So I’m curious whether any of you have read all or part of Anthony Powell’s novel sequence, A Dance to the Music of Time. I just finished the first book, A Question of Upbringing (there are twelve parts in all), and I’m hooked. There’s a lot of F. Scott Fitzgerald in Powell’s writing, especially This Side of Paradise
(not as good as Gatsby or Tender is the Night
, but still brilliant), and I can see some Evelyn Waugh there as well. I actually bought volume two, A Buyer’s Market, at a used bookstore for $2, and then picked up the first part on, but I’ll probably go for the three-volume sets (the only way it’s still published) for the rest of the series. Has anyone else tackled this one?
→ April 20, 2007
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I don’t know how you feel about films of great novels, but Fox Movie Channel is running “The Sun Also Rises” followed immediately by “Tender is the Night” starting at 6pm ET Saturday night. I usually don’t bother with movie adaptations, but I’m more than willing to watch Ava Gardner as Lady Brett Ashley.
I love to watch films of great novels, as long as I’ve read the novels first. I’ll be on the road for those movies but I’ll keep an eye out for them. I’m not big on Hemingway, but Tender is the Night is my favorite novel by an American writer.
Well I’ve not read any of Powell’s works, but F. Scott Fitzgerald is my favorite American writer. I do like Gatsby and Tender is the Night, but I am actually more partial to the tale of Amory Blaine than either of the later novels. I don’t know why, maybe because I identify with him. But I do concede it is not as well written as Tender is the Night.