Stick to baseball, 1/5/19.

Just one ESPN+ piece this week, due to holidays & my work on prospect rankings, this one looking at the Mariners’ signing of NPB star Yusei Kikuchi. I also held a Klawchat this week.

And now, the links…


  1. Minor correction; the Saudis didn’t traffick al-Hathloul, they smuggled her and her husband back into Saudi. Trafficking is forcing a person, through physical or other means of coercion, to take part in an economic (labor trafficking) or sexual activity (sex trafficking) or other form of exploitation. Smuggling is movement. One does not have to be smuggled to be trafficked, nor trafficked to be smuggled; in this case, the Saudis don’t appear to have used them at all for either sex or labor trafficking, but smuggled them back into the country. HSI put out a good trafficking vs. smuggling a few years back

  2. The piece about depression really hit home, especially this line: “There is strong evidence that human beings need to feel their lives are meaningful.”

    Have you read Michael Pollan’s new book? I say this as someone who has nothing at all to do with drugs and is about as far from a “spiritualist” as you can get: It’s an essential read if you’re interested in how the brain works and where the concept of self comes from.