Stick to baseball, 3/8/25.

I had two columns this week for subscribers to The Athletic – a ranking of the top 30 prospects for this year’s draft, and a scouting notebook on Oregon State, Auburn, and high school shortstop Kayson Cunningham.

I’m on the run, so let’s get to the links…

  • Musk’s goons disbanded the technology office known as 18F, which existed to develop projects designed to improve government efficiency. Some of the former employees have set up a site to explain and defend their work.
  • The Texas A&M Board of Regents voted to ban all drag shows at the entire campus network, a pretty clear First Amendment violation. FIRE has sued to block the ban.
  • Our genius President referred to Lesotho as a country “nobody has ever heard of,” so the BBC published a story with nine facts about the tiny African country, which is entirely surrounded by South Africa.
  • Phoenix Children’s Hospital – where my daughter received care multiple times in the two-plus years we lived out there – has put a halt to gender-affirming care in obeisance to Trump’s (probably unconstitutional) executive orders. Absolute cowardice.
  • Louisiana’s Department of Health is ending its mass vaccination programs and banning promotion of seasonal vaccines like the one against the flu. That measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico has already killed at least three people with over 200 confirmed cases, by the way.
  • People who voted for Trump are now losing their government jobs. I really find it hard to muster any sympathy for these folks; if they claim they didn’t know what they were voting for, they weren’t paying enough attention before they went to the booth.


  1. Brian in SoCal

    That Lesotho thing– it amazes me that people can be so proud of their own ignorance. It reminds me of when Arcade Fire won the Grammy for Album of the Year and Rosie O’Donnell tweeted out something to effect of “never heard of them,” not realizing that this reflected poorly on her, not on the band.

    • Brian in NoVA

      Keep in mind that in the same speech, he showed that he didn’t know the difference between transgender and transgenic and still hasn’t corrected the mistake. The ignorance is a feature.

    • Brian in SoCal

      “Corrected the mistake”! Ha! Thanks for the laugh– as if Trump would ever acknowledge error. Your point about the ignorance being a feature is well-stated. We live in an upside-down world where the fact that I can name the eastern provinces of Ukraine that are under Russian occupation makes me an elite not to be trusted (because I read the “biased” newspaper), whereas people who can’t name a single one of them and perhaps couldn’t even locate Ukraine on a map, consider themselves the real experts. (I have actually had an interaction along these lines.)

  2. I think you meant “but this”, not “butt his”.

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