Stick to baseball, 6/18/22.

For subscribers to the Athletic, I updated my Big Board, ranking the top 100 prospects in this year’s draft class. I also held a Q&A on the site to answer questions about it, in which I was accused of “not doing my homework,” of course. Look for a mock draft this upcoming week, most likely Tuesday.

Over at Paste, I reviewed the game Fantastic Factories, a fun engine-builder very similar to the great game Gizmos, but with the added twist of dice-rolling.

I sent out a new edition of my free email newsletter last weekend, talking about going back to the Cape League for the first time in years, only to have a travel fiasco in multiple parts keep me from getting there. Also, my two books, Smart Baseball and The Inside Game, are both available in paperback, and you can buy them at your local independent book store or at

And now, the links…


  1. That Miami cop got told to attend an “anti-theft course”. America, man.

  2. “Could expose law enforcement weaknesses” they mean the personnel right?

  3. I can’t read the Times article, but as someone who regards himself as progressive, I can definitely confirm that people like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Hoyer, Clyburn and probably a bunch of others I can’t think of right now annoy me almost as much as Republicans. They pretend to stand for different principles and positions, but all they do is promote the status quo, because that’s what their corporate masters tell them to do.

    The fact that Pelosi and others were actively campaigning for Cuellar recently was beyond disgusting. He’s not a Democrat. But, dammit all, his opponent was a progressive, and we all know progressives ruin everything, so…

  4. Keith, I haven’t seen much political content on your Twitter feed lately. I used to see it all the time. What gives?

    • Your message got caught in a spam filter, sorry. Anyway, you are mistaken. You just missed the more political content, I guess.

  5. The idea of Herschel Walker in the Georgia House, much less the U.S. Senate, is mind boggling. He makes Tommy Tuberville look like Henry Clay.