Saturday five, 10/24/15.

I had one Insider post this past week, covering Arizona Fall League prospects, and will have another one up this weekend now that my trip to the Valley is done. I also held my regular Klawchat on Thursday.

I’m taking vacation this upcoming week, so I’ll be off social media for a bit and won’t have any Insider posts after the second AFL dispatch goes up. I may still chat Thursday, however, now that those are mine and a bit more loose and fun.

And now, the links…


  1. I call shenanigans on that article in the Guardian. The underlying point may be essentially correct, but something is wrong with how they collected their data. Are we REALLY to believe that the average American thinks that unemployment in the country is 32%? So, for every one who got it right, there was one who guessed 60%? Or three who guessed 40%?

    • Agreed. I really question how they gathered their answers. People thought the teen pregnancy rate was 24%? What on earth? I don’t think 24% of the females I know my age have children, and I’m 27.

  2. Used to play a lot of Kill Dr. Lucky. Fun game.