Stick to baseball, 4/15/18.

Two new posts for Insiders this week, both on draft prospects I went to see: one on Ryan Weathers, Ryan Rolison, and Ethan Hankins; another on Kentucky’s Sean Hjelle and Tristan Pompey. All five are likely first rounders, although Hankins, coming back from a shoulder issue, could end up going to Vanderbilt if teams aren’t willing to pony up.

My latest board game review for Paste covers the dice-drafting game Sagrada, which is easy to learn but has very high replay value. Players choose dice from a common set, rolled each round, to fill out their personal boards resembling stained-glass windows. I’ve also been playing a ‘pre-alpha’ release of the Terraforming Mars app on Steam, and it looks fantastic.

Smart Baseball is now out in paperback! Buy a zillion copies for all your Linkedin contacts. You should also sign up for my free not-quite-weekly email newsletter, which has more personal essays and links to everything I’ve written.

And now, the links…


  1. My college history professor wrote this book about that last year of Comiskey along with the machinations behind that new stadium. They couldn’t get their mind around the whole retro thing, so we got vanilla park. Camden Yards came along and everything changed. To be fair, over the years the park has become much more friendly, and even a little more intimate except up top down the lines.

  2. That White Sox article was very interesting, especially since I don’t remember the Armour Square option (I do remember the suburb of Addison and even putting a ballpark in Elmhurst Quarry). While Reisndorf may have wanted a “suburban ballpark”, I also suspect that the residents of the politically connected Bridgeport (just north of the area) may have pushed Reinsdorf to that decision. Several mayors, including the Daley’s, have lived in Bridgeport and probably wanted Armour Square Park as a buffer to Fuller Park further south (Fuller Park is probably the poorest neighborhood in the city). This was especially true 30 years ago when the options were being evaluated.

  3. I write a blog about New England craft beer and I have really noticed the Facebook change. Now Facebook is trying to get me to pay money to advertise to people who already follow the blog. I am glad I put way more effort into building a Twitter following. I am also glad the blog is just a hobby, I feel bad for the small businesses who were really hurt by this change.