TV tonight.

I’ll be on ESPNEWS at 5:35, 6:15, 6:40, 7:05, and 7:50 EDT, as well as sometime in the 8:00 and 10:00 hours. I’ll also be on ESPN from 9-10. All times Eastern.

Jason and I will live-blog at least the first round on the MLB draft blog as well.


  1. I know it’s not over yet, but wanted to congratulate you on a good draft. You really upped the coverage level to an absurd degree, on ESPN, here, and via Twitter. Impressive.

  2. I realize the Cubs had a late first round pick, but Brett Jackson? He makes less contact than a hemophiliac.

  3. Keith,

    Draft Day was great. Could Bud be any more dry when announcing some of the picks? And clearing his throat at the mic made me vomit a little in my mouth. Also Bud’s 19xx, oh wait, 2009 draft gaffe was superb.

  4. I was about to say Keith, looks like you bought stock in pastels for the summer. Lol. Good work.

  5. Keith, I am wondering about your thoughts here, because I know that your in favor of kids getting as much money as they can in the draft (and elsewhere), and I can’t argue with that logic. But is it at all indicative of a high school player’s “mental makeup” when one says “I’m ready to sign, I just want to play ball” and another declares that he wants “precedent setting money”?

  6. Especially at the HS level, I’d imagine bonus demands have far more to do with the agent/advisor and parents than the kid himself. The only time I could see drawing a parallel from demands to mental makeup is if some mediocre college prospect were demanding top 10 money or else he’s walking.

  7. For example, shouldn’t Heathcott leverage the fact that the Yankees won’t get a 2010 comp pick if he doesn’t sign? I can’t see any way that would speak poorly to him as a player/person.

  8. Follow up on Andrew’s comment:

    It’s often interesting what happens when you get these kids out of their agents’ purview.

    On one side you have Matsek talking about how Oregon will let him play both ways in a national interview (Colorado had to be so excited to hear that early leverage play) and on the other you have Shelby Miller despite his alleged pre-draft price tag:

    “Money doesn’t have anything to do with it right now…My future ahead of me is professional baseball. Nothing against A&M. College …I just don’t see in my future right now. Definitely, I’m going to sign a contract with the St. Louis Cardinals.”

    Where was his representation to tackle him?

  9. Fun stuff as always Keith – do you get to sleep Thursday?