Stick to baseball, 6/8/19.

Of course, most of my content this week was around this year’s MLB draft, but my biggest piece is actually free for everyone to read – my oral history of the drafting of Mike Trout, as told by the people who were there. For ESPN+ subscribers, you can read my draft recaps for all 15 AL teams and all 15 NL teams. I also held a Klawchat during day two of the draft and a live Periscope chat on Friday.

I really am trying to take time off this weekend, but I still plan to send out a new email newsletter to subscribers (it’s free, you just have to sign up) by Monday.

And now, the links…


  1. “Populism and protectionism are not sound economic policies.”

    Out of curiosity, which parts of the economic policy that has been implemented is populist?

    • A Salty Scientist

      Other than being opposed to free trade, I don’t see much economic populism. The tax plan and ACA repeal efforts were standard conservative fare. Likewise for the regulatory rollbacks.

    • Opposition to free trade does have a lot of different flavors, though. Threatening, and in some cases following through, with tariffs against allies (Canada, Mexico, EU) and foes (China). Calling out companies for moving operations out of the country and calling for boycotts of those companies (Ford, Harley-Davidson). Personally getting involved in another company moving operations out of the country and in the end not getting much done other than bluster (Carrier). Calling out the Federal Reserve on multiple occasions. There’s an awful lot there.

  2. Throwing a twitter temper tantrum about rising interest rates directed at the chair of the Fed Reserve is sound populist economic policy and if you disagree you hate America.