Picking on Bill.

I’m an avowed Bill Simmons fan, but I have to point this one out:

Reason No. 12,349 why I love the NBA: In honor of Friday night’s historic Yi-Yao matchup, I successfully convinced the Sports Gal to order Chinese food and watched the first quarter while eating General Tso’s Chicken.

Um, Bill, General Tso’s Chicken is about as Chinese as I am. Maybe less so. (Sugar has always been expensive in China since the country had to import it, so it’s very unlikely that they would have used it in a savory dish like this one. The leading theory is that the dish we know was invented in the US in the 1970s.) Next time, try the twice-cooked pork belly if you want to get your zhen zhongguo fan on.


  1. You know, I am a stickler for a lot of things (and a prescriptivist), but I’m not sure this post is really framed in a fair way.

    What, exactly, would you have him say? “I successfully convinced the Sports Gal to order Faux Chinese food” or “order Americanized Chinese food” or something similar? Authentic or not, most of the chinese take-out places you’ll find carry General Tso’s on the menu… I’m not sure his sentence is missing a modifier.

  2. I’m having dinner tonight in Chinatown with some of the chosen people. Merry Christmas, Mister Law.

    How did I never find this great blog before??