Stick to baseball, 6/9/23.

I posted my first Big Board of 2023, ranking the top 100 prospects in this year’s MLB Draft class, over at The Athletic this week. I wanted to do a chat of some sort but my afternoons weren’t clear, unfortunately. Next up will be the ten-year redraft posts I do every year, this time looking back at the very mediocre 2013 class, followed by a fresh mock draft on June 21st. I also had a minor-league scouting post looking at some Yankees and Nationals prospects, including Spencer Jones and James Wood.

On the board game front, I reviewed Heat: Pedal to the Metal, a 2022 racing game that earned just the second perfect grade of 10 I’ve given to any game since I started reviewing for Paste in 2014. Heat’s a blast to play, and if you ever played the bike-racing game La Flamme Rouge from about five years ago, you will know a little bit of the mechanics, as one of Heat’s designers also did that game. Vulture asked me to list the best new games of 2023 so far.

I had Jonathan Mayo on my podcast last week to talk mock drafts, then took this week off to finish the Big Board and take care of some personal stuff. I hope to be back next week. In the meantime, you can listen & subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, amazon, or wherever you get your podcasts.

I sent a fresh version of my free email newsletter out to subscribers on Friday. Why not sign up?

And now, the links…


  1. Brian in NoVA

    Musk’s comparison of Soros to Magneto wasn’t even the most despicable anti-semitic thing he did on Twitter in the past month. Earlier this week, he commented on a Neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist’s tweet implying Biden was involved in the adrenochrome (blood harvesting and drinking which is a longtime conspiracy theory about Jewish people) conspiracy and comparing him to how buff Mel Gibson looked at the moment. The implication was you get to choose between adrenochrome or you can be this rugged anti-semite. Musk commented about how jacked Mel looked without hesitation. I’d suggest anyone that considers themselves to be an ally to the LBGT+ community, BIPOCs, any non-protestant religion, etc, etc to get off Twitter. If Musk wants to turn that place into a racist anti-semitic homophobic hell hole, let him. Just don’t give him the pleasure of having an account unless you’re required to.

    • Look, just because antisemites see an attack on soros through a prism of antisemitism, doesn’t make it an antisemitic attack.

      Jesus its like a parody at this point. Anything other than total agreement with a historically discriminated against group is ww3.

    • Is there a typo in that first sentence, Andrew?

      BTW, I agree with Brian. The Soros shit is blatant antisemitism.

  2. Kelly Miller

    Flavia de Luce!! ??? One of my favorite book series EVER!

  3. Brian in ahwatukee

    The NRA piece touches on an interesting often overlooked issue. With the rise of shootings in schools there was a brief moment where guns very well could have been legislated out of existence (which would have been a net positive by a lot). Instead of allowing that to happen there was a fomenting of hatred and fear and people bought guns and rationalized their need. People will have wild reasons totally unhinged from reality but they will hold onto those beliefs. The gun lobby did a really excellent job creating a market of gun fetishists and keeping their business alive. And we are all the worse for it.

    I know two fathers (I simply don’t know the moms) who have had their kids taken from them by shootings. One in a movie theatre where a son died covering his girlfriend. She lived…he didn’t. Guns…man. They serve zero purpose

  4. Keith, have you heard about the game (currently on Kickstarter) Monsters of Loch Lomond? Knowing how much you enjoy Love Letter, I thought you would be interested in it.