My updated top 100 ranking for this year’s draft is up. My first-round projection will be up later tonight is up now as well.
And I’m on mental_floss as a guest quizmaster for the week. After I sent them a suggestion for a “Name X in Y” quiz, they actually asked me to write four more and make a big thing of it. I’m not sure if this represents slumming for me or for them, but the first quiz, on geography is up now: Can you name the ten countries in ASEAN? There will also be quizzes on baseball, books, and music, but I couldn’t come up with a viable one for food (at least not in the “Name X in Y” format), so the fifth one is on politics.
I’ll also be on AllNight tonight with Jason Smith, although we tape it before the show so I don’t know exactly when it’ll air.