining a lot of common mechanics for a game that’s more than the sum of its parts.

My podcast will return on Monday, and my newsletter will return this week as well.

And now, the links..