Stick to baseball, 11/4/23.

My ranking of the top 50 free agents this offseason went up this week for subscribers to the Athletic, and we’re updating it as options and other news (e.g., Clayton Kershaw’s shoulder surgery) affects the list, since it ran the day after the World Series ended. I’ll be breaking down any major signings where a player changes teams as well as any significant trades this offseason.

After a four-month hiatus, I sent out a new edition of my free email newsletter today, with some scattered thoughts on this World Series as well as a more thorough rundown of things I wrote in October.

And now, the links…


  1. You mention critiques/attacks on the Atlantic article, so I want to expand on that briefly. Specifically, I think what Montefiore does with that piece is really the most insidious and pernicious kind of evil. His rhetoric may not call for the elimination of Palestine or explicitly invoke fascist ideology, but instead launders those ideas (or adjacent ideas) through a fundamentally dishonest appeal to reasonableness, which serves to provide moral/intellectual cover to those who would otherwise oppose the obvious atrocities of Israel’s siege on Gaza. All told, it’s perhaps the magnum opus of the “both-sides” approach to punditry that is in actuality the face of polite fascism.

    To demonstrate this, I want to highlight a couple of his most egregious lies. The first and most revealing is literally the opening two paragraphs. The first graph establishes a two-state solution as the only possible resolution without any supporting argument. The second graph then says that the most basic cry for Palestinian liberation “endorses the killing or deportation of the 9 million Israelis.” Ignoring that this is the functional equivalent of saying that “black lives matter” calls for the elimination of white people, what he’s really doing here is saying that the basic liberal values described by “from the river to the sea,” the very idea of a pluralistic state where all are afforded the same freedoms and rights, is not possible nor desirable. It is implicitly a call to uphold the existing state of things where increasingly few people, Palestinian or Israeli, are afforded such freedoms.

    Later, he says that “None of [Israel’s actions] constitute genocide, or anything like genocide. The Israeli goal in Gaza is to minimize the number of Palestinian civilians killed.” The only support he gives for the first part of this argument is population growth, which ignores that the Genocide Convention specifically defined genocide by concrete actions in order to combat this exact type of weaselly logic (ie. you could use the same logic to claim Srebrenica or even pre-final solution Nazi stuff like Kristallnacht wasn’t genocide). Furthermore, there is ample evidence that Israel is purposefully taking most if not all of those specific actions. And given the utter obviousness of some of these actions (ie. >3000 children killed in less than a month, bombing ambulances, killing journalists), I find it hard to believe that he is denying this is genocide in good faith.

    Finally, his central argument that settler-colonialism is not a proper frame understanding this conflict is just prima facie wrong. Herzl and other early Zionists understood it and described it as such, the people who steal houses and ethnically cleanse West Bank neighborhoods *today* are commonly referred to as settlers, and the Israeli state both explicitly and implicitly treat all land “from the river to the sea” as their own. Ignoring all the more explicit unsavoriness and the outright smears in this article, the ask of the reader to deny the obvious reality in front of them is probably the most fascist thing about Montefiore’s argument.

  2. One minor correction: Bloys’ first name is Casey, not Corey.

  3. I’ve mentioned them before, but I noticed the sewing club just released a new single and I think they’re in your wheelhouse: